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Nicholas Serra edited this page Dec 22, 2013 · 36 revisions

Extras provided by

By default's processing attempts to produce output exactly as defined by -- the "Markdown core." However, a few optional extras are also provided.

Implemented Extras

  • code-friendly: Disable _ and __ for em and strong.
  • code-color: (DEPRECATED Use fenced-code-blocks extra instead.) Pygments-based syntax coloring of <code> sections.
  • cuddled-lists: Allow lists to be cuddled to the preceding paragraph.
  • fenced-code-blocks: Allows a code block to not have to be indented by fencing it with '```' on a line before and after. Based on with support for syntax highlighting.
  • footnotes: support footnotes as in use on and implemented in other Markdown processors (tho not in v1.0.1).
  • header-ids: Adds "id" attributes to headers. The id value is a slug of the header text. (TODO: wiki page for this)
  • html-classes: Takes a dict mapping html tag names (lowercase) to a string to use for a "class" tag attribute. Currently only supports "pre", "code", and "img" tags. Add an issue if you require this for other tags.
  • link-patterns: Auto-link given regex patterns in text (e.g. bug number references, revision number references).
  • markdown-in-html: Allow the use of markdown="1" in a block HTML tag to have markdown processing be done on its contents. Similar to but with some limitations.
  • metadata: Extract metadata from a leading '---'-fenced block.
  • nofollow: Add rel="nofollow" to add <a> tags with an href. See
  • pyshell: Treats unindented Python interactive shell sessions as <code> blocks. (TODO: wiki page for this)
  • smarty-pants: Fancy quote, em-dash and ellipsis handling similar to See old issue 42 for discussion. (TODO: wiki page for this)
  • toc: The returned HTML string gets a new "toc_html" attribute which is a Table of Contents for the document. (experimental)
  • wiki-tables: Google Code Wiki table syntax support.
  • xml: Passes one-liner processing instructions and namespaced XML tags. (TODO: wiki page for this)

How to turn on extras

Extras are all off by default and turned on as follows on the command line:

python --extras name1,name2 ...

and via the module interface:

>>> import markdown2
>>> html = markdown2.markdown_path(path, ..., extras=["name1", "name2"])
>>> html = markdown2.markdown("some markdown", ..., extras=["name1", "name2"])

>>> markdowner = Markdown(..., extras=["name1", "name2"])
>>> markdowner.convert("*boo!*")

(New in v1.0.1.2) You can also now specify extras via the "markdown-extras" emacs-style local variable in the markdown text:

<!-- markdown-extras: code-friendly, footnotes -->
This markdown text will be converted with the "code-friendly" and "footnotes"
extras enabled.


This markdown text will be converted with the "code-friendly" and "footnotes"
extras enabled.

  Local Variables:
  markdown-extras: code-friendly, footnotes
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