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CMake system description

The project uses CMake for integration and testing purposes.

Configuration phase can be customized by passing additional variables: cmake -D<var1>=<val1> -D<var2>=<val2> ... -D<varN>=<valN> <sources-dir>

The following variables are provided for oneDPL configuration:

Variable Type Description Default value
ONEDPL_BACKEND STRING Threading backend; supported values: tbb, dpcpp, dpcpp_only, serial, ...; the default value is defined by compiler: dpcpp for DPC++ and tbb for others tbb/dpcpp
ONEDPL_DEVICE_TYPE STRING Select device type for oneDPL test targets; affects only DPC++ backends; supported values: GPU, CPU, FPGA_HW, FPGA_EMU GPU
ONEDPL_DEVICE_BACKEND STRING Select device backend type for oneDPL test targets; affects only oneDPL DPC++ backends; supported values: opencl, level_zero, cuda, hip or * (the best backend as per DPC++ runtime heuristics). *
ONEDPL_USE_UNNAMED_LAMBDA BOOL Pass -fsycl-unnamed-lambda, -fno-sycl-unnamed-lambda compile options or nothing
ONEDPL_FPGA_STATIC_REPORT BOOL Enable the static report generation for the FPGA_HW device type OFF
ONEDPL_USE_AOT_COMPILATION BOOL Enable ahead-of-time compilation for the GPU or CPU device types OFF
ONEDPL_ENABLE_SIMD BOOL Enable SIMD vectorization by passing an OpenMP SIMD flag to the compiler if supported; the flag is passed to user project compilation string if enabled ON
ONEDPL_AOT_ARCH STRING Architecture options for ahead-of-time compilation, supported values can be found here "*" for GPU device and "avx" for CPU device
ONEDPL_TEST_EXPLICIT_KERNEL_NAMES STRING Control kernel naming. Affects only oneDPL test targets. Supported values: AUTO, ALWAYS. AUTO: rely on the compiler if "Unnamed SYCL lambda kernels" feature is on, otherwise provide kernel names explicitly; ALWAYS: provide kernel names explicitly AUTO
ONEDPL_TEST_WIN_ICX_FIXES BOOL Affects only oneDPL test targets. Enable icx, icx-cl workarounds to fix issues in CMake for Windows. ON
ONEDPL_WORKAROUND_FOR_IGPU_64BIT_REDUCTION BOOL Use as a workaround for incorrect results, which may be produced by reduction algorithms with 64-bit data types compiled by the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler and executed on GPU devices.

Some useful CMake variables (here you can find a full list of CMake variables for the latest version):

  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER - C++ compiler used for build, e.g. CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=dpcpp.
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - build type that affects optimization level and debug options, values: RelWithDebInfo, Debug, Release, ...; e.g. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo.
  • CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD - C++ standard, e.g. CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17.



  1. Configure project using CMake.
  2. Perform build [and run] using build system (e.g. make build-onedpl-tests).
  3. (optional) Run tests using CTest.

NOTE: tests are not added to all target, so they are not built/run by default. The following targets are available for build system after configuration:

  • <test-name> - build specific test, e.g. for_each.pass;
  • run-<test-name> - build and run specific test, e.g. run-for_each.pass;
  • build-onedpl-<tests-subdir>-tests - build all tests from specific subdirectory under <root>/test, e.g. build-onedpl-general-tests;
  • run-onedpl-<tests-subdir>-tests - build and run all tests from specific subdirectory under <root>/test, e.g. run-onedpl-general-tests;
  • build-onedpl-tests - build all tests;
  • run-onedpl-tests - build and run all tests.

Sudirectories are added as labels for each test and can be used with ctest -L <label>. For example, <root>/test/path/to/test.pass.cpp will have path and to labels.

How to use oneDPL from CMake

Using oneDPL source files

Using oneDPL source files allows you to integrate oneDPL source code into your project with the add_subdirectory command. add_subdirectory(<oneDPL_root_dir> [<oneDPL_output_dir>]) adds oneDPL to the user project build.

  • <oneDPL_root_dir> is a relative or absolute path to oneDPL root directory
  • <oneDPL_output_dir> is a relative or absolute path to directory for holding output files for oneDPL
  • If <oneDPL_root_dir> is the relative path, then <oneDPL_output_dir> is optional.

The variables from the table above can be specified before the add_subdirectory call to customize your oneDPL configuration and build.

For example:

add_executable(foo foo.cpp)

# Specify oneDPL backend

# Add oneDPL to the build.
add_subdirectory(/path/to/oneDPL build_oneDPL)

oneDPL tests are not configured if oneDPL in such scenario. So they can't be built and run in this case.

Using oneDPL package

oneDPLConfig.cmake and oneDPLConfigVersion.cmake are included into oneDPL distribution.

These files allow to integrate oneDPL into user project with the find_package command. Successful invocation of find_package(oneDPL <options>) creates imported target oneDPL that can be passed to the target_link_libraries command.

For example:

add_executable(foo foo.cpp)

# Search for oneDPL
find_package(oneDPL REQUIRED)

# Connect oneDPL to foo
target_link_libraries(foo oneDPL)

Use ONEDPL_PAR_BACKEND variable before the invocation of find_package(oneDPL <options>) to control standard host (par) backend:

  • Supported values:
    • tbb for oneTBB backend;
    • openmp for OpenMP backend;
    • serial for serial backend.
  • If this variable is not set then the first suitable backend is chosen among oneTBB, OpenMP and serial, they are considered in the order as specified.
  • oneDPL is considered as not found (oneDPL_FOUND=FALSE) if ONEDPL_PAR_BACKEND is specified, but not found or not supported.
  • Macro ONEDPL_USE_OPENMP_BACKEND is set to 0 if oneTBB backend is chosen.
  • Macro ONEDPL_USE_TBB_BACKEND is set to 0 if OpenMP backend is chosen.
  • Macro ONEDPL_USE_TBB_BACKEND is set to 0 and ONEDPL_USE_OPENMP_BACKEND is set to 0 if serial backend is chosen.

Using oneDPL package on Windows

On Windows, CMake requires some workarounds to use icx[-cl] successfully. A CMake package has been provided 'oneDPLWindowsIntelLLVM' to apply these required workarounds. Some workarounds are provided for icpx, but it is not fully supported on Windows at this time. We also recommend updating to the most recent version of CMake, as they are actively improving support for Intel compilers ( To enable the workarounds, please add find_package(oneDPLWindowsIntelLLVM) to your cmake file before you call project(). If using oneDPL from source files, you must add oneDPL's cmake directory to your CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to allow CMake to find oneDPLWindowsIntelLLVM.

For example:

list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /path/to/oneDPL/cmake)
add_executable(foo foo.cpp)

# Specify oneDPL backend

# Add oneDPL to the build.
add_subdirectory(/path/to/oneDPL build_oneDPL)

Finally, the supported generator in the Windows environment is Ninja, we recommend using -GNinja in your cmake configuration.

oneDPLConfig files generation

This section is applicable for oneDPL packaging creation process, but not for usual development flow.

cmake/scripts/generate_config.cmake is provided to generate oneDPLConfig files for oneDPL package.

How to use:

cmake [-DSKIP_HEADERS_SUBDIR=<TRUE|FALSE>] [-DOUTPUT_DIR=<output_dir>] -P cmake/scripts/generate_config.cmake

When SKIP_HEADERS_SUBDIR is set to false or not defined (by default), the script adds the subdirectories:

  • windows and linux for headers in <prefix></subdirectory>/include pattern.
  • pkgconfig-win and pkgconfig-lin for pkg-config files in <prefix></subdirectory>/dpl.pc pattern.