If you find something that you believe to be a bug, please
- search the issue tracker for similar issues
- check out the master branch and see if the bug still exists there.
- Specify the revision number of the tween.js library where the bug occurred
- Specify your browser version and operating system (i.e. Chrome 23.0.1271.95, Windows 7)
- Describe the problem in detail. What happened? What did you expect to happen?
- Provide a small test case (e.g. using jsfiddle). Or if not possible, provide a link to a live version of your application.
- Get a GitHub account (if you don't have one yet).
- Fork the project in GitHub.
- Check the contribution guidelines.
- Make changes to your clone of the repository
- Submit a pull request.
If you tried all of the above and still can't fix the bug, or you're not sure you're doing things right, let us know.