- Install the necessary prerequesites for Dahlia.
- Follow the instructions for installing the Daisy Toolchain for your OS
- Build
using the Daisy toolchain:
$ cd lib/pd2dsy/libdaisy
$ make clean | grep "warning:\|error:"
$ make -j4 | grep "warning:\|error:"
$ cd .. # return to the 'pd2dsy' directory
- Install a second Python virtual environment specifically for
$ py -m venv ./pd_env
$ source ./pd_env/scripts/activate # for MacOS/Linux this is `./pd_env/bin/activate`
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install setuptools
$ deactivate
- If there's no errors from the above, then everything Dahlia needs for Daisy is ready to go. As a test, return to the
root directory and generate for Daisy using HVCC and pd2dsy:
# generate for a target (e.g. Daisy) from pd source using HVCC only
$ source ./dahlia.sh daisy
# build from pd source and compile for Daisy platform using Arm toolchain
$ source ./dahlia.sh pd2dsy
The second script will automatically try uploading to a Daisy device. The UI is expected to work, but audio will not as the Pd code uses the |null_voice|
module in place of |miniphonic|
. The reason for this is a known memory limitation; Electrosmith has not yet released a working pd2dsy
solution for executables larger than 128 kB.