# LoCoD BSP This repository allows to build the BSP of the AVNET Ultra96 v2 board.
Petalinux 2022.1 is nedded to build the BSP.
To build the project :
When build is finished, create BOOT.BIN file :
petalinux-package --boot --format BIN --fsbl --u-boot --pmufw --fpga --force
The files needed for deploy the bsp are :
- images/linux/BOOT.BIN
- images/linux/Image
- images/linux/system.dtb
- images/linux/rootfs.tar.gz
To deploy the BSP on the board, the files below shall be copied on the first partition of the SD card :
- Image
- system.dtb
The rootfs.tar.gz file shall be extracted into the second partition.