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389 lines (312 loc) · 23.7 KB

File metadata and controls

389 lines (312 loc) · 23.7 KB


Bug fixes

  • Fixed autocompletion in commands in chat groups


Bug fixes

  • Fixed ephemeral response levels breaking component helpers.
  • Fixed getMultiSelection not working.
  • CommandsPlugin.guild is not longer ignored.


Breaking changes

  • Update nyxx to version 6.0.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a type error that could occur when using FallbackConverter's toButton and toMultiselect.


Breaking changes


Bug fixes

  • Fix disposing the plugin partway through command execution causing errors.


Bug fixes

  • Fix component timeouts triggering instantly.
  • Fix component wrappers causing null assertions to trigger.


Breaking changes

  • Removed all deprecated APIs.
  • APIs which used to take Type objects now take RuntimeTypes for the relevant type.
  • APIs which used to take the customId of a component now take a ComponentId.
  • Context types have been reorganized. See the docs for IContextData, ICommandContext and IInteractiveContext for more.
  • Converter & check APIs now take IContextData objects instead of IContext objects.
  • Checks now use named parameters instead of positional ones in their constructors.
  • IInteractiveContext.respond (formerly IContext.respond) now takes a ResponseLevel object instead of private and hidden.
  • The interactions field on CommandsPlugin is now nullable to avoid a late modifier. Use IContextData.interactions instead for a non nullable field.

New features

  • Contexts are now managed by a ContextManager which allows users to create their own contexts.
  • Added support for modal helpers. See IInteractionInteractiveContext.getModal for more.
  • Added new errors: ConverterFailedException, InteractionTimeoutException, UncaughtCommandsException and UnhandledInteractionException.
  • Events & listeners are now handled by an EventManager and ComponentIds.
  • Prefix callbacks can now be asynchronous and return any Pattern.
  • Added autoAcknowledgeDuration for more control over auto-acknowledge.
  • Added parsing utilities on AutocompleteContext for parsing arguments.
  • Contexts in a command are now chained, so interaction expiry and inconsistent formatting of responses to commands are no longer an issue. See IInteractiveContext.delegate for more.
  • Added many helpers for handling message components:
    • awaitButtonPress, awaitSelection and awaitMultiSelection for using fully custom components with nyxx_commands;
    • getButtonPress, getButtonSelection and getConfirmation for handling buttons;
    • getSelection and getMultiSelection for handling multiselect menus.
  • Added SimpleConverter to simplify creating custom converters.
  • The prefix callback can now be set to null to disable message commands. This will change the default command type to slashOnly unless CommandsOptions.inferDefaultCommandType is set to false.
  • Added skipPattern to StringView, similar to skipString.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented part files from being compiled.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented enum parameters from being compiled.
  • Fixed nested command fullNames not being correct.


  • Optimized the compilation script to generate less code and use a more reliable subtype checking method.
  • Instructions for compilation can now be found at the package README.
  • Bump nyxx to 5.0.0 and nyxx_interactions to 4.6.0.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused IInteractiveContext.respond to error after auto-acknowledge.
  • Fixed a bug where getSelection and getMultiSelection would result in an "Interaction failed" error, despite the response being sent.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a late initialization error to occur if an error occurred in respond.
  • Fixed getSelection sending a new message for different pages instead of editing the same message.


Breaking changes

  • The DartType class introduced in 5.0.0-dev.0 has been replaced with RuntimeType from package:runtime_type.
  • All errors thrown by command callbacks are now caught instead of only subclasses of Exception. The relevant fields on UncaughtException and AutocompleteFailedException have therefore been changed from Exception to Object.
  • APIs that took a combination of user, timeout and component id have been changed to use the new ComponentId class.

New features

  • Errors will now be added to CommandsPlugin.onCommandError when a message component created by nyxx_commands enters an invalid state (e.g no handler found or the user was not allowed to use the component). See the docs for UnhandledInteractionException for more.
  • Added ComponentId as a way for nyxx_commands to generate an ID for message components that contains information about the component's state in nyxx_commands.
  • Added a new InteractionTimeoutException thrown when an interaction times out instead of Dart's TimeoutException.
  • Added a stackTrace getter to all CommandsExceptions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where enum values in annotations caused the compiler to crash.


  • Added documentation with instructions on how to compile nyxx_commands to the README.
  • Correctly export ContextManager.
  • Changed the log message for uncaught exceptions. The message no longer contains the error description, instead passing the error object through the log record's error field. Versions of nyxx after 4.5.0 contain a Logging plugin that will display this error for you.


Breaking changes:

  • CommandsPlugin has been made more type safe, making the interactions field nullable. To use the IInteractions instance from your commands, see IContextData.interactions. client has also been changed to be read-only.

New features:

  • A helper for using modals has been added. See IInteractionInteractiveContext.getModal for more.
  • getSelection and getMultiSelection from IInteractiveContext can now be used without a converter, using the toMultiSelect parameter.
  • Failed converters now throw a ConverterFailedException instead of a BadInputException.
  • SimpleConverter.provider can now be async.

Bug fixes:

  • IChatCommandComponent.fullName now correctly returns the full command name.
  • Responding to a component context now correctly clears components on the message.


  • package:analyzer has been bumped to 5.0.0.
  • A few elements that were previously unexported are now correctly exported.


Breaking changes:

  • ChatCommand.type has been moved to CommandOptions. Use ChatCommand(options: CommandOptions(type: ...)) instead of ChatCommand(type: ...) to set a commands type. With this change, the textOnly and slashOnly constructors have been removed from ChatCommand.
  • Converters no longer take an IContext as a parameter but now take an ICommandContextData.
  • Some of the arguments in Check constructors have been changed from positional to named arguments.
  • All deprecated fields have been removed.
  • IInteractiveContext.respond (previously IContext.respond) now takes a ResponseLevel instead of the context-type-specific named parameters. See ResponseLevel for more.
  • All uses of Types in the package have been replaced with DartTypes. This wrapper class allows for sound type safety and simplifies compilation. Notable places this change has an effect are in CommandsPlugin.getConverter and NoConverterException.type.
  • The old component wrappers have been replaced with newer, more versatile methods.

New features:

  • The prefix function used to determine the prefix for a given text message can now return a Pattern and be asynchronous. This allows the use of RegExps to determine command prefixes.
  • CommandsPlugin.contextManager can be used to create your own contexts from raw events.
  • SimpleConverter is a new Converter that simplifies the creation of custom converters. Providing a function to generate items and a function to stringify each item will create a converter with support for basic conversion, autocompletion and more.
  • The prefix is now nullable in the CommandsPlugin constructor. Setting it to null will make the default command type automatically be slashOnly if CommandsOptions.inferDefaultCommandType is true.
  • Commands will now respond to the latest interaction instead of the original interaction if the component wrappers on IInteractiveContext are used. See IInteractiveContext.delegate for more.
  • CommandOptions.preserveComponentMessages can be used to choose whether Message Component responses should overwrite the message.
  • CommandOptions.autoAcknowledgeDuration can be used to manually set the auto-acknowledge timeout.
  • CommandOptions.caseInsensitiveCommands can be used to allow commands to be invoked case-insensitively.
  • AutocompleteContext has new methods for parsing values in the autocompletion event.

Bug fixes:

  • Returning null in an autocomplete handler no longer displays an error in the Discord UI.


Bug fixes:

  • Fix part directives breaking compilation.



  • Bump analyzer to 5.7.1, args to 2.4.0, dart_style to 2.2.5, logging to 1.1.1, meta to 1.9.0, nyxx to 4.5.0, nyxx_interactions to 4.5.0, path to 1.8.3 build_runner to 2.1.0, coverage to 1.6.3, lints to 2.0.1, mockito to 5.3.2, and test to 1.23.1.


New features:

  • Added support for command localization. See localizedNames on all ICommands and localizedDescriptions for ChatCommands and the @Description() annotation.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes @Name annotations not working when running with dart:mirrors.
  • Fixes the plugin not correctly disposing when the client is disposed.
  • Fixed the automatic response sometimes failing.


  • Bump nyxx to 4.0.0 and nyxx_interactions to 4.3.1.


New features:

  • Added a script which allows nyxx_commands to be compiled. For more information, run dart pub global activate nyxx_commands and nyxx-compile --help.
  • Implemented support for permissions V2. See PermissionsCheck for more.


  • Deprecated AbstractCheck.permissions and all associated features.


New features:

  • Added a script which allows nyxx_commands to be compiled. For more information, run dart pub global activate nyxx_commands and nyxx-compile --help.



  • Deprecated AbstractCheck.permissions and all associated features.

New features:

  • Added AbstractCheck.allowsDm and AbstractCheck.requiredPermissions for integrating checks with permissions v2.
  • Updated Check.deny, Check.any and Check.all to work with permissions v2.
  • Added PermissionsCheck, for checking if users have a specific permission.


  • Bump nyxx_interactions to 4.2.0.
  • Added proper names to context type checks if none is provided.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where slash commands nested within text-only commands would not be registered


Bug fixes:

  • Correctly export the @Autocomplete(...) annotation.


New features:

  • Support for autocompletion has been added. See Converter.autocompleteCallback and the @Autocomplete(...) annotation for more.
  • Added the ability to allow only slash commands or disable them entirely. See CommandType.def and CommandOptions.defaultCommandType for more.
  • Added ChatCommand.argumentTypes, which allows developers to access the argument types for a chat command callback.
  • Added Converter.processOptionCallback, which allows developers to modify the builder generated for a command argument.
  • Added IntConverter, DoubleConverter and NumConverter for converting numbers with custom bounds. These new classes allow you to specify a minimum and maximum value for an argument when used with @UseConverter(...).
  • Added GUildChannelConverter for converting more specific types of guild channels.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with IContext.getButtonPress not behaving correctly when authorOnly or timeout was specified.
  • Fixed the default converters for guild channels accepting all channels in the Discord UI even if they were not the correct type.


  • Updated the command name validation regex.
  • Bump nyxx_interactions to 4.1.0.


Breaking changes:

  • nyxx_interactions has been upgraded to 4.0.0.
  • The names of command classes have changed. The old class Command is now named ChatCommand and Group is now ChatGroup.
  • The names of context classes have changed. The old class Context is now named IChatContext, MessageContext is MessageChatContext and InteractionContext is now InteractionChatContext.
  • All deprecated members have been removed.
  • The hideOriginalResponse parameter has been removed from the ChatCommand constructor. Use the new options parameter and specify hideOriginalResponse there instead.

New features:

  • Added support for User and Message Application Commands. See the docs for UserCommand and MessageCommand for more information.
  • Added new in-built checks for validating content types.
  • Added helper methods for using nyxx_interactions with nyxx_commands.
  • Added support for the attachment command option type. Use the IAttachment type as your command callback parameter type to use the appropriate converter.


  • The documentation for the entire package has been rewritten, with examples, references and more. See the documentation for more details.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a bug concerning optional arguments having their default values wrapped in futures.


Bug fixes:

  • Fix a bug concerning types that didn't need to be converted being wrapped in Futures.


Breaking changes:

  • Upgrade to nyxx_interactions 4.0.0.

Bug fixes

  • Fix UserCommandCheck always failing.
  • Fix parsing multiple arguments at once leading to race conditions.
  • Fix a casting error that occurred when a text command was not found.


  • The documentation for the entire package has been rewritten, with examples, references and more. See the documentation for more details.

New features:

  • Added support for the attachment command option type. Use IAttachment (from nyxx_interactions) as the argument type in your commands callback for nyxx_commands to register it as an attachment command option.
  • Added IInteractionContext, an interface implemented by all contexts originating from interactions.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug affecting command syncing with external sharding.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug affecting registration of slash commands nested two layers deep.


New features:

  • Export the command types for better typing. See the documentation for ICallHooked, IChatCommandComponent, IChecked, ICommand, ICommandGroup, ICommandRegisterable and IOptions for more information.
  • Add new checks for allowing certain checks to be bypassed by certain command types. See the documentation for ChatCommandCheck, InteractionCommandCheck, InteractionChatCommandCheck, MessageChatCommandCheck, MessageCommandCheck and UserCommandCheck for more info.
  • Export registerDefaultConverters and parse for users wanting to implement their own commands plugin.


Breaking changes:

  • The names of command classes have changed. The old class Command is now named ChatCommand and Group is now ChatGroup.
  • The names of context classes have changed. The old class Context is now named IChatContext, MessageContext is MessageChatContext and InteractionContext is now InteractionChatContext.
  • All deprecated members have been removed.
  • The hideOriginalResponse parameter has been removed from the ChatCommand constructor. Use the new options parameter and specify hideOriginalResponse there instead.

If you find any more breaking changes please notify us on the official nyxx Discord server, or open an issue on GitHub.

New features:

  • Support for User Application Commands has been added. They can be created through the UserCommand class similarly to ChatCommands, and must be added with CommandsPlugin.addCommand() as ChatCommands are.
  • Support for Message Application Commands has been added. They can be created through the MessageCommand class similarly to ChatCommands, and must be added with CommandsPlugin.addCommand() as ChatCommands are.
  • Better support for command configuration has been added. Users can now specify options to apply only to specific commands through the options parameter in all command constructors with the new CommandOptions class. Similarly to checks, these options are inherited but can be overridden by children.
  • Added a few simple functions for easier interaction with nyxx_interactions covering common use cases for interactions.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an edge case issue with converters where assembled converters sometimes wouldn't return the correct type


New features:

  • Added a remaining() method to CooldownCheck to get the remaining cooldown for a context.


  • registerChild has been deprecated, users should prefer the better named addCommand method.


Bug fixes:

  • Exceptions are now correctly caught for commands with async execute functions.
  • Check hooks are now correctly called when using Check.all, Check.any or Check.deny.

New features:

  • Added a new private option to Context.respond that allows users to send private responses to commands.
  • Added the ability to combine CooldownTypes using the binary OR (|) operator.
  • Added a new dmOr function that can be used in CommandsPlugin.prefix to allow users to omit the bot prefix in DMs.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Check.all, Check.any and Check.deny would not accept AbstractChecks as arguments.


New features:

  • Default choices for CombineConverters and FallbackConverters can now be specified in the choices parameter.
  • You can now specify the Discord slash command option type to use in Converter, CombineConverter and FallbackConverters with the type parameter.
  • Added a new hideOriginalResponse option to CommandsOptions that allows you to hide the automatic acknowledgement of interactions with autoAcknowledgeInteractions.
  • Added a new acknowledge method to InteractionContext that allows you to override hideOriginalResponse.
  • Added a new hideOriginalResponse parameter to Command constructors that allows you to override CommandsOptions.hideOriginalResponse on a per-command basis.
  • Added a new hidden parameter to InteractionContext.respond that allows you to send an ephemeral response. The hidden state of the response sent is guaranteed to match the hidden parameter, however to avoid strange behavior it is recommended to acknowledge the interaction with InteractionContext.acknowledge if the response is delayed.
  • Added a new mention parameter to MessageContext.respond that allows you to specify whether the reply to the command should mention the user or not.
  • Added a new UseConverter decorator that allows you to override the converter used to parse a specific argument.
  • Added converters for doubles and Mentionables.
  • Added a new global mentionOr function that can be used in CommandsPlugin.prefix to allow mention prefixes.


  • autoAcknowledgeInteractions no longer immediately acknowledges interactions upon receiving them, allowing ephemeral responses to be correctly sent.
  • Bumped nyxx_interactions to 3.1.0
  • Argument parsing is now done in parallel, making commands with multiple arguments faster to invoke.


  • Setting the Discord slash command option type to use for a Dart Type via the discordTypes map is now deprecated. Use the type parameter in converter constructors instead.
  • Context.send is now deprecated as Context.respond is more appropriate for most cases. If Context.send was really what you wanted, use instead.


Breaking changes:

  • The base Bot class has been replaced with a CommandsPlugin class that can be used as a plugin with nyxx 3.0.0.
  • nyxx and nyxx_interactions dependencies have been bumped to 3.0.0; versions 2.x are now unsupported.
  • BotOptions has been renamed to CommandsOptions and no longer supports the options found in ClientOptions. Create two separate instances and pass them to NyxxFactory.createNyxx... and CommandsPlugin respectively, in the options named parameter.
  • The bot field on Context has been replaced with a client field pointing to the INyxx instance and a commands field pointing to the CommandsPlugin instance.


Breaking changes:

  • Messages sent by bot users will no longer be executed by default, see BotOptions.acceptBotCommands and BotOptions.acceptSelfCommands.

New features:

  • A new acceptBotCommands option has been added to BotOptions to allow executing commands from messages sent by other bot users.
  • A new acceptSelfCommands options has been added to BotOptions to allow executing commands from messages sent by the bot itself.
  • onPreCall and onPostCall streams on Commands and Groups can be used to register pre- and post- call hooks.
  • AbstractCheck class can be extended to implement stateful checks.
  • CooldownCheck can be used to apply a cooldown to a command based on different criteria.
  • InteractionCheck and MessageCheck can be used with Check.any() to allow slash commands or text commands to bypass other checks.
  • Check.all() can be used to group checks.

Bug fixes:

  • Invalid cased command/group/argument names are now caught and a CommandRegistrationError is thrown.
  • StringView.escape() now correctly escapes from start to end and not start to index.


  • Version 1 was skipped to keep version consistent with the other nyxx libraries.


Breaking changes:

  • Exceptions have been reworked and are no longer named the same.

New features:

  • Converters can now specify pre-defined choices for their type, this behavior can be overridden on a per-command basis with the @Choices decorator.
  • Command arguments can now have custom names with the @Name decorator.


New features:

  • Checks now integrate with Discord's slash command permissions.
  • Checks can now be asynchronous.
  • Added RoleCheck, UserCheck and GuildCheck that represent the basic Discord slash command permissions: role restricted, user restricted and guild restricted (guild command).
  • Slash command arguments can have descriptions set with the @Description decorator.

Breaking changes:

  • Checks are no longer a simple function.


Breaking changes:

  • Reorder description and execute parameters in Command.textOnly and Command.slashOnly constructors.
  • Remove syncDeleted option from BotOptions as nyxx_interactions removes them on sync anyways.

New features:

  • Add send(MessageBuilder) and respond(MessageBuilder) methods to Context.
  • Add children as an optional argument to Command and Group constructor.
  • Add autoAcknowledgeInteractions option to BotOptions to determine whether to automatically respond to interaction events.
  • Commands can now restrict execution using checks.


  • InteractionContext.respond will no longer throw an error when responding immediately.
  • Slash Commands can no longer have direct slash command children.
  • Errors emitted outside of argument parsing and callback execution are now correctly sent to Bot.onCommandError.


  • Text-only and slash-only commands can now have Context as their first argument type.


  • Initial release.