diff --git a/cocli/COMID.md b/cocli/COMID.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b7ffaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cocli/COMID.md
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# CoMIDs manipulation
+The `comid` subcommand allows you to create, display and validate CoMIDs.
+## Create
+Use the `comid create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded CoMID, passing its
+JSON representation[1](#../templates-ex) via the `--template` switch (or
+equivalently its `-t` shorthand):
+* Please inspect example `comid` JSON templates under `data/comid/templates` `comid-*.json`
+$ cocli comid create --template t1.json
+On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
+>> created "t1.cbor" from "t1.json"
+The CBOR-encoded CoMID file is stored in the current working directory with a
+name derived from its template. If you want, you can specify a different
+target directory using the `--output-dir` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`)
+$ cocli comid create --template t1.json --output-dir /tmp
+>> created "/tmp/t1.cbor" from "t1.json"
+Note that the output directory, as well as all its parent directories, MUST
+You can also create multiple CoMIDs in one go. Suppose all your templates are
+stored in the `templates/` folder:
+$ tree templates/
+├── t1.json
+├── t2.json
+└── tn.json
+Then, you can use the `--template-dir` (abbrev. `-T`), and let the tool load,
+validate, and CBOR-encode the templates one by one:
+$ cocli comid create --template-dir templates
+>> created "t1.cbor" from "templates/t1.json"
+>> created "t2.cbor" from "templates/t2.json"
+>> created "tn.cbor" from "templates/tn.json"
+You can specify both the `-T` and `-t` switches as many times as needed, and
+even combine them in one invocation:
+$ cocli comid create -T comid-templates/ \
+ -T comid-templates-aux/ \
+ -t extra-comid.json \
+ -t yet-another-comid.json \
+ -o /var/spool/comid
+**NOTE** that since the output file name is deterministically generated from the
+template file name, all the template files (when from different directories)
+MUST have different base names.
+## Display
+Use the `comid display` subcommand to print to stdout one or more CBOR-encoded
+CoMIDs in human readable (JSON) format.
+You can supply individual files using the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`), or
+directories that may (or may not) contain CoMID files using the `--dir` switch
+(abbrev. `-d`). Only valid CoMIDs will be displayed, and any decoding or
+validation error will be printed alongside the corresponding file name.
+For example:
+$ cocli comid display --file m1.cbor
+provided the `m1.cbor` file contains valid CoMID, would print something like:
+>> [m1.cbor]
+ "lang": "en-GB",
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
+ },
+ "entities": [
+ {
+ "name": "ACME Ltd.",
+ "regid": "https://acme.example",
+ "roles": [
+ "tagCreator",
+ "creator",
+ "maintainer"
+ ]
+ }
+While a `comids.d` folder with the following contents:
+$ tree comids.d/
+├── rubbish.cbor
+├── valid-comid-1.cbor
+└── valid-comid-2.cbor
+could be inspected in one go using:
+$ cocli comid display --dir comids.d/
+which would output something like:
+>> failed displaying "comids.d/rubbish.cbor": CBOR decoding failed: EOF
+>> [comids.d/valid-comid-1.cbor]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
+ },
+>> [comids.d/valid-comid-2.cbor]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "366d0a0a-5988-45ed-8488-2f2a544f6242"
+ },
+Error: 1/3 display(s) failed
+One of more files and directories can be supplied in the same invocation, e.g.:
+$ cocli comid display -f m1.cbor \
+ -f comids.d/m2.cbor \
+ -d /var/spool/comids \
+ -d yet-another-comid-folder/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cocli/CORIM.md b/cocli/CORIM.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31a88a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cocli/CORIM.md
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+## CoRIMs manipulation
+The `corim` subcommand allows you to create, display, sign, verify CoRIMs or submit
+a CoRIM using the [Veraison provisioning API](https://github.com/veraison/docs/tree/main/api/endorsement-provisioning).
+It also provides a means to extract as-is the embedded CoSWIDs, CoMIDs and CoTSs and save
+them as separate files.
+### Create
+Use the `corim create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded, unsigned CoRIM, by
+passing its JSON representation[1](#templates-ex) via the
+`--template` switch (or equivalently its `-t` shorthand) together with the
+CBOR-encoded CoMIDs, CoSWIDs and/or CoTS to be embedded. For example:
+$ cocli corim create --template c1.json --comid m1.cbor --coswid s1.cbor --cots c1.cbor
+On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
+>> created "c1.cbor" from "c1.json"
+The CBOR-encoded CoRIM file is stored in the current working directory with a
+name derived from its template. If you want, you can specify a different
+file name using the `--output` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`):
+$ cocli corim create -t r1.json -m m1.cbor -s s1.cbor -c c1.cbor -o my.cbor
+>> created "my.cbor" from "r1.json"
+CoMIDs, CoSWIDs and CoTSs can be either supplied as individual files, using the
+`--comid` (abbrev. `-m`), `--coswid` (abbrev. `-s`) and `--cots` (abbrev. `-c`) switches respectively, or
+as "per-folder" blocks using the `--comid-dir` (abbrev. `-M`), `--coswid-dir` and `--cots-dir`
+(abbrev. `-C`) switch. For example:
+$ cocli corim create --template c1.json --comid-dir comids.d/
+Creation will fail if *any* of the inputs is non conformant. For example, if
+`comids.d` contains an invalid CoMID file `rubbish.cbor`, an attempt to create a
+$ cocli corim create -t c1.json -M comids.d/
+will fail with:
+Error: error loading CoMID from comids.d/rubbish.cbor: EOF
+### Sign
+Use the `corim sign` subcommand to cryptographically seal the unsigned CoRIM
+supplied via the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`). The signature is produced
+using the key supplied via the `--key` switch (abbrev. `-k`), which is expected
+to be in [JWK](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7517) format. On success, the
+resulting COSE Sign1 payload is saved to file whose name can be controlled using
+the `--output` switch (abbrev. `-o`). A CoRIM Meta[1](#templates-ex)
+template in JSON format must also be provided using the `--meta` switch (abbrev.
+`-m`). For example, with the default output file:
+$ cocli corim sign --file corim.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk --meta meta.json
+>> "corim.cbor" signed and saved to "signed-corim.cbor"
+Or, the same but with a custom output file:
+$ cocli corim sign --file corim.cbor \
+ --key ec-p256.jwk \
+ --meta meta.json \
+ --output /var/spool/signed-corim.cbor
+>> "corim.cbor" signed and saved to "/var/spool/signed-corim.cbor"
+### Verify
+Use the `corim verify` subcommand to cryptographically verify the signed CoRIM
+supplied via the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`). The signature is checked
+using the key supplied via the `--key` switch (abbrev. `-k`), which is expected
+to be in [JWK](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7517) format. For example:
+$ cocli corim verify --file signed-corim.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk
+>> "corim.cbor" verified
+Verification can fail either because the cryptographic processing fails or
+because the signed payload or protected headers are themselves invalid. For example:
+$ cocli corim verify --file signed-corim-bad-signature.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk
+will give
+Error: error verifying signed-corim-bad-signature.cbor with key ec-p256.jwk: verification failed ecdsa.Verify
+### Display
+Use the `corim display` subcommand to print to stdout a signed CoRIM in human
+readable (JSON) format.
+You must supply the file you want to display using the `--file` switch (abbrev.
+`-f`). Only a valid CoRIM will be displayed, and any occurring decoding or
+validation errors will be printed instead.
+The output has two logical sections: one for Meta and one for the (unsigned)
+$ cocli corim display --file signed-corim.cbor
+ "signer": {
+ "name": "ACME Ltd signing key",
+ "uri": "https://acme.example/signing-key.pub"
+ },
+ "corim-id": "5c57e8f4-46cd-421b-91c9-08cf93e13cfc",
+ "tags": [
+ "2QH...",
+ ]
+By default, the embedded CoMID, CoSWID and CoTS tags are not expanded, and what you
+will see is the base64 encoding of their CBOR serialisation. If you want to
+peek at the tags' content, supply the `--show-tags` (abbrev. `-v`) switch, which
+will add a further Tags section with one entry per each expanded tag:
+$ cocli corim display --file signed-corim.cbor --show-tags
+>> [ 0 ]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "366d0a0a-5988-45ed-8488-2f2a544f6242"
+ },
+>> [ 1 ]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
+ },
+>> [ 2 ]
+ "tag-id": "com.acme.rrd2013-ce-sp1-v4-1-5-0",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cocli/COTS.md b/cocli/COTS.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7514c598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cocli/COTS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+## CoTSs manipulation
+The `cots` subcommand allows you to create, display and validate CoTSs.
+### Create
+Use the `cots create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded CoTS. The `environment` switch takes in a JSON template specifiying the environments that are valid for the keys specified and the `tas` switch takes in a directory of trust anchors files:
+* Please refer to `data/cots/templates` for exmaple templates for `environment` and `claims`
+$ cocli cots create --environment c1.json --tas tas_dir
+On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
+>> created "c1.cbor"
+The CBOR-encoded CoTS file is stored in the current working directory with a
+name derived from its environment template. If you want, you can specify a different
+target directory and file name using the `--output` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`)
+$ cocli cots create --environment c1.json --tas tas_dir --output /tmp/myCots.cbor
+>> created "/tmp/myCots.cbor"
+Note that the output directory, as well as all its parent directories, MUST pre-exist.
+### Display
+Use the `cots display` subcommand to print to stdout one or more CBOR-encoded
+CoTSs in human readable (JSON) format.
+You can supply individual files using the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`), or
+directories that may (or may not) contain CoTS files using the `--dir` switch
+(abbrev. `-d`). Only valid CoTSs will be displayed, and any decoding or
+validation error will be printed alongside the corresponding file name.
+For example:
+$ cocli cots display --file c1.cbor
+provided the `c1.cbor` file contains valid CoTS, would print something like:
+>> [c1.cbor]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "ab0f44b1-bfdc-4604-ab4a-30f80407ebcc",
+ "version": 5
+ },
+ "environments": [
+ {
+ "environment": {
+ "class": {
+ "vendor": "Worthless Sea, Inc."
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": {
+ "tas": [
+ {
+ "format": 2,
+ "data": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAErYoMAdqe2gJT3CvCcifZxyE9+N8T6Jy5zbeo5LYtnOipmi1wXA9/gNtlwAbRCRQitH/GEcvUaGlzPZxIOITV/g=="
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+While a `cots` folder with the following contents:
+$ tree cots/
+├── rubbish.cbor
+├── valid-cots-1.cbor
+├── valid-cots-2.cbor
+could be inspected in one go using:
+$ cocli cots display --dir cots/
+which would output something like:
+>> failed displaying "cots/rubbish.cbor": CBOR decoding failed: EOF
+>> [cots/valid-cots-1.cbor]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
+ },
+>> [cots/valid-cots-2.cbor]
+ "tag-identity": {
+ "id": "ab0f44b1-bfdc-4604-ab4a-30f80407ebcc"
+ },
+Error: 1/3 display(s) failed
+One of more files and directories can be supplied in the same invocation, e.g.:
+$ cocli cots display -f c1.cbor \
+ -f cots/c2.cbor \
+ -d /var/spool/cots \
+ -d yet-another-cots-folder/
diff --git a/cocli/README.md b/cocli/README.md
index 28c1395b..d28cf51d 100644
--- a/cocli/README.md
+++ b/cocli/README.md
@@ -19,408 +19,26 @@ To get a list of the supported shells, do:
$ cocli completion --help
+# CoRIM Construction
+A CoRIM consists of either one or more CoMID and/or CoSWID and/or CoTS. Hence the below
+instructions need to be followed in the order.
## CoMIDs manipulation
-The `comid` subcommand allows you to create, display and validate CoMIDs.
-### Create
-Use the `comid create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded CoMID, passing its
-JSON representation[1](#templates-ex) via the `--template` switch (or
-equivalently its `-t` shorthand):
-$ cocli comid create --template t1.json
-On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
->> created "t1.cbor" from "t1.json"
-The CBOR-encoded CoMID file is stored in the current working directory with a
-name derived from its template. If you want, you can specify a different
-target directory using the `--output-dir` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`)
-$ cocli comid create --template t1.json --output-dir /tmp
->> created "/tmp/t1.cbor" from "t1.json"
-Note that the output directory, as well as all its parent directories, MUST
-You can also create multiple CoMIDs in one go. Suppose all your templates are
-stored in the `templates/` folder:
-$ tree templates/
-├── t1.json
-├── t2.json
-└── tn.json
-Then, you can use the `--template-dir` (abbrev. `-T`), and let the tool load,
-validate, and CBOR-encode the templates one by one:
-$ cocli comid create --template-dir templates
->> created "t1.cbor" from "templates/t1.json"
->> created "t2.cbor" from "templates/t2.json"
->> created "tn.cbor" from "templates/tn.json"
-You can specify both the `-T` and `-t` switches as many times as needed, and
-even combine them in one invocation:
-$ cocli comid create -T comid-templates/ \
- -T comid-templates-aux/ \
- -t extra-comid.json \
- -t yet-another-comid.json \
- -o /var/spool/comid
-**NOTE** that since the output file name is deterministically generated from the
-template file name, all the template files (when from different directories)
-MUST have different base names.
-### Display
-Use the `comid display` subcommand to print to stdout one or more CBOR-encoded
-CoMIDs in human readable (JSON) format.
-You can supply individual files using the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`), or
-directories that may (or may not) contain CoMID files using the `--dir` switch
-(abbrev. `-d`). Only valid CoMIDs will be displayed, and any decoding or
-validation error will be printed alongside the corresponding file name.
-For example:
-$ cocli comid display --file m1.cbor
-provided the `m1.cbor` file contains valid CoMID, would print something like:
->> [m1.cbor]
- "lang": "en-GB",
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
- },
- "entities": [
- {
- "name": "ACME Ltd.",
- "regid": "https://acme.example",
- "roles": [
- "tagCreator",
- "creator",
- "maintainer"
- ]
- }
-While a `comids.d` folder with the following contents:
-$ tree comids.d/
-├── rubbish.cbor
-├── valid-comid-1.cbor
-└── valid-comid-2.cbor
-could be inspected in one go using:
-$ cocli comid display --dir comids.d/
-which would output something like:
->> failed displaying "comids.d/rubbish.cbor": CBOR decoding failed: EOF
->> [comids.d/valid-comid-1.cbor]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
- },
->> [comids.d/valid-comid-2.cbor]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "366d0a0a-5988-45ed-8488-2f2a544f6242"
- },
-Error: 1/3 display(s) failed
-One of more files and directories can be supplied in the same invocation, e.g.:
-$ cocli comid display -f m1.cbor \
- -f comids.d/m2.cbor \
- -d /var/spool/comids \
- -d yet-another-comid-folder/
+The instructions to manipulate CoMIDs are documented [here](COMID.md)
## CoTSs manipulation
+The instructions to manipulate CoTSs are documented [here](COTS.md)
-The `cots` subcommand allows you to create, display and validate CoTSs.
-### Create
-Use the `cots create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded CoTS. The `environment` switch takes in a JSON template specifiying the environments that are valid for the keys specified and the `tas` switch takes in a directory of trust anchors files:
-$ cocli cots create --environment c1.json --tas tas_dir
-On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
->> created "c1.cbor"
-The CBOR-encoded CoTS file is stored in the current working directory with a
-name derived from its environment template. If you want, you can specify a different
-target directory and file name using the `--output` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`)
-$ cocli cots create --environment c1.json --tas tas_dir --output /tmp/myCots.cbor
->> created "/tmp/myCots.cbor"
-Note that the output directory, as well as all its parent directories, MUST pre-exist.
-### Display
-Use the `cots display` subcommand to print to stdout one or more CBOR-encoded
-CoTSs in human readable (JSON) format.
-You can supply individual files using the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`), or
-directories that may (or may not) contain CoTS files using the `--dir` switch
-(abbrev. `-d`). Only valid CoTSs will be displayed, and any decoding or
-validation error will be printed alongside the corresponding file name.
-For example:
-$ cocli cots display --file c1.cbor
-provided the `c1.cbor` file contains valid CoTS, would print something like:
->> [c1.cbor]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "ab0f44b1-bfdc-4604-ab4a-30f80407ebcc",
- "version": 5
- },
- "environments": [
- {
- "environment": {
- "class": {
- "vendor": "Worthless Sea, Inc."
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "keys": {
- "tas": [
- {
- "format": 2,
- "data": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAErYoMAdqe2gJT3CvCcifZxyE9+N8T6Jy5zbeo5LYtnOipmi1wXA9/gNtlwAbRCRQitH/GEcvUaGlzPZxIOITV/g=="
- }
- ]
- }
-While a `cots` folder with the following contents:
-$ tree cots/
-├── rubbish.cbor
-├── valid-cots-1.cbor
-├── valid-cots-2.cbor
-could be inspected in one go using:
-$ cocli cots display --dir cots/
-which would output something like:
->> failed displaying "cots/rubbish.cbor": CBOR decoding failed: EOF
->> [cots/valid-cots-1.cbor]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
- },
->> [cots/valid-cots-2.cbor]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "ab0f44b1-bfdc-4604-ab4a-30f80407ebcc"
- },
-Error: 1/3 display(s) failed
-One of more files and directories can be supplied in the same invocation, e.g.:
-$ cocli cots display -f c1.cbor \
- -f cots/c2.cbor \
- -d /var/spool/cots \
- -d yet-another-cots-folder/
+## CoSWID manipulation
+Tooling to manipulate `CoSWID` is not currently available under Project Veraison.
+However CoSWID can be part of CoRIM by constructing CoSWID CBOR by other indistry available
+tools such as [swid-tools](https://github.com/usnistgov/swid-tools) and including them
+as mentioned under [CORIM Construction](CORIM.md)
## CoRIMs manipulation
+The instructions to manipulate CoRIMs are documented [here](CORIM.md)
-The `corim` subcommand allows you to create, display, sign, verify CoRIMs or submit
-a CoRIM using the [Veraison provisioning API](https://github.com/veraison/docs/tree/main/api/endorsement-provisioning).
-It also provides a means to extract as-is the embedded CoSWIDs, CoMIDs and CoTSs and save
-them as separate files.
-### Create
-Use the `corim create` subcommand to create a CBOR-encoded, unsigned CoRIM, by
-passing its JSON representation[1](#templates-ex) via the
-`--template` switch (or equivalently its `-t` shorthand) together with the
-CBOR-encoded CoMIDs, CoSWIDs and/or CoTS to be embedded. For example:
-$ cocli corim create --template c1.json --comid m1.cbor --coswid s1.cbor --cots c1.cbor
-On success, you should see something like the following printed to stdout:
->> created "c1.cbor" from "c1.json"
-The CBOR-encoded CoRIM file is stored in the current working directory with a
-name derived from its template. If you want, you can specify a different
-file name using the `--output` command line switch (abbrev. `-o`):
-$ cocli corim create -t r1.json -m m1.cbor -s s1.cbor -c c1.cbor -o my.cbor
->> created "my.cbor" from "r1.json"
-CoMIDs, CoSWIDs and CoTSs can be either supplied as individual files, using the
-`--comid` (abbrev. `-m`), `--coswid` (abbrev. `-s`) and `--cots` (abbrev. `-c`) switches respectively, or
-as "per-folder" blocks using the `--comid-dir` (abbrev. `-M`), `--coswid-dir` and `--cots-dir`
-(abbrev. `-C`) switch. For example:
-$ cocli corim create --template c1.json --comid-dir comids.d/
-Creation will fail if *any* of the inputs is non conformant. For example, if
-`comids.d` contains an invalid CoMID file `rubbish.cbor`, an attempt to create a
-$ cocli corim create -t c1.json -M comids.d/
-will fail with:
-Error: error loading CoMID from comids.d/rubbish.cbor: EOF
-### Sign
-Use the `corim sign` subcommand to cryptographically seal the unsigned CoRIM
-supplied via the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`). The signature is produced
-using the key supplied via the `--key` switch (abbrev. `-k`), which is expected
-to be in [JWK](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7517) format. On success, the
-resulting COSE Sign1 payload is saved to file whose name can be controlled using
-the `--output` switch (abbrev. `-o`). A CoRIM Meta[1](#templates-ex)
-template in JSON format must also be provided using the `--meta` switch (abbrev.
-`-m`). For example, with the default output file:
-$ cocli corim sign --file corim.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk --meta meta.json
->> "corim.cbor" signed and saved to "signed-corim.cbor"
-Or, the same but with a custom output file:
-$ cocli corim sign --file corim.cbor \
- --key ec-p256.jwk \
- --meta meta.json \
- --output /var/spool/signed-corim.cbor
->> "corim.cbor" signed and saved to "/var/spool/signed-corim.cbor"
-### Verify
-Use the `corim verify` subcommand to cryptographically verify the signed CoRIM
-supplied via the `--file` switch (abbrev. `-f`). The signature is checked
-using the key supplied via the `--key` switch (abbrev. `-k`), which is expected
-to be in [JWK](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7517) format. For example:
-$ cocli corim verify --file signed-corim.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk
->> "corim.cbor" verified
-Verification can fail either because the cryptographic processing fails or
-because the signed payload or protected headers are themselves invalid. For example:
-$ cocli corim verify --file signed-corim-bad-signature.cbor --key ec-p256.jwk
-will give
-Error: error verifying signed-corim-bad-signature.cbor with key ec-p256.jwk: verification failed ecdsa.Verify
-### Display
-Use the `corim display` subcommand to print to stdout a signed CoRIM in human
-readable (JSON) format.
-You must supply the file you want to display using the `--file` switch (abbrev.
-`-f`). Only a valid CoRIM will be displayed, and any occurring decoding or
-validation errors will be printed instead.
-The output has two logical sections: one for Meta and one for the (unsigned)
-$ cocli corim display --file signed-corim.cbor
- "signer": {
- "name": "ACME Ltd signing key",
- "uri": "https://acme.example/signing-key.pub"
- },
- "corim-id": "5c57e8f4-46cd-421b-91c9-08cf93e13cfc",
- "tags": [
- "2QH...",
- ]
-By default, the embedded CoMID, CoSWID and CoTS tags are not expanded, and what you
-will see is the base64 encoding of their CBOR serialisation. If you want to
-peek at the tags' content, supply the `--show-tags` (abbrev. `-v`) switch, which
-will add a further Tags section with one entry per each expanded tag:
-$ cocli corim display --file signed-corim.cbor --show-tags
->> [ 0 ]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "366d0a0a-5988-45ed-8488-2f2a544f6242"
- },
->> [ 1 ]
- "tag-identity": {
- "id": "43bbe37f-2e61-4b33-aed3-53cff1428b16"
- },
->> [ 2 ]
- "tag-id": "com.acme.rrd2013-ce-sp1-v4-1-5-0",
-### Submit
+## CoRIM Submission to Veraison
Use the `corim submit` subcommand to upload a CoRIM using the Veraison provisioning API.
The CoRIM file containing the CoRIM data in CBOR format is supplied via the
@@ -468,8 +86,6 @@ output.d/
└── 000003-cots.cbor
1: A few examples of CoMID, CoRIM, CoTS, and Meta JSON
templates can be found in the [data/templates](data/templates) folder.
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-cca-mult-refval.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-cca-mult-refval.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-cca-mult-refval.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-cca-mult-refval.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-cca-refval.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-cca-refval.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-cca-refval.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-cca-refval.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-dice-refval.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-dice-refval.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-dice-refval.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-dice-refval.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-iakpub.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-iakpub.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-iakpub.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-iakpub.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-integ-iakpub.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-integ-iakpub.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-integ-iakpub.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-integ-iakpub.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-refval.json b/cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-refval.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/comid-psa-refval.json
rename to cocli/data/comid/templates/comid-psa-refval.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/corim-cca.json b/cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-cca.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/corim-cca.json
rename to cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-cca.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/corim-full.json b/cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-full.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/corim-full.json
rename to cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-full.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/corim-mini.json b/cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-mini.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/corim-mini.json
rename to cocli/data/corim/templates/corim-mini.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/meta-full.json b/cocli/data/corim/templates/meta-full.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/meta-full.json
rename to cocli/data/corim/templates/meta-full.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/templates/meta-mini.json b/cocli/data/corim/templates/meta-mini.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/templates/meta-mini.json
rename to cocli/data/corim/templates/meta-mini.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/claims/exclclaim.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/claims/exclclaim.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/claims/exclclaim.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/claims/exclclaim.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/claims/permclaim.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/claims/permclaim.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/claims/permclaim.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/claims/permclaim.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/comid.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/comid.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/comid.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/comid.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/coswid.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/coswid.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/coswid.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/coswid.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/namedtastore.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/namedtastore.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/namedtastore.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/namedtastore.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/vendor.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendor.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/vendor.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendor.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/vendor2.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendor2.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/vendor2.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendor2.json
diff --git a/cocli/data/cots/env/vendors.json b/cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendors.json
similarity index 100%
rename from cocli/data/cots/env/vendors.json
rename to cocli/data/cots/templates/env/vendors.json