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Package and Deploy

Fernando Dodino edited this page Oct 29, 2023 · 26 revisions

All information is available in VSCode documentation:

Upgrade version in package.json

Go to package.json file and change the version:

  "name": "wollok-ts-cli",
  "version": "0.0.5",

Remember to follow semantic versioning. Then push it to master branch.


To generate a package with the current version of the project, you have to run the next command on project root folder:

npm run package

This will generate a wollok-lsp-ide-x.y.z.vsix file on the same folder.

Then you can load the extension in any VSCode from that file:

  • Go to Extensions tab
  • Press settings button
  • "Install from VSIX..."
  • Search generated file and voilà

Wollok LSP should be running in your VSCode, open a Wollok file and test it!


Create new release in Github


Configure it:

  • Target: master
  • Create a custom tag, name it vX.Y.Z where X.Y.Z represent major.minor.patch part of the version. For example: 0.1.0 > Create tag on publish
  • Name the release X.Y.Z (same convention as before)


  • In the description, you should put 1. Wollok TS version and udpate/sanitize the 2. Change log


  • Keep Set as a pre-release unchecked
  • Keep Set as the latest release checked

Deploying to Marketplace

In your local environment, open a new Terminal (Git Bash/Bash/zsh) and run:

./script/ x.y.z

where x.y.z must match the current version.

Make sure you have an Azure account on behalf of Uqbar publisher. As a pre-requisite, you must have a token (if you don´t remember it, you can regenerate it). You may need a previous vsce login command (if vsce is not recognized you can install it via npm i -g vsce).

Manual upload

Download VSIX file from the releases page. Go to this URL (if you don't have access, ask dodain or elRasta):


  • select Visual Studio Code
  • attach VSIX file
  • click on Upload


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