Simple online ad publishing protocol built on Bitcoin OP_RETURN
Design goals:
- Simple protocol for displaying, publishing, and approving ads.
- Create a micro-funding ad campaign.
- Built-in affiliate commissions via sharing the url.
- No centralized database, all actions are on-chain.
- Publish ads and reach your audience
- Create a micro-funding campaign for a fundraiser, charity, etc
- Earn money with your website by showing ads
- Earn money sharing urls if someone donates or buys an ad
Ad Units can be in 2 states at any instant:
A display ad is shown if someone has purchased the Ad spot in the current block height.
A placeholder ad (ex: "Advertise here!") is shown when there are no active purchases for the current block height.
An ad is 'Filled' if there exists an 'Approved Ad Campaign' OP_RETURN for the current block (ie: 'From Block Height' <= latest block <= 'To Block Height') and it's validated (TODO: elaborate on affiliate & TonicPow payment validation).
Would-be publisher creates this OP_RETURN to advertise on an ad unit.
** Display Ad**
[ Content Bytes ]
[ Content Type ]
[ Encoding ]
[ File name ]
[ Site Bitcoin Address ]
[ Ad Unit ID ]
[ Affiliate Address ]
[ Number of Blocks ]
[ Call to action URL ]
[ Ad width ] (optional)
[ Ad height ] (optional)
[ Campaign name ] (optional)
Crowd Fund Ad
[ Content Bytes ]
[ Content Type ]
[ Encoding ]
[ File name ]
[ Site bitcoin Address ]
[ Ad Unit ID ]
[ Affiliate Bitcoin Address ]
[ Number of Blocks ]
[ Call to action Text ]
[ Currency to show for Money Button ]
[ Ad width ] (optional)
[ Ad height ] (optional)
[ Campaign name ] (optional)
An affiliate public key is optional and is set if ?affiliate=pub-key
is on the parent url of the advertisement page.
The TonicPow pub-key is derived from the embed script and can change at anytime.
For the hackathon we will simplify and have the user manually approve and not have any OP_RETURN to signal cost of blocks (ie: just encode the 'cost per block' in the JS embed itself). In the future we can make this either dynamic or query a "Block Cost Menu" OPRETURN to indicate the cost.
The owner of the website signs an OP_RETURN for the approved campaign. The JS snippet queries only these in determining what ad to show.
[ Txid of Request Campaign ]
[ Ad Unit ID ]
[ Txid of B file to Ad Creative ]
[ Number of Blocks ]
[ Txid of Affiliate Payment ]
[ Txid of TonicPow Payment ]
[ Website Public Key ]
[ Signature of all fields with the Website Private Key ]
Note 1: There must be an output that pays to Public Key at least 100,000 sats (spam prevention measure). We can make this as a % of the Request Campaign Txid output in future. The TX to TonicPow must be referenced and checked.
Note 2: There must be an output that pays 5% of the purchase amount to the Affiliate Public Key if the Txid of Affiliate Payment is provided. It should match the public key from the previous Request Campaign TX.
- Txid of Request Campaign: Txid of the original request.
- Ad Unit ID: Arbitrary unique ID to distinguish multiple Ad Units on a site in future
- Txid of B file to Ad Unit: b:// file reference to JSON of the form:
type: 'display', // 'display' or 'funding'
image: 'b://...', // B:// image link
text: '...', // Text message. Applicable to 'funding' type
amount: 1.00, // Suggested funding amount. Applicable to 'funding' type
url: '...' // Call-to-action URL. Applicable to 'display' type
- Number of Blocks: Show for this many blocks
- Txid of Affiliate Payment: this is a TX that goes to the Affiliate Pubkey for 5% of the campaign amount
- Txid of TonicPow Payment: this is a TX that goes to the TonicPow Pubkey at least 100,000 sats
//TODO: this needs to be flushed out // allows remote configuration of the embed (rate, default ad, other settings)
//TODO: this needs to be flushed out // returned amount of non-shown blocks // signed with AIP