I have multiple long path names that I want to open files in. Have some kind of menu where one selects the start location. Have it use something like getche in C. In other words you do not have to press enter.
Once you know where you should start.
Perhaps not change the default folder in Emacs.
(icomplete-mode 1)
(icomplete-vertical-mode 1)
(fido-mode 1) (fido-vertical-mode 1)
(let ((choices ‘(“First” “Second” “Third” “Three”))) (completing-read “Choose: ” choices))
Here is the solution to this problem.
(defvar bookmarks-directory “~/code/python/personal-website/website/templates/website/bookmarks”)
(let ((default-directory bookmarks-directory)) (call-interactively #’find-file))
You can execute python using the following command to start pyls.
python -m pyls
This is the root of the virtualenv. python-shell-virtualenv-root
python-shell-calculate-exec-path python-shell-calculate-process-environment python-shell-process-environment
Eslint for .js and .jsx files.
Find a way to jumping to a definition.
One person recommends using the following setup. global + gtags + pygments
Another package that I have seen recommended is dumbjump. https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump
Or just use plain etags and Emacs tags for this.
Learn how to use iedit.
Code folding using origami. https://github.com/gregsexton/origami.el
There are three things that we could do.
- run-python
- Switch to python shell
- Send buffer to python shell
C-c C-p C-c C-c C-c C-z
Using python mode better.
Figure out how people refactor code in Emacs.
How do I make larger scale changes to a code base? Do people usually run programs that modify the buffer?
How do people deal with modifying all files in a project.
Figure out how to use Ediff
Figure out how to use Edebug
Figure out the emerge tool.
This is a simpler way of merging files.
It seems that smerge-mode comes builtin with Emacs.
And it seems to be really good.
Literate programming in Emacs with tangle.
Tramp seems to hang alot on macOS. Figure out why this is happening.
I have seen some people commenting on that this might be due to the exec-path-from-shell package.
Emmet mode for editing web pages.
Figure out how to use web mode better.
http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_text_processing_lang.html http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_batch_html_tag_transform_bold.html http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_fix_dead_links.html http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_text-soup_automation.html http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_process_html.html
Learn the keybindings for markdown mode. https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/
Make better use of occur mode and multi occur mode.
The multi-occur-in-this-mode function looks interesting.
C-x C-o (delete-blank-lines), delete-trailing-whitespace, tabify and untabify, indent-region, and so on.
Learn to use Dired.
The following quote is from the Effective Emacs article.
Effortless navigation: re-bind a few keys so that you can move the cursor in any direction, by chars or words, by holding down Alt and just pressing various letter keys.
browsing and editing archives: tar, gzip, zip, jar, etc. Most people have no idea this feature exists, and it’s nothing short of amazing.