description |
Documentation for the SPS API |
The SPS API allows clients to manage the configuration and resource allocation of an already deployed Unity SPS system.
Currently, the SPS API is implemented by a FastAPI web server running as a deployment on the SPS kubernetes cluster. The endpoints will be exposed through the project API Gateway, but are currently exposed through AWS Elastic Load Balancers. Thus the domain of the service changes with deployment and clients will need to look it up in AWS before use.
{% swagger src="../../../../.gitbook/assets/openapi.json" path="/sps/ready-nodes" method="get" %} openapi.json {% endswagger %}
curl -s -X GET "http://${SPS_API}:5002/sps/ready-nodes" | jq
Expected Response
"ready_nodes": 3
{% swagger src="../../../../.gitbook/assets/openapi.json" path="/sps/node-group-info" method="get" %} openapi.json {% endswagger %}
curl -s -X GET "http://${SPS_API}:5002/sps/node-group-info" | jq
Expected Response
"instance_types": [
"desired_size": 3,
"min_size": 0,
"max_size": 10,
"ready_nodes": 3
The Create Prewarm Request is used to initialize an increase of the SPS compute infrastructure in anticipation of process executions.
{% swagger src="../../../../.gitbook/assets/openapi.json" path="/sps/prewarm" method="post" %} openapi.json {% endswagger %}
curl -s -0 -X POST "http://${SPS_API}:5002/sps/prewarm" \
-H "Expect:" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-binary @- << EOF | jq
"num_nodes": 5
Expected Response
"success": true,
"message": "Prewarm request accepted with ID 3122702a-8242-45ea-974d-b1ad5c33fe4a",
"prewarm_request_id": "3122702a-8242-45ea-974d-b1ad5c33fe4a"
The Get Prewarm Request is used to view the status of an already initialized prewarm.
{% swagger src="../../../../.gitbook/assets/openapi.json" path="/sps/prewarm/{prewarm_request_id}" method="get" %} openapi.json {% endswagger %}
curl -s "http://${SPS_API}:5002/sps/prewarm/${PREWARM_REQUEST_ID}" | jq
Expected Response
"status": "Running",
"last_update_timestamp": "2023-03-29T21:32:33.066399",
"num_nodes": 1,
"ready_nodes": 2,
"node_group_update": {
"id": "1c6aa0e8-197f-319f-9cc9-97b1639d5b3e",
"status": "Successful",
"type": "ConfigUpdate",
"params": [
"type": "DesiredSize",
"value": "1"
"createdAt": "2023-03-29T21:31:41.550000+00:00",
"errors": []
"error": null
Health Check is a simple test endpoint to be used by deployment and integration tests to verify the liveness status of the SPS api service.
{% swagger src="../../../../.gitbook/assets/openapi.json" path="/sps/health-check" method="get" %} openapi.json {% endswagger %}
curl -s "http://${SPS_API}:5002/sps/health-check" | jq
Expected Response
"message": "The U-SPS On-Demand API is running and accessible"