diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c166270e..70284ba2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ The best documentation will always be the plugin source code.
> 9.2 [`ScriptStructCache` errors](#troubleshooting-scriptstructcache)
> 9.3 [Animation Montages are not replicating to clients](#troubleshooting-replicatinganimmontages)
> 9.4 [Duplicating Blueprint Actors is setting AttributeSets to nullptr](#troubleshooting-duplicatingblueprintactors)
+> 9.4.1 [Not creating `AttributeSet` in the constructor](#troubleshooting-duplicatingblueprintactors-no-constructor)
+> 9.4.2 [Making `AttributeSet` `Transient`](#troubleshooting-duplicatingblueprintactors-transient)
> 9.5 [unresolved external symbol UEPushModelPrivate::MarkPropertyDirty(int,int)](#troubleshooting-unresolvedexternalsymbolmarkpropertydirty)
> 9.6 [Enum names are now represented by path name](#troubleshooting-enumnamesarenowpathnames)
> 1. [Common GAS Acronyms](#acronyms)
@@ -3126,7 +3128,11 @@ Make sure that you're using the `PlayMontageAndWait` Blueprint node instead of `
### 9.4 Duplicating Blueprint Actors is setting AttributeSets to nullptr
-There is a [bug in Unreal Engine](https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-81109) that will set `AttributeSet` pointers on your classes to nullptr for Blueprint Actor classes that are duplicated from existing Blueprint Actor classes. There are a few workarounds for this. I've had success not creating bespoke `AttributeSet` pointers on my classes (no pointer in the .h, not calling `CreateDefaultSubobject` in the constructor) and instead just directly adding `AttributeSets` to the `ASC` in `PostInitializeComponents()` (not shown in the Sample Project). The replicated `AttributeSets` will still live in the `ASC's` `SpawnedAttributes` array. It would look something like this:
+There is a [bug in Unreal Engine](https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-81109) that will set `AttributeSet` pointers on your classes to nullptr for Blueprint Actor classes that are duplicated from existing Blueprint Actor classes. There are a few workarounds for this:
+#### 9.4.1 Not creating `AttributeSet` in the constructor
+I've had success not creating bespoke `AttributeSet` pointers on my classes (no pointer in the .h, not calling `CreateDefaultSubobject` in the constructor) and instead just directly adding `AttributeSets` to the `ASC` in `PostInitializeComponents()` (not shown in the Sample Project). The replicated `AttributeSets` will still live in the `ASC's` `SpawnedAttributes` array. It would look something like this:
void AGDPlayerState::PostInitializeComponents()
@@ -3177,6 +3183,18 @@ if (AbilitySystemComponent)
As a reminder, the `ASC` only ever expects at most one `AttributeSet` object per `AttributeSet` class.
+#### 9.4.2 Making `AttributeSet` `Transient`
+The other workaround for this issue, which seems to work, is to set the `AttributeSet` object to be `Transient`:
+class UGDAttributeSetBase* AttributeSetBase;
+Thanks to that, even when the `AttributeSet` is created in the constructor it won't be serialized and copied when duplicating Blueprint Actor.
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