monitor = 0
follow = mouse
width = 300
origin = bottom-left
offset = 50x50
scale = 0
notification_limit = 4
The progress bar is used for my custom OSD.
progress_bar = true
progress_bar_height = 8
progress_bar_frame_width = 1
progress_bar_min_width = 150
progress_bar_max_width = 300
indicate_hidden = yes
transparency = 0
separator_height = 3
padding = 8
horizontal_padding = 8
text_icon_padding = 0
frame_width = 3
sort = yes
idle_threshold = 60
font = Ubuntu 9
line_height = 0
markup = full
format = "<b><i>%s</i></b>\n%b"
alignment = left
vertical_alignment = center
show_age_threshold = 60
ellipsize = middle
ignore_newline = no
stack_duplicates = true
hide_duplicate_count = false
show_indicators = yes
icon_position = left
min_icon_size = 0
max_icon_size = 32
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16/devices/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/16x16/categories/
sticky_history = no
history_length = 20
browser = /usr/bin/firefox
always_run_script = true
title = Dunst
class = Dunst
corner_radius = 0
ignore_dbusclose = false
force_xwayland = false
force_xinerama = false
mouse_left_click = do_action, close_current
mouse_middle_click = open_url
mouse_right_click = close_all
separator_color= frame
highlight = "#<<base(i="02")>>"
frame_color = "#<<base(i="09")>>"
My OSD sets the appnames for the notifications according to these. I want these to be extempt from the history, to not pollute it.
history_ignore = yes
history_ignore = yes
per_monitor_dpi = false
background = "#<<base(i="00")>>"
foreground = "#<<base(i="05")>>"
frame_color = "#<<base(i="0B")>>"
background = "#<<base(i="00")>>"
foreground = "#<<base(i="05")>>"
frame_color = "#<<base(i="09")>>"
background = "#<<base(i="00")>>"
foreground = "#<<base(i="05")>>"
frame_color = "#<<base(i="08")>>"