Target the remaining crossing mentions in PDT.
Target the remaining crossing mentions in PDT.
Restructuring A2A::RemoveUnusedEmptyNodes.
Restructuring A2A::RemoveUnusedEmptyNodes.
This was too strong. Do not remove pronouns.
This was too strong. Do not remove pronouns.
Overcome odd annotation of duplicated "Korejský poloostrov" in mf9307…
Overcome odd annotation of duplicated "Korejský poloostrov" in mf9307…
The new CorefUD conversion does not use Treex::Tool::Coreference::Clu…
The new CorefUD conversion does not use Treex::Tool::Coreference::Clu…
Better adaptation of A2A::RemoveUnusedEmptyNodes to the new implement…
Better adaptation of A2A::RemoveUnusedEmptyNodes to the new implement…
Do not set Polarity=Neg for abstract nodes corresponding to the parti…
Do not set Polarity=Neg for abstract nodes corresponding to the parti…
Two mentions cannot have the same a-head.
Two mentions cannot have the same a-head.
Implemented the as_string() methods.
Implemented the as_string() methods.
Bridging source and target mentions.
Bridging source and target mentions.