description |
What is the status, such as proposed, accepted, rejected, deprecated, superseded, etc.? Maintain the Date in this section and previous statuses as well:
Status | Date |
Accepted | 10/13/2023 |
Proposed | 10/11/2023 |
Provide user story, feature, tickets, etc for which the decision needs to be made
The high level major option spaces explored for the decision. Should include the "chosen" option as well as others.
Option 1
Option 2
... Option N
What are we proposing or doing? Why was this decision made. some options for why a decision are made can come from:
SWOT analysis
Why did we make this choice? What might cause us issues in the future? Risks with this decision?
(Optional) Any other references that make sense. Documentation links, other ADRs, etc.