- fixes type declaration for inherited method init() of AbstractAuthenticationService at Authentication.php
- changes database queries to ConnectionPool query builder language at VufindSessionSerivce.php
- fixes misleading getFirst() query statement in fetchColumn() at findUserByPidAndUid() VufindUserRepository
- fixes key for getting storagePid at Authentication.php
- removes some no longer used typo3 v8 artefacts
- fixes deprecated @inject annotation cmp. 82869
- removes support for typo3 v8
- refactoring of cleanup users task to new Symfony Console Commands
- changes namespace for AbstractAuthenticationService to \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication
- removes $GLOBAL['TYPO3_DB'] from Authentication.php 80929
- replaced by methods at VufindUserRepository
- fixes initializing extension configuration by new class \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\ExtensionConfiguration
- Fixes bug at SQL update typo3 method at VufindSessionService.php
- Removes support for typo3 v7 and adds support for typo3 v9
- Implements Doctrine DBAL statements for Typo3 task VuFindAuth Cleanup cleanupFrontendUser
- Adds VuFindAuth Cleanup cleanupFrontendUser task to remove records from fe_users table of an indicated amount of days.
- Removes writing of first_name, last_name, name and email at fe_users table of typo3 from VuFind session.
- Adds trim() to database parameters at initalizing object due to restricted possibilities to manipulate ext_conf_template.txt
- Fixes outdated array typology
- Removes Typo3 v6.2 support due to failed support of composer dependency manager
- Adjusts README.md to current VuFind changes
- Introducing some PSR2 coding standards