To make it easier to make conventional commits, we use Gitzer to make our commits (DISCLAIMER: I am the author of this tool).
You are not required to use the tool, as long as your commit messages follow the conventional commit style.
Issues are very valuable to this project.
- Ideas are a valuable source of contributions others can make
- Problems show where this project is lacking
- With a question you show where contributors can improve the user experience
Thank you for creating them.
Pull requests are a great way to get your ideas into this repository.
When deciding if I merge in a pull request I look at the following things:
You should be clear which problem you're trying to solve with your contribution.
For example:
Add link to code of conduct in
Doesn't tell me anything about why you're doing that
Add link to code of conduct in because users don't always look in the
Tells me the problem that you have found, and the pull request shows me the action you have taken to solve it.
This repository has a code of conduct, things that do not respect it will be removed.
After successfully getting your issue merged, please add your name to the list of contributors in