This document is for developers looking to build an adapter for Istio's Mixer. Adapters integrate Mixer with different infrastructure backends that deliver core functionality, such as logging, monitoring, quotas, ACL checking, and more. This guide explains the adapter model and adapter lifecycle, and also walks through the step-by-step instructions for creating a simple adapter.
- Background
- Template overview
- Adapter lifecycle
- Example
- Summary diagrams
- Plug adapter into Mixer
- Testing
- Do's and dont's
- Built-in templates
- Walkthrough
Mixer provides Istio's generic intermediation layer between application code and infrastructure backends such as quota systems, access control systems, logging, and so on. It is an attribute processing engine that uses operator-supplied configuration to map request attributes from the proxy into calls to these backend systems via a pluggable set of adapters. Adapters enable Mixer to expose a single consistent API, independent of the infrastructure backends in use. The exact set of adapters used at runtime is determined through operator configuration and can easily be extended to target new or custom infrastructure backends.
Mixer structures its incoming attributes into a more useful form for adapters using templates. Templates describe the form of data dispatched to adapters when processing a request and the interface that the adapter must implement to receive this data. The operator that configures Istio controls how this template-specific data is constructed and dispatched to adapters.
Out of the box, Mixer provides a suite of default templates. We strongly recommend that, when implementing adapters, you use Mixer's default templates. Though if they are not suitable for your particular needs you can also create your own templates along with adapters to consume the relevant data. Mixer also includes some built-in adapters by default, but users may need to implement their own to let Mixer send data to their chosen backend.
The roles of the template author, adapter author, and the operator can be summarized as:
The template author defines a template, which describes the data Mixer dispatches to adapters, and the interface that the adapter must implement to process that data. The supported set of templates within Mixer determines the various types of data an operator can configure Mixer to create and dispatch to the adapters.
The adapter author selects the templates he/she wants to support based on the functionality the adapter must provide. The adapter author's role is to implement the required set of template-specific interfaces to process the data dispatched by Mixer at runtime.
The operator defines what data should be collected (instances), where it can be sent (handlers), and when to send it (rules).
To understand how an adapter receives and processes a template-specific instance, this section first provides details about various artifacts of a template that are relevant for adapter development.
As we saw in the previous section, a build of Mixer supports a set of templates, and every template defines a kind of data Mixer dispatches to adapters when processing a request, and also defines the interface for adapters to consume that data.
The following diagram shows the various components of a template.
We'll look at each of these in more detail below.
Templates are defined using a proto file with a message named 'Template'
. Template
is a simple proto message with
no associated code. All of the Go artifacts used by adapters are automatically generated from the template protos.
Every template also has two additional properties associated with it:
Name: Every template has a unique name. Adapter code uses the name of the template to register with Mixer that it wants to consume
objects associated with a particular template. The template name is also used within operator config to provide template-specific fields to attribute mapping, which is used to createInstance
objects. -
Template Variety: Every template has a specific
which can be either Check, Report or Quota. The template and its variety determine the signatures of the methods that adapters must implement for consuming the associated instances. Thetemplate_variety
also determines under which of the core Mixer behaviors, check report or quota, theinstances
for the templates should be created and dispatched to adapters.
Individual templates are processed in order to produce four Go artifacts:
Instance struct: This defines the data that is passed to the adapters at request time. Mixer constructs objects of the
type, based on the request attributes and operator configuration. -
Handler interface: This defines methods that Mixer uses to dispatch created
objects to the adapters at request time. Adapters must implement one Handler interface per supported template type. -
Type struct: If the datatype of a field in the
Go struct is dynamic (interface{}
), the datatype of the value it will hold during request time is determined based on operator-supplied configuration. The type struct expresses the datatype of dynamic fields using the ValueType enum, which has 1:1 mapping between Go data types and its enum values. -
HandlerBuilder interface: This defines the methods that Mixer uses to pass the
to the adapter. Mixer passes all possible type information for which the adapter might expect to receive correspondingInstance
objects at request time. Adapters implement per templateHandlerBuilder
interface for Mixer to call into them.
These examples show three templates, one for each of the possible template_variety
types. Each example shows a
message, and the resulting generated Go code.
syntax = "proto3";
package metric;
import "mixer/v1/config/descriptor/value_type.proto";
import "pkg/adapter/template/TemplateExtensions.proto";
option (istio.mixer.v1.config.template.template_variety) = TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT;
// Metric represents a single piece of data to report.
message Template {
// The value being reported.
istio.mixer.v1.config.descriptor.ValueType value = 1;
// The unique identity of the particular metric to report.
map<string, istio.mixer.v1.config.descriptor.ValueType> dimensions = 2;
Auto-generated Go code used by adapter implementation
package metric
import (
const TemplateName = "metric"
type Instance struct {
Name string
Value interface{}
Dimensions map[string]interface{}
type Type struct {
Value istio_mixer_v1_config_descriptor.ValueType
Dimensions map[string]istio_mixer_v1_config_descriptor.ValueType
type Handler interface {
HandleMetric(context.Context, []*Instance) error
type HandlerBuilder interface {
SetMetricTypes(map[string]*Type /*Instance name -> Type*/)
syntax = "proto3";
package listentry;
import "pkg/adapter/template/TemplateExtensions.proto";
option (istio.mixer.v1.config.template.template_variety) = TEMPLATE_VARIETY_CHECK;
// ListEntry is used to verify the presence/absence of a string
// within a list.
message Template {
// Specifies the entry to verify in the list.
string value = 1;
Auto-generated Go code used by adapter implementation
package listentry
import (
const TemplateName = "listentry"
type Instance struct {
// Name of the instance as specified in configuration.
Name string
// Specifies the entry to verify in the list.
Value string
type Type struct {
type HandlerBuilder interface {
SetListEntryTypes(map[string]*Type /*Instance name -> Type*/)
type Handler interface {
HandleListEntry(context.Context, *Instance) (adapter.CheckResult, error)
syntax = "proto3";
package metric;
import "mixer/v1/config/descriptor/value_type.proto";
import "pkg/adapter/template/TemplateExtensions.proto";
option (istio.mixer.v1.config.template.template_variety) = TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT;
// Metric represents a single piece of data to report.
message Template {
// The value being reported.
istio.mixer.v1.config.descriptor.ValueType value = 1;
// The unique identity of the particular metric to report.
map<string, istio.mixer.v1.config.descriptor.ValueType> dimensions = 2;
Auto-generated Go code used by adapter implementation
package quota
import (
const TemplateName = "quota"
type Instance struct {
// Name of the instance as specified in configuration.
Name string
// The unique identity of the particular quota to manipulate.
Dimensions map[string]interface{}
type Type struct {
Dimensions map[string]istio_mixer_v1_config_descriptor.ValueType
type HandlerBuilder interface {
SetQuotaTypes(map[string]*Type /*Instance name -> Type*/)
type Handler interface {
HandleQuota(context.Context, *Instance, adapter.QuotaArgs) (adapter.QuotaResult, error)
This section explains various Mixer states during which it interacts with adapters. This is important in order to understand how to implement adapter code and manage the states of various objects within the adapter code itself, such as remote connections and local caches. This section explains how an adapter implementation is usually structured to achieve clear separation of concerns between configuration-time and request-time responsibilities.
Every adapter must implement :
A Go struct that implements '
interfaces for all supported templates. -
A Go struct that implements '
interfaces for all supported templates.
An adapter implementation therefore usually contains a Go struct named builder
and a Go struct named handler
(The name of the structs is not important, but for the purpose of this document, let's call them builder
and handler
Mixer has three states during which it interacts with adapters: initialization-time, configuration-time and request-time.
High level flow between Mixer and adapters.
Let's take a detailed look at them:
This is when Mixer is booted and adapters are initialized. Every adapter must implement a GetInfo
function which
returns an adapter.Info
object. During initialization, Mixer invokes this function for all known adapters. The
describes the templates an adapter wants to support as well as how to construct its builder
(Details in info.go) contains the
following information:
type Info struct {
// Name returns the official name of the adapter, it must be RFC 1035 compatible DNS
// label.
// Regex: "^[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$"
// Name is used in Istio configuration, therefore it should be descriptive but short.
// example: denier
// Vendor adapters should use a vendor prefix.
// example: mycompany-denier
Name string
// Impl is the package implementing the adapter.
// example: ""
Impl string
// Description returns a user-friendly description of the adapter.
Description string
// NewBuilder is a function that creates a Builder which implements Builders
// associated with the SupportedTemplates.
NewBuilder NewBuilderFn
// SupportedTemplates expresses all the templates the adapter wants to serve.
SupportedTemplates []string
// DefaultConfig is a default configuration struct for this
// adapter. This will be used by the configuration system to establish
// the shape of the block of configuration state passed to the HandlerBuilder.Build
// method.
DefaultConfig proto.Message
This is when the operator configuration is loaded/reloaded. During configuration, Mixer creates new builder
configures them, and instantiates handler
objects for the adapter.
Details about the configuration time Mixer-Adapter interaction:
Creating new builder
Every handler config block in the operator's config results in an instance of builder
Passing template-specific types and adapter-specific config to builder
After builder
object instantiation, Mixer configures the builder
object by invoking various template-specific
interface methods (example SetMetricTypes
, SetQuotaTypes
for 'metric' and 'quota' named templates.)
and passing a map of string-to-Type
struct. The string key and the value Type
represents the name of the instance as
configured by the operator and the shape of the Instance
object the adapter would receive at request time.
Given the above sample handler configuration and 'metric' template, the example below shows configuration-time call values.
At request time, every Instance
object dispatched to the adapter has a Name
field. The adapter implementation should
use the value of the Name
field to lookup the shape description for the Instance
object from the map of instance
that was passed at configuration time through the builder
Once Mixer has called into various template-specific Set.*Types methods,
Mixer calls the SetAdapterConfig
method on the builder
, and once done then Mixer calls the Validate
method followed by the
method. SetAdapterConfig
gives the builder the adapter-specific configuration, Validate
method allows builder to
validate the operator configuration based on the provided template-specific Types
and the adapter-specific configuration.
Instantiating handler
Once builder
is validated, Mixer calls its Build
method, which returns a handler
object which Mixer invokes during
request processing. The handler
instance constructed must implement all the Handler
interfaces (runtime request
serving interfaces) for all the templates the adapter has registered for. If the returned handler fails to implement the
required interface for the adapter's supported templates, Mixer reports an error and doesn't serve runtime traffic to
the particular handler.
The Build
method is where adapters must do all their bootstrapping work. For example establishing connection with backend
system, initializing cache and more, that they need to start receiving data at request time.
Closing handler
When a handler is no longer useful, Mixer calls its Close
method. In the Close
method an adapter is expected to release
all the allocated resources and close all remote connections to the backends if it has any.
During this time Mixer dispatches the instance
objects to the adapter based on the routing rules configured by the operator.
Mixer does this by invoking the Handle* functions on the handler
Given the above example operator's config (instance, action, handler configuration) and
'metric' template, the following example shows the request-time Instance
objects created
for a given input set of attributes:
The following sample adapters illustrate the basic skeleton of the adapter code and do not provide any functionality. They always return success. For examples of real world adapters, see implementation of built-in adapters within Mixer framework.
- Sample adapter that supports the 'metric' template
type (
builder struct{}
handler struct{}
// ensure our types implement the requisite interfaces
var _ metric.HandlerBuilder = builder{}
var _ metric.Handler = handler{}
///////////////// Configuration Methods ///////////////
func (builder) Build(Context.Context, adapter.Env) (adapter.Handler, error) {
return handler{}, nil
func (builder) SetAdapterConfig(adapter.Config) {}
func (builder) Validate() (*adapter.ConfigErrors) { return }
func (builder) SetMetricTypes(map[string]*metric.Type){
////////////////// Runtime Methods //////////////////////////
func (handler) HandleMetric(context.Context, []*metric.Instance) error {
return nil
func (handler) Close() error { return nil }
////////////////// Bootstrap //////////////////////////
// GetInfo returns the Info for this adapter.
func GetInfo() adapter.BuilderInfo {
return adapter.BuilderInfo{
Name: "",
Description: "Does nothing",
SupportedTemplates: []string{
NewBuilder: func() adapter.HandlerBuilder { return builder{} },
DefaultConfig: &types.Empty{},
- Sample adapter that supports the 'listentry' template.
type (
builder struct{}
handler struct{}
// ensure our types implement the requisite interfaces
var _ listentry.HandlerBuilder = builder{}
var _ listentry.Handler = handler{}
///////////////// Configuration Methods ///////////////
func (builder) Build(Context.Context, adapter.Env) (adapter.Handler, error) {
return handler{}, nil
func (builder) SetAdapterConfig(adapter.Config) {}
func (builder) Validate() (*adapter.ConfigErrors) { return }
func (builder) SetListEntryTypes(map[string]*listentry.Type){
////////////////// Runtime Methods //////////////////////////
var checkResult = adapter.CheckResult{
Status: rpc.Status{Code: int32(rpc.OK)},
ValidDuration: 1000000000 * time.Second,
ValidUseCount: 1000000000,
func (handler) HandleListEntry(context.Context, *listentry.Instance) (adapter.CheckResult, error) {
return checkResult, nil
func (handler) Close() error { return nil }
////////////////// Bootstrap //////////////////////////
// GetInfo returns the Info associated with this adapter implementation.
func GetInfo() adapter.BuilderInfo {
return adapter.BuilderInfo{
Name: "",
Description: "Does nothing",
SupportedTemplates: []string{
NewBuilder: func() adapter.HandlerBuilder { return builder{} },
DefaultConfig: &types.Empty{},
- Sample adapter that supports the 'quota' template.
type (
builder struct{}
handler struct{}
// ensure our types implement the requisite interfaces
var _ quota.HandlerBuilder = builder{}
var _ quota.Handler = handler{}
///////////////// Configuration Methods ///////////////
func (builder) Build(Context.Context, adapter.Env) (adapter.Handler, error) {
return handler{}, nil
func (builder) SetAdapterConfig(adapter.Config) {}
func (builder) Validate() (*adapter.ConfigErrors) { return }
func (builder) SetQuotaTypes(map[string]*quota.Type){
////////////////// Runtime Methods //////////////////////////
func (handler) HandleQuota(ctx context.Context, _ *quota.Instance, args adapter.QuotaRequestArgs) (adapter.QuotaResult2, error) {
return adapter.QuotaResult2{
ValidDuration: 1000000000 * time.Second,
Amount: args.QuotaAmount,
func (handler) Close() error { return nil }
////////////////// Bootstrap //////////////////////////
// GetInfo returns the Info associated with this adapter implementation.
func GetInfo() adapter.BuilderInfo {
return adapter.BuilderInfo{
Name: "",
Description: "Does nothing",
SupportedTemplates: []string{
NewBuilder: func() adapter.HandlerBuilder { return builder{} },
DefaultConfig: &types.Empty{},
The above section provided a complete example of a simple adapter. In the next sections we'll look in more detail how to build Mixer with custom adapters that are not shipped with the default Mixer build, and step-by-step guide to build a simple adapter.
The diagrams below show the relationship between, adapters, templates, operator configuration, and Mixer. They also show the flow of Mixer at boot time, how it interacts with adapters and operator configuration. The diagrams also demonstrate how handler, rule and instance configuration is translated to calls into adapters at configuration-time and request time.
First let's look into how Mixer, adapters, templates and operator configurations are related
Now that we have understood the relationship between various artifacts, let's look into what happens at the time of Mixer start, when operator configuration is loaded/changed and when request is received.
For a new adapter to plug into Mixer, you will have to add your adapter's reference into Mixer's inventory
build file's inventory_library rule. In the deps section
add a reference to adapter's go_library build rule, and in the packages section add the short name and the go import
path to the adapter package that implements the GetInfo
function. These two changes will plug your custom adapter into Mixer.
We provide a simple adapter test framework. The framework instantiates an in-process Mixer gRPC server with a config store backed by the local filesystem, and also a Mixer gRPC client in test process, which allows stepping through adapter code in test cases. The test framework is implemented in the test/testenv directory. A sample test is provided to show how to use this test framework to test a dummy adapter called denier. To setup the environment, adapter developer need author adapter config files. Sample adapter config can be found in /testdata directory.
Adapters must use env.Logger for logging during execution. This logger understands about which adapter is running and routes the data to the place where the operator wants to see it.
Adapters must use env.ScheduleWork or env.ScheduleDaemon in order to dispatch goroutines. This ensures all adapter goroutines are prevented from crashing Mixer as a whole by catching any panics they produce.
Mixer ships with a set of built-in templates that are ready to use by adapters:
Using the above templates, the Mixer team has implemented a set of adapters that ships as part of the default Mixer binary. They are located at istio/mixer/adapter. They are good examples for reference when implementing new adapters.
Please refer to Adapter Development Walkthrough