Releases: uiwjs/react-native-uiw
Releases · uiwjs/react-native-uiw
- 📖 doc: Update 52a6298 @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: Update document example & Remove redundant code. (#222) bbad461 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(Rating): Rating 评分组件 使用繁琐(#244) (#231) 0890b76 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(Slider): 滑块输入条 thumbSize属性没有效果, 滑块输入条 thumbSize 设置很大时然后使用 shownThumb=false 输入条拉不满 (#234 # 233) (#236) 4c90030 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(Slider): Slider 滑块输入条 vertical={true} 会出现一直 render (#237) (#238) 3da332b @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3 #197 b3b53dc @jaywcjlove
- 📖 doc: Update 5ba48a1 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.3.3 (#220) 42975fc
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency tsbb to v3.3.3 e33874b @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-router-dom to v5.3.0 (#219) 3827100
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @types/react-native to v0.65.1 (#240) b7904be
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-native-template to v2.1.4 (#242) 907072f
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v2 (#218) c6e2fa0
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-attr to v2.0.3 (#241) 01129dd
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v2.4.1 (#217) fb9d449
- 📖 doc(Icon): 展示图标。(#244) #245 93981e9 @jaywcjlove
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v2.1.2 (#243) 523abcf
- 💄 chore: update husky config. d7eb70d @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .prettierignore b23cfa8 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: format code. c2fb292 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml c9c8f91 @jaywcjlove
- 💄 chore: update .github/workflows/ci.yml 40b7086 @jaywcjlove
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @types/react-native to v0.65.0 (#208) 251f51e
- 🌟 feat(SearchInputBar): Add new component. (#210) 6d2f960 @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(Pagination): Add new component. (#211) c8e764a @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix(Tooltip): 修复cloud弹出元素位置问题 (#212) 2cc2c22 @cuilanxin
- 🐞 fix: format code. (#213) da0c2e8 @Amber-Nan
- 🌟 feat(CheckBox): Add size props size & 调整及文档描述效果展示 (#214) 60876c2 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-attr to v2.0.2 (#202) 3cc12cd
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency react-router-dom to v5.3.0 (#203) 7b2f8d6
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.3.2 (#215) 5a58068
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.4.3 (#216) 4a06b96
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency react-redux to v7.2.5 (#116) 61e3016
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-code-preview to v1.12.4 (#189) bb5135c
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 📖 doc: Update 4c94bc8
- 📄 (fix):Update Card & Card docs 96c582b @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:pull master db8f245 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 (fix):SearchBar Add Delete Function b3ff07c @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency rehype-attr to v2 (#201) d3f569e
- 🌟 feat(ActionSheet): Add new component. (#205) 38fae82 @cuilanxin
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌟 feat: SpeedDial 悬浮标记, 优化类型 (#177) 89b35f8 @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(Swiper): Add new component. (#180) 1262d65 @zuojiahui
- 🌟 feat(Stepper): Add Stepper component. (#179) e3d8b78 @hy916
- 🌍 website: update team page. 7faac73
- 📖 docs:添加文档 73104c5 @yaochuxia
- 📄 merge 418ebb6 @yaochuxia
- 📄 (QuickList&Card):Update README Props 3edeb93 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat: Add Progress component. (#182) 37f55f0 @huqiaoli
- 📄 webiste: Update team pages. 11983fb
- 🌍 website: update footer. 398aced
- 📖 doc(Modal): Update document. 21e3d3d
- 📖 doc(Badge): Update document. 2814be7
- 📖 doc(Avatar): Update document. 3065ff7
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-markdown-preview to v3.2.0 89f0371
- 📖 doc(Flex): update document. 28f1453
- 📖 doc(Empty/Flex/Grid): update document. 0c14bdf
- 🐞 fix:utils add colorsPalette&Update Table and Card 4dcd2fb @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:pull master 8e2776f @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat(Swiper): 添加轮播滑动,点击事件,添加组件文档 (#185) d518f6b @zuojiahui
- 🌟 feat(Tooltip): Add new component. (#186) 5ba1349 @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat: Add Tile & TransitionImage component. (#187) 9876540 @matuancc
- 📄 style-修改轮播图实例宽带 88b3806 @yaochuxia
- 📄 style-修改轮播图实例宽度 af178c2 @yaochuxia
- 📖 doc: Update f5184f4
- 📄 Update f2b9c3b
- 🐞 fix: add @react-native-picker/picker fix: #178 (#193) ce0c633 @yaob421123
- 📄 example(Button): 增加 button自定义文本实例 (#194) 95f808f @Amber-Nan
- 📄 (feat):Add CardCollapse 785cc3b @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 (fix):Update CardCollapse a531d15 @ChenlingasMx
- 📄 (docs):Update Card & CardCollapse 29575fe @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix:Update Card&Progress&Avatar&Tooltip Demo e42ace9 @ChenlingasMx
- 🌟 feat:Update Swipper点击圆点跳转对应图片 afcec19 @ChenlingasMx
- 💄 chore(deps): update dependency. 4f05720
- 💄 chore: update prettier code. e5bc1d7
- 💄 chore: add .husky config. f20e629
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency husky to v7.0.2 1b34c95
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 52862b7
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency typescript to v4.4.2 cb98373
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌟 feat(Table): Add scroll props & Update example & Update menu to website & Update (QuickList) example (#176) ad8d3a4 @ChenlingasMx
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌟 feat:添加通告栏组件 febc78f @yaochuxia
- 🌟 feat:添加通告栏组件实例 603aae4 @yaochuxia
- 🌟 feat(Card): Add selected props & Update example & Update menu to webiste (#175) a3282b8 @ChenlingasMx
- 🐞 fix(Toast): 修复 Toast 在 demo 上不能正常显示 fix #143 (#169) 331a0f1 @yaob421123
- 💄 chore: 优化 Icon 示例页面排版 (#170) 7dddeaa @dibenny
- 🎨 style:修改icon组件样式 8ae7f54 @yaochuxia
- 🌍 website: update team page. 16bc2eb
- 📖 docs:修改组件,添加文档 67430ea @yaochuxia
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌍 website(menu): Update menu styles. 25cecf1
- 🌍 website(doc): 安卓商店上架更新 (#163) 252c454 @Amber-Nan
- 🐞 fix: 修复 RN 示例 报错 #162 (#165) e8ed97c @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat: 添加 Card 组件 & 更新 QuickList官网文档 & 删除TableDemo多余代码 (#167) 2db9c6a @ChenlingasMx
npm i @uiw/[email protected]
- 🌟 feat: 添加 Tabs 组件及文档 (#161) 88e7bbf @cuilanxin
- 🌟 feat(Tabs): Tabs extends ViewProps. #161 e0bd6a4
- 🌟 feat: 修复 Tabs example 报错 & react-native-svg 依赖报错 & 添加 QuickList 组件 (#162) 619ac30 @ChenlingasMx
Website Document Update
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. fe25f85
- 🌍 website: update deveplopment document. 871f3d0
- 🌍 website: add awesome-react-native document. 6293f3a
- 🌍 website: Update document title. 3240c4f
- 🌍 website: markdown support svg image load. 7636959
- 🌍 website: update awesome react-native. a327224
- 🌍 website: update awesome react-native. a190c9b
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/reset.css to v1.0.5 605a7ee
- 📖 doc: Update react native documentation (#153) 091ef79 @hy916
- 📖 doc: Update awesome-react-native document. (#154) 759a01b @hy916
- 🌍 website: update menu style. 6fdb174
- 📄 webiste: Add react-native-template document. 1c98af6
- 🐞 fix(deps): update dependency @uiw/react-native-template to v2.0.1 b8d9801
- 📖 doc(environment-setup): Update Android Document. d5974c1
- 💄 chore: update workflow config. 2df690e
- 💄 chore: add workflow build ios app. 6ad2b0e
- 🌍 website(team): Update page. 09799ab
- 💄 chore: update workflows build ios config. f720913
- 💄 chore: update workflows build ios config. 7cd30d9
- 💄 chore: update workflows build ios config. #156 ea57d4c
- 🌍 website: markdown support snack preview button. 189b4cf
- 💄 chore: update workflows build ios config. #156 b6cd0d4
- 🌍 website: update environment-setup/android document. 3cc9931
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 78384f9
- 📖 doc(website): Update environment-setup/android-windows 82fc178
- 🌍 website(deps): Update dependency rehype-attr to v1.4.2 a394bc4
- 💄 chore: update workflows config. 781b18f
- 🌍 website: update header styles. 5516203
- 🎨 style(website) 修改组件实例首页样式 65e713a @yaochuxia
- 📖 doc: 更新ios及安卓应用商店发布 (#159) fee1837 @Amber-Nan
- 🌍 website(doc): 更新ios及安卓应用商店发布 #159 f37d7fb
- 🌍 website(style): Update menu style. f87e12e