Fleet Manager is an fleet managment system which allows the following activities
- Register as user
- Login to the application
- Update the user profile
- Create, Read, Delete and Update a Bus(Vehicle Information)
- Create, Read and Update a Garage entry
- Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request Type
- Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request on a given bus
User Roles:
Administrator has the complete access to the system. He has the ability to perform the following actions - Create a user - Update the user profile - Lock a user out of the system - Create, Read, Delete and Update a Bus(Vehicle Information) - Create, Read and Update a Garage entry - Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request Type (Master Data) - Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request on a given bus
Employee has a limited access in making changes to the master data in the system. He has the ability to perform the following actions - Create a user - Update the user profile - Create, Read, Delete and Update a Bus(Vehicle Information) - Create, Read and Update a Garage entry - Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request on a given bus
Technican only has access to the maintenance requests generated in the system. He has the ability to perform the following actions - Create, Read and Update a Maintenance Request on a given bus
- Bus can be assigned to a garage
- Bus can be checked out of a garage
- A bus can only be checked out of the garage if it doesn't have any pending/In progress maintenance requests
- Maintenance request can be raised on a bus
- Maintenance request status will be "Waiting for Technican" upon creation and the bus's current status will be updated to "Scheduled for maintenance"
- Maintenance Request status can be updated
- If maintenance request status is updated "In Progress" by a user, the corresponding bus's current status will be updated to "Undergoing repairs"
- If maintenance request status is updated "Complete" by a user and there are no other pending requests, the corresponding bus's current status will be updated to "Ready for Use"
- Maintenance Request Type status can be updated
- Only active maintenance request types will be displayed while creating a maintenance request
Technical Aspects:
- Back end: C#, ASP.Net Core 5.0 MVC
- ORM Framework: EF Core
- JS Libraries: JQuery, Datatables
- CSS: Bootstrap, Datatables
- Database: SQL Server
- Code first approach for building the database using EF Core
Future enhancements/updates:
- Assigning Technician to a garage
- Show maintenance requests only related to technician
- Allow multiple closest garages assignment to a garage
- Only allow Admin to delete bus records
- Create a Maintenance header entity to envolope all the maintenance requests done at a time
- Making data tables responsive in the admin section
- A garage is only allowed to have one close garage
Database creation/migration:
For running the database migration locally, please follow the below steps
- Update the connection string in FleetManagementSystem => appsettings.json with the appropriate details of your server
- Run the project
- You should now be able to see the database in the SQL Server
Note: Please do not delelte any content from the FleetManagementSystem.DataAccess.Migration folder
Q1: ER diagrams are attached in repository
Q2: Function to implement GetResaleValue
- FleetManagementSystem => Areas => User => Controllers => BusController.cs => GetResaleValue(int? id) function
Q3: GridView implementation:
- FleetManagementSystem => Areas => User => Controllers => BusController.cs
- FleetManagementSystem => wwwroot => js => busDetailsModal.js
- FleetManagementSystem => Areas => User => Views => Bus => __BusModalPartial.cshtml