ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes add-on for automatically managing Domain Name System (DNS) records for Kubernetes services by using different DNS providers. By default, Kubernetes manages DNS records internally, but ExternalDNS takes this functionality a step further by delegating the management of DNS records to an external DNS provider such as Domeneshop. Therefore, the Domeneshop webhook allows to manage your Domeneshop domains inside your kubernetes cluster with ExternalDNS.
To use ExternalDNS with Domeneshop, you need to create a token and a secret for the account managing your domains. See the Domeneshop API documentation for details - https://api.domeneshop.no/docs/
kubectl create secret generic external-dns-domeneshop-webhook
Install external-dns and use values-file to configure domeneshop-webhook as sidecar:
helm upgrade my-release oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/external-dns -f external-dns-domeneshop-webhook-values.yaml
The Domeneshop API client is based on cert-manager-webhook-domeneshop made by Domeneshop, but extended with helper-functions and support for records other than TXT-records.
Domeneshop enforces the RFCs (RFC 1034 section 3.6.2, RFC 1912 section 2.4), it not permissible for a CNAME record to co-exist with any other records, even TXT records. Using --txt-prefix might be a workaround (kubernetes-sigs/external-dns#262)
main.go - Base application, starting webserver and adding routes
pkg/webhook/webhook.go - Routes for webserver, uses provider-package to talk to Domeneshop API via domeneshop client-package
internal/client/domeneshop.go - client for Domeneshop API
internal/provider/domeneshop.go - Functions that use Domeneshop API for calls from the webserver-routes
While developing the webhook, point external-dns to the Docker gateway IP-address on the host ( )
Install external-dns via Helm:
helm upgrade my-release oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/external-dns
Edit deployment to pass these args to use a locally-running webhook:
- --provider=webhook
- --webhook-provider-url=
Might be useful:
Webhook documentation: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns/blob/master/docs/tutorials/webhook-provider.md
Domeneshop API documentation: https://api.domeneshop.no/docs/
Domeneshop cert-manager webhook: https://github.com/domeneshop/cert-manager-webhook-domeneshop