All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- unity-cs :
- unity-cs-infra :
- unity-cs-security :
- unity-cs-manager :
- unity-management-console :
- unity-marketplace :
- U-DS Data Bucket in marketplace unity-sds/unity-project-management#144
- Create JupyterHub unity-marketplace metadata.json unity-sds/unity-ads#1
- Create s3 gateways in the Proj/Venue VPC to provide non-NAT access to AWS S3 resources. unity-sds/unity-project-management#209
- Airflow integration into Unity Marketplace unity-sds/unity-project-management#210
- Implement shared services to dev proxy for SPS airflow endpoints #429
- Integrate MC HealthCheck API with Venue API Gateway #459
- Improve MC UI branch field #473
- Always show what the injected variables are in the MC #474
- MMGIS integration into Unity Marketplace unity-sds/unity-project-management#211
- [Feature] Put navbar UI into the Marketplace unity-sds/unity-sds-portal#9
- Deploy navbar/health-dashboard/mgmt-console as a base bootstrap-deploy #483
- Remove project and venue variables from the u-ds marketplace json #486
- Demo the deployment of U-DS bucket via MC in a Unity Team meeting #487
- JupyterHub Integration into Unity Marketplace: Understand and Test Manual deployment as-is #489
- Create s3 gateways in the Proj/Venue VPC to provide non-NAT access to AWS S3 resources #492
- Move towards HTTP requests instead of WS API calls in Uninstall & Install actions #494
- Research how to properly recreated the Unity-CS_Service_Role Without Disrupting stuff #498
- Improve Behavior on Uninstall Apps #502
- Make Uninstalled Tiles Dismissable #503
- [Bug]: API Gateway deployments are not setting the Cognito configs in unity-apigateway-unity-cs-common-lambda-authorizer #500
- Fix Issue with lifecycle rule deleting terraform state file in s3 bucket #509
- Fix the NLB security group to allow access from VPC Link / API Gateway in venue #510
- Provide ability for U-ADS to use HTTPD with Jupyterhub unity-sds/unity-project-management#170
- Get navbar into the Marketplace (needs httpd) unity-sds/unity-ui#30
- Unity-Prod Shared Services common auth: Cognito Groups, Users (CS) #313
- Rework SPS Marketplace installation to use EKS/httpd #351
- Create Backend API method and API GW route to Serve Landing pages of Deployed services in a proj/venue #382
- Populate the Shared Services DAPA Client ID SSM param in a Venue Deployment #386
- Populate the Shared Services DAPA API URL in a Venue Deployment #387
- Add common SSM param to venue for the AWS region #407
- Make API Gateway name dynamic, not hardcoded to SampleProject #408
- Rework Dev Proxy Topology & Configuration #416
- SSM configuration modification for MC deployments #417
- Enable versioning on shared venue buckets #418
- Landing URL, Service Name & Final Testing of Monitoring Feature #423
- Make deletion/creation of S3 bucket a flag for MC bootstrap #424
- Look into Namespacing ECS cluster tasks with venue & project #425
- Remove Unecessary ports in internal ALB #426
- Add IAM role create service linked role command to venue role script #427
- Initiators: Research and prototype CMR trigger options (POLLING) #437
- Initiators: High-level logging & Traceability of initiators/triggers events #439
- Management console log groups should be unique to project and venue and Log Retention Time should be set to 30 days #441
- Update Venue httpd config to support management rewrite rule #442
- Move the cloudformation cfn repo code into a sub-directory of unity-cs-infra repo #443
- Lock down MC EC2 Bastion hosts outgoing ports to only 80, 8080, and 443, and put in private subnet #444
- Update mono repo docs to make final health check #445
- Add logging for cloudformation actions during MC deploy #446
- Add/improve logging related to the destruction of MC #447
- Create subnet SSM params in shared services account(s) #448
- script should work first time on bastion host #449
- Document template httpd configuration structure for shared services #450
- Do Rolling Check on Smoke Test after deploy #453
- Make health check API get "latest" file explicitly #454
- Add Lifecycle rule to cleanup S3 bucket files in Venue #456
- Archive the cfn repository #457
- Move MC health check SSM endpoints to be the SS proxy URL #458
- Update and docs about bucket delete / default behavior #461
- MC: Uninstall button should be Removed #462
- Management Console bootstrap.go Code Understanding and Improvement #464
- Research & Fix Cookies Piling Up Issue #466
- Deploy Network Stack and MC to emit-dev Venue #467
- Create command-line arguments that control what things get installed in the Management Console #468
- Optimize Unnecessary sleeps in the MC Go Code during deployment #469
- Config File Driven Deployment Versions #470
- Set endpoints for a venue in a configuration unity-sds/unity-cs-infra#17
- Marketplace Integration unity-sds/unity-project-management#96
- Investigate SSL cert via Shared Services CloudFront #305
- Shared Services HTTPD proxy Work (CS) #315
- httpd terraform module finalization #323
- Integrate HTTPD into the Reference Application #352
- Fix HTTPS/HTTP issue with HTTPD authentication of Management Console #354
- Enable HTTPS in Management Console #355
- Track Down and delete mystery untagged resource #358
- Make MC version flexible in CF template #365
- Management Console 24.2 Features #366
- Implement lambda in Venue account to periodically gather health status #367
- Create SSM parameter for monitoring S3 bucket name #370
- Update documentation to include necessary Cognito roles/users #372
- Add SSM parameter that specifies shared services account in venue creation process #373
- Venue Creation scripts would copy shared services health check SSM params into venue #374
- Add SSM Parameter that identifies the cognito domain assigned to the respective user pool of a given venue #376
- Ensure Cloudfront Distributions have a default Root Object #397
- Clean up Unity-Test Cognito User Pools #377
- Update SSM Documentation and Guidelines to support project/venue specific params #379
- Add SSM Parameter that identifies the shared services CloudFront distribution for a given venue #375
- Create Monitoring S3 bucket upon Management Console deployment #380
- Create Backend API to Serve Health Statuses of Deployed services in a proj/venue #381
- Fix the broken Management Console Deployment due to GH Token #383
- Mock Up Initiators Configuration Template for Review #385
- Determine how DAPA Client ID SSM param gets populated in Shared Services #388
- Determine how DAPA API URL SSM param gets populated in Shared Services #389
- Change S3 Bucket SSM param name and value to something generic. #391
- Remove Dependency of Management Console on /unity/core/project|venue SSM param #392
- Setup Initiators Github repos unity-sds/unity-on-demand#37
- Create Schema that Validates Initiators Configuration unity-sds/unity-on-demand#38
- Build out Lambda repository and build actions #393
- Properly namespace the Management Console URL SSM parameter #398
- Further cleanup of /unity/core/venue|project SSM Needed #399
- Create a common SSM param for /unity/cs/account/network/certificate-arn #400
- move proxy lambda SSM param to venue/project namespace #401
- HTTPD configuration Management Improvements #403
- Create EC2 HTTPD Dev Server in Unity-venue-dev #404
- Setup Authentication on shared services HTTPD #405
- Create Venue JupyterHub HTTPD config/rewrite rules #406
- Remove deprecated API GW code #409
- Determine how to access Cognito user pool in SS account from Venue account #410
- Find a solution to support multiple httpd callback URLs #414
- unity-cs :
- unity-cs-infra :
- unity-cs-security :
- unity-cs-manager :
- unity-management-console :
- unity-marketplace :
Management Console
- unity-cs #285 return error logs to webconsole is terraform fails
- unity-cs #317 [New Feature]: Develop method to allow services to register with httpd
- unity-cs #363 Make distinct IDs for install button in the Marketplace/Deployment web page in Management Console
- unity-cs #364 Add text in Marketplace MC UI that displays the version numbers for deployables
Nightly Deployment
- unity-cs #298 Update docs on how to properly architect a Marketplace module
- unity-cs #322 unused script
- unity-cs #357 Fix nightly cron jobs
- unity-cs #359 Add Parameter to run script for MC version
- unity-cs #360 Verify that all the MC AWS resources get uninstalled
- unity-cs #362 Installation and Testing of Management Console on Barebones Amazon Venue
Production Shared Services
- unity-cs #312 Production API Gateway deployed (CS API Gateway)
- unity-cs #318 Fix MIME type issues with CloudFront origin accessing MC through httpd proxy
- unity-cs #314 Shared Services common auth deployed (CS)
SBG Venue
- unity-cs #320 Venue API Gateway (CS)
- unity-cs #321 Lambda Authorizer (CS)
Unity SIPS Test Venue
- unity-cs #192 Ensure that U-DS Shared Services are Deployed to Unity-Test AWS Account and Accessible by SPS
- unity-cs #246 Push-button EKS Deployment via Management Console as a Marketplace entry (Dependency from SPS)
- unity-cs #247 Push-button API Gateway Deployment (Dependency from SPS)
View Run Logs
- unity-cs #75 As an operator, I want to view run logs in order to debug errors (joint UI/UX/SPS/CS ticket)
- unity-cs #353 Add creation of U-CS_Service_Policy to Cloudformation template
- unity-cs #356 Refresh GH token for nightlies
- unity-cs :
- unity-cs-infra :
- unity-cs-security :
- unity-cs-manager :
- unity-management-console :
- unity-marketplace :
Jupyter Marketplace
- [unity-cs #254] Modify Marketplace Automation to look for Terraform files in user-supplied sub-directories (dependency from U-ADS)
Management Console
- [unity-cs #265]Implement approach for Terraform apply for deployment in MC
- [unity-cs #259]Implement Management Console Teardown API endpoint
- [unity-cs #257]Switch websocket in go to an eventbus driven pipeline
- [unity-cs #255]Migrate EKS to its own package
- [unity-cs #250]Define interfaces and touch points for next development sprint
- [unity-cs #249]Test suite for existing code
- [unity-cs #220]Augment Management Console with endpoints needed by nightly/other
- [unity-cs #211]Implement SW Deployment Teardown via S3-backed TF State
- [unity-cs #244]Track changes in ssm param values vs config expectation
- [unity-cs #242]Figure out how to reconnect to an install log stream if refresh is hit or connection lost
- [unity-cs #237][New Feature]: persist installed applications in SQLite Database
- [unity-cs #239][New Feature]: Migrate UI websocket to more of a message bus flow with handlers handing off it.
- [unity-cs #235][New Feature]: Fix logging properly for act in management console
- [unity-cs #234][New Feature]: CI for marketplace to create 1 combined manifest
- [unity-cs #232][New Feature]: CI validator for marketplace
- [unity-cs #245] Investigate Terraform managed EKS(CTL)
Marketplace Integration
- [unity-cs #258] Integrate Project Account API GW IAC into Marketplace
Navbar hard-coded
- [unity-cs #248] Need to fully define Role/Identify nomenclature (dependency from UI/UX)
Operator Test Venue
- this feature wasn't included in this release.
Unity SIPS Test Venue
- [unity-cs #260] Investigate Not having Thousands of API GW routes in Shared Services API GW
- unity-cs :
- unity-cs-infra :
- unity-cs-security :
- unity-cs-manager :
- unity-management-console :
- unity-cs-action :
Nightly Deployment
- [unity-cs #151] Nightly Deploy & Teardown via Github Actions
- [unity-cs #132] Nightly SSM/TF param management + flow (partially implmented, some sub-items pushed to 23.3)
- [unity-cs #131] Implement GH Actions Teardown for EKS
- [unity-cs #124] Integrate API Gateway script into Nightly CI Deploys
- [unity-cs #222] Integrate Terraform bootstrap code/scripts into Management Console EC2 (partially implmented, some sub-items pushed to 23.3)
- [unity-cs #224] Populate & Display Base SSM Params in the Management Console UI
Unity SIPS Test Venue
- [unity-cs #196] Cognito User Groups Necessary for Unity-Sips-Test deployment
- [unity-cs #197] Cognito Users Necessary for Unity-Sips-Test deployment
- [unity-cs #198] Shared Services (Unity-Test) authorization controls for Unity-Sips-Test access
- [unity-cs #201] Automate Project Account (Unity-Sips-Test) Auth Lambda Deployment
- [unity-cs #193] Confirm that Unity-Sips-Test has necessary deployment permissions #193
- [unity-cs #200] Implement API Gateway creation scripts/terraform #200
- [unity-cs #202] Automate Project Account (Unity-Sips-Test) SSM Deployment #202
- [unity-cs #203] Automate Project Account (Unity-Sips-Test) EKS Deployment #203
- [unity-cs #219] [New Feature]: Deploy software properly using act and correct commands #219
- [unity-cs #225] Hook Front-end of Management Console up to backed deployment logic #225
- [unity-cs #227] [New Feature]: Package workflows with management console #227
- [unity-cs #229] [New Feature]: Let config panel look up existing ssm params to prepopulate config #229
- [unity-cs #230] [New Feature]: look up network subnets from aws #230
- [unity-cs #231] [New Feature]: convert messages to all protobuf #231
- [unity-cs #233] [New Feature]: Wire up bootstrap for API gateway installation #233
- [unity-cs #238] [New Feature]: reload config from database on app start #238
- [unity-cs #243] Remove progress bar / detect completion and show continue button on install finish #243
Venue Costs
- [unity-cs #98] Mechanism to query tagged resources
- [unity-cs #96] Documentation / Guidance for Tagging
- [unity-cs #128] Apply Mandatory Tags to EKS Cluster
- unity-cs :
- unity-cs-infra :
- unity-cs-security :
- unity-cs-manager :
- unity-control-plan :
- unity-cs-action :
- [unity-cs #129] Custom JupyterHub Authenticator to pass Cognito tokens from JupyterHub to JupyterLab
- [unity-cs #122] Reusable python function to obtain and refresh Cognito tokens in Jupyter Notebooks
- [unity-cs #120, unity-cs #123] Reusable python function to obtain and refresh temporary AWS credentials in Jupyter Notebooks
- [unity-cs #51] Documentation and working example of how security for a user logging into Jupyterhub would work
- Steps to integrate Amazon Cognito authentication with JupyterHub in the following wiki page.
- Approaches to get JWT Token in command line in the following wiki page. These approaches can be used in a Jupyter Notebook too.
- [unity-cs #74] Working example for Jupyter Notebook users to access the protected WPS-T endpoints
- [unity-cs #116, unity-cs #114, unity-cs #57] Implemented terraform to deploy the API Gateway and update integration points through stage variables
- [unity-cs #104, unity-cs #56] API Gateway Lambda Authorizer to accept jwt access tokens of multiple client IDs and authorize requests based on Cognito user groups
- [unity-cs #189] Update API GW SSM Parameters when deploying API GW through terraform
- Added ssm parameter resources to API GW terraform for services to use when modifying the API GW Rest API.
- Basic SDLC and Deployment diagram can be found here:
- Resource Tagging Documentation:
- Tom to fill in details
unity-cs :
unity-security :
unity-cs-infra :
unity-cs-terraform-transformer :
unity-cs-deployment-catalog :
gitbook Documentation : (this is still a WIP, but as of 7/28 represents the 0.2 release..)
- coming soon...