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(This is English translation) Richard (@r12a) filed an issue to see if jlreq-d could either adopt the section structure of the Script Resources page or consider creating link targets in jlreq-d that correspond to sections of the resource page. This was discussed at the JLReq TF meeting on 2024-08-13. It was concluded that it would be appropriate for jlreq-d to consider creating links from the relevant sections of the Script Resources page. Below are the results of the discussion for each item on the resource page. Script Resources Page1. Introduction2. Script OverviewCan link to Chapter 2 of jlreq-d. 3. All topicsA link to the entire jlreq-d should be placed here. 4. Text direction4.1 Vertical textLinks can be made to the description of vertical text composition in jlreq-d. However, since vertical text is described as a differential from horizontal text composition, one cannot work with vertical text without knowledge of the basics of horizontal composition in Japanese typography. Therefore, it is also necessary to link to the description of horizontal composition as a foundation. Additionally, it relates to the description of vertical composition glyphs in the chapter on fonts. 4.2 Bidirectional textNot relevant to Japanese language. 5. Glyph shaping and positioning5.1 Fonts and font stylesLinks can be made to the explanation of fonts in the basic section of Chapter 2, and the chapter describing font requirements:
5.2 Context-based shaping & positioningLinks can be made to the chapter describing font requirements:
5.3 Cursive TextNot relevant to modern Japanese language. 5.4 Letterform slopes, weights, & italicsJapanese language does not have a unified concept under this heading. However, since related information exists, it should be placed somewhere in jlreq-d with a link to it:
5.5 Case & other character transformsJapanese language does not have a unified concept under this heading, so there is no corresponding section in jlreq-d, but related information exists in several places. Links could be made to those:
6. Typographic units6.1 Characters & encodingEncoding topics are not currently planned for jlreq-d but should be considered for inclusion:
6.2 Grapheme/word segmentation and selectionLinks can be made to the chapter describing requirements for dynamic behavior, as well as topics like line wrapping. 7. Punctuation & inline features7.1 Phrase and section boundariesThis is a topic related to language writing conventions, not layout, so it is outside the scope of jlreq-d. 7.2 Quotations & citationsThis is a topic related to language writing conventions, not layout, so it is outside the scope of jlreq-d. There is a description of different quotation marks for horizontal and vertical text, but it is not exhaustive. 7.3 Emphasis & highlightingThere is a section on emphasis in Chapter 3 of jlreq-d that can be linked to. 7.4 Abbreviation, ellipsis & repetitionThis is a topic related to language writing conventions, not layout, so it is outside the scope of jlreq-d. There is an explanation of the difference between Western ellipses and Japanese three-dot leaders, and using two in sequence, but not a comprehensive explanation of this topic. 7.5 Inline notes & annotationsThere is a section on annotations in jlreq-d that can be linked to. It covers inline format and non-inline annotations such as side notes that are independent of page structure. 7.6 Text decoration & other inline featuresjlreq-d does not differentiate between text decoration and emphasis. It is believed that text decoration not intended for emphasis does not exist in Japanese layout. Therefore, link to the emphasis section. 7.7 Data formats & numbersThis is a topic related to language writing conventions, not layout, so it is outside the scope of jlreq-d. 8. Line & paragraph layout8.1 Line breaking & hyphenationLine wrapping is not currently a standalone section but could be separated out, with a link to it. 8.2 Text alignment & justificationLinks can be made to the corresponding section. It will likely be split into several sections rather than grouped together. 8.3 Text spacingCreate a section in jlreq-d for this topic and link to it. 8.4 Baselines, line height, etc.This will likely be covered in two sections of jlreq-d: the mixed script section and the section describing line spacing. When scripts are mixed, not only the baseline position but also relative point size adjustments are necessary. Does the Script Resource page address this? 8.5 Lists, counters, etc.JLReq does not cover counter characters, but jlreq-d will consider doing so. If created, links will be made there. For example, the counter in vertical lists must always be maintained. 8.6 Styling initialsNot relevant to Japanese language. 9. Page & book layoutSince jlreq-d does not cover pages or books, this section is out of scope. However, items that do not depend on pages are included here. see below. 9.1 General page layout & progression9.2 Grids & tables9.3 Footnotes, endnotes, etcIf the Script Resource page covers non-inline, but also not page-dependent notes, such as side notes, where is it discussed? 9.4 Page headers, footers, etc9.5 Forms & user interactionLinks can be made to the dynamic elements chapter of jlreq-d. |
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See also the clreq discussion: |
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a few observations...
I think there are some topics where it is useful to say that a typographic feature is not used – and italicisation is one such. Most western developed applications now provide 'italic' settings for content authors largely because in the early days they didn't realise that this wasn't a global concept. It would be good to make it clear that something like italics are not a traditional feature of Japanese – but also explain what the alternatives are, and explain what evolution has (or has not) taken place for users given that italics settings have become ubiquitous in many applications or translated content.
This is also relevant for things like double-click word selection, etc., though i don't know whether that kind of thing is in scope for JLReq-D.
Note that it's treated fairly extensively in clreq. Things such as double-full-width dashes could be mentioned here.
In most of my orthography descriptions this is treated as a kind of catch-all section, for unusual things that didn't really fit in the previous sections. In fact, i'm progressively changing the heading these days to "Other text decoration & inline features" to make that clearer. (Of course, if there aren't any, there is no such heading.)
Yes (when there is something to point to).
Fwiw, actually i think may be relevant to the Japanese language. See for one of many examples i have seen.
Here (under 'etc'). The main distinction is between inline annotations (such as ruby and warichu) and others.
Form design and positioning are features of layout (such as vertical text orientation of form fields), in a similar way to table and image layout. In the script resource categorisation the input and other aspects of form design are kept together with the forms themselves, since the scope of this section is wider than just the form layout. For example, this section can also include any relevant information about input methods or other aspects of user interaction. hth |
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(English version is here)
Richard (@r12a) さんから、jlreq-dがScript Resources pageのセクション構造を採用するか、またはそのページのセクションに対応するリンクターゲットをjlreq-dに作成することを検討できないかとの依頼がありました。
これについて2024-08-13のJLReq TFミーティングで議論した。リソースページの該当する項目からリンクできるようにjlreq-dで考慮するのが適当であろうとの結論になりました。リソースページの各項目に対する議論の結果を下記に示します。
1. はじめに
2. スクリプトの概要
3. リソース全体へのリンク
4. テキストの方向
4.1 縦書きテキスト
4.2 双方向テキスト
5. グリフのシェーピングとポジショニング
5.1 フォントとフォントスタイル
5.2 文脈に基づくシェーピングとポジショニング
5.3 筆記体テキスト
5.4 文字形の傾き、ウェイト、イタリック
5.5 大文字と他の文字変換
6. タイポグラフィの単位
6.1 文字とエンコーディング
6.2 グラフィーム/単語のセグメンテーションと選択
7. 句読点とインライン機能
7.1 フレーズとセクションの境界
これは言語の書き方の慣習に (language writing conventions) 関する話題であって、レイアウトには関係ないのでjlreq-dの範囲外。
7.2 引用符と引用
これは言語の書き方の慣習に (language writing conventions) 関する話題であって、レイアウトには関係ないのでjlreq-dの範囲外。
7.3 強調とハイライト
7.4 省略、エリプシス、および繰り返し
これは言語の書き方の慣習に (language writing conventions) 関する話題であって、レイアウトには関係ないのでjlreq-dの範囲外。
7.5 インラインメモと注釈
7.6 テキストデコレーションと他のインライン機能
jlreq-dではtext decorationを強調かどうかによって分けていない。そもそも強調が目的でないデコレーションは日本語にはないと思われる。よって強調のセクションにリンク。
7.7 データフォーマットと数字
これは言語の書き方の慣習に (language writing conventions) 関する話題であって、レイアウトには関係ないのでjlreq-dの範囲外。
8. 行と段落のレイアウト
8.1 改行とハイフネーション
8.2 テキストの整列と均等割り付け
8.3 テキストの間隔
8.4 ベースライン、行の高さなど
スクリプトが混在する場合、ベースラインの位置のみではなく、相対的なポイントサイズの調整も必要になる。それはScript Resoruce pageでは触れないのか?
8.5 リスト、カウンターなど
8.6 頭文字のスタイリング
9. ページと書籍のレイアウト
9.1 一般的なページレイアウトと進行
9.2 グリッドと表
9.3 脚注、エンドノートなど
インラインでない、しかしpaged mediaにも依存しない注、例えばサイドノートはScript Resource pageのどこでカバーする?
9.4 ページヘッダー、フッターなど
9.5 フォームとユーザーインタラクション
これはpaged mediaであることに依存しないので、9章にある理由が不明。
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