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438 lines (351 loc) · 17.1 KB

📝 Adding support for a new built-in provider

Step 1: Initialize and register the cloud provider manager

The provider-specific cloud manager should be placed under src/cloud-providers/<provider>.

ℹ️Example code

Step 2: Add provider specific code

Under src/cloud-providers/<provider>, start by adding a new file called types.go. This file defines a configuration struct that contains the required parameters for a cloud provider.

ℹ️Example code

Step 2.1: Implement the Cloud interface

Create a provider-specific manager file called manager.go, which implements the following methods for parsing command-line flags, loading environment variables, and creating a new provider.

  • ParseCmd
  • LoadEnv
  • NewProvider

Create an init function to add your manager to the cloud provider table.

func init() {
	cloud.AddCloud("aws", &Manager{})

ℹ️Example code

Step 2.2: Implement the Provider interface

The Provider interface defines a set of methods that need to be implemented by the cloud provider for managing virtual instances. Add the required methods:

  • CreateInstance
  • DeleteInstance
  • Teardown

ℹ️Example code

Also, consider adding additional files to modularize the code. You can refer to existing providers such as aws, azure, ibmcloud, and libvirt for guidance. Adding unit tests wherever necessary is good practice.

Step 2.3: Include Provider package from main

To include your provider you need reference it from the main package. Go build tags are used to selectively include different providers.

ℹ️Example code

//go:build aws

Note the comment at the top of the file, when building ensure -tags= is set to include your new provider. See the Makefile for more context and usage.

Step 2.4 Add code to receive user-data on the Pod VM image

A Pod VM image is configured via user-data that is provided to the guest. How the guest retrieves the user-data body is specific to the provider. Add support for the provider to the userdata module

Step 3: Add documentation on how to build a Pod VM image

For using the provider, a pod VM image needs to be created in order to create the peer pod instances. Add the instructions for building the peer pod VM image at the root directory similar to the other providers.

Step 4: Add E2E tests for the new provider

For more information, please refer to the section on adding support for a new cloud provider in the E2E testing documentation.

📝 Adding support for a new external provider

External plugins are loaded dynamically and you don't need to recompile cloud-api-adaptor and peerpod-ctrl for adding external plugins.

The following section describes building and using an external libvirt plugin.

Assume you are using the cloud-api-adaptor and peerpod-ctrl image with the external plugin function support.

And you are currently located in the root folder of the cloud-api-adaptor on your development machine.

Step 1: Initialize and register the cloud provider manager

mkdir -p src/libvirt/build
cd src/libvirt

cat > manager.go <<EOF
//go:build cgo
package main

import (

	providers ""

type Manager struct {
	libvirtManager *libvirt.Manager

func init() {
	libvirtManager := &libvirt.Manager{}
	manager := &Manager{
		libvirtManager: libvirtManager,
	providers.AddCloudProvider("libvirt", manager)

func (m *Manager) ParseCmd(flags *flag.FlagSet) {

func (m *Manager) LoadEnv() {


func (m *Manager) NewProvider() (providers.Provider, error) {
	return NewProvider(m.libvirtManager.GetConfig())

Note: The the package name must be "main" for external plugin, all other required methods are same as built-in plugin.

Step 2: Add provider specific code

cat > provider.go <<EOF
//go:build cgo

package main

import (

	providers ""

var logger = log.New(log.Writer(), "[adaptor/cloud/libvirt] ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lmsgprefix)

type libvirtext struct {
	libvirtProvider providers.Provider
	serviceConfig   *libvirt.Config

func NewProvider(config *libvirt.Config) (providers.Provider, error) {

	libvirtProvider, err := libvirt.NewProvider(config)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	provider := &libvirtext{
		libvirtProvider: libvirtProvider,
		serviceConfig:   config,

	return provider, nil

func (p *libvirtext) CreateInstance(ctx context.Context, podName, sandboxID string, cloudConfig cloudinit.CloudConfigGenerator, spec providers.InstanceTypeSpec) (*providers.Instance, error) {
	cloudInitCloudConfigData, ok := cloudConfig.(*cloudinit.CloudConfig)
	// Debug print cloudInitCloudConfigData
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("User Data generator did not use the cloud-init Cloud Config data format")
	userData, err := cloudInitCloudConfigData.Generate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logger.Printf("===CreateInstance: userData from libvirt: %s", userData)

	return p.libvirtProvider.CreateInstance(ctx, podName, sandboxID, cloudConfig, spec)

func (p *libvirtext) DeleteInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceID string) error {
	return p.libvirtProvider.DeleteInstance(ctx, instanceID)

func (p *libvirtext) Teardown() error {
	return nil

func (p *libvirtext) ConfigVerifier() error {
	VolName := p.serviceConfig.VolName
	if len(VolName) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("VolName is empty")
	return nil

Step 3: Prepare the go.mod and go.sum

cat > go.mod <<EOF

go 1.20

require v0.8.2

replace => ../cloud-providers


go mod tidy

Step 4: build the external cloud provider plugin file via docker

cat > Dockerfile <<EOF
RUN dnf install -y libvirt-devel && dnf clean all
COPY ./cloud-providers ./cloud-providers
COPY ./libvirt ./libvirt

WORKDIR /work/libvirt
RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=\$TARGETPLATFORM CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags=libvirt -buildmode=plugin .

FROM --platform=\$TARGETPLATFORM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder /work/libvirt/ /

cd ../ && docker buildx build --platform "linux/amd64" \
	-t \
	-f libvirt/Dockerfile \
	-o type=local,dest="./libvirt/build" \
cd ../

Note: the external cloud provider plugin need to be built using the same golang and package versions that was used to build cloud-api-adaptor.

The built out external plugin file is "src/libvirt/build/"

Step 5: Prepare the test libvirt peerpod env by following this document

Step 6: Update the "peer-pods-cm" configmap to enable cloud provider external libvirt plugin

  • Calculate the SHA256 checksum of the built external plugin
sha256sum src/libvirt/build/
60e5cdbcb910c6331c796ce66dfa32e50bf083689ffdf18ee136d91a9da5ddab src/libvirt/build/
  • Update "peer-pods-cm" configmap
kubectl edit cm peer-pods-cm -n confidential-containers-system
  CLOUD_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_HASH: 60e5cdbcb910c6331c796ce66dfa32e50bf083689ffdf18ee136d91a9da5ddab

Note: CLOUD_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_HASH is sha256sum of the built out external cloud provider plugin

Step 7: Actions on the worker node

  • Copy the external plugin file to worker node /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins folder
ssh root@worker-ip 'mkdir -p /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins && chmod +x /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins'
scp src/libvirt/build/ root@worker-ip:/opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins
  • Prepare for the external libvirt plugin
cat <<'EOF' > src/libvirt/build/

# Enabling dynamically loaded cloud provider external plugin feature, disabled by default


# Ensure you add a space before the closing quote (") when updating the optionals
# example:
# following is the correct method: optionals+="-option val "
# following is the incorrect method: optionals+="-option val"

[[ "${PAUSE_IMAGE}" ]] && optionals+="-pause-image ${PAUSE_IMAGE} "
[[ "${TUNNEL_TYPE}" ]] && optionals+="-tunnel-type ${TUNNEL_TYPE} "
[[ "${VXLAN_PORT}" ]] && optionals+="-vxlan-port ${VXLAN_PORT} "
[[ "${CACERT_FILE}" ]] && optionals+="-ca-cert-file ${CACERT_FILE} "
[[ "${CERT_FILE}" ]] && [[ "${CERT_KEY}" ]] && optionals+="-cert-file ${CERT_FILE} -cert-key ${CERT_KEY} "
[[ "${TLS_SKIP_VERIFY}" ]] && optionals+="-tls-skip-verify "
[[ "${PROXY_TIMEOUT}" ]] && optionals+="-proxy-timeout ${PROXY_TIMEOUT} "
[[ "${INITDATA}" ]] && optionals+="-initdata ${INITDATA} "
[[ "${FORWARDER_PORT}" ]] && optionals+="-forwarder-port ${FORWARDER_PORT} "
[[ "${CLOUD_CONFIG_VERIFY}" == "true" ]] && optionals+="-cloud-config-verify "

test_vars() {
    for i in "$@"; do
        [ -z "${!i}" ] && echo "\$$i is NOT set" && EXT=1
    [[ -n $EXT ]] && exit 1

one_of() {
    for i in "$@"; do
        [ -n "${!i}" ] && echo "\$$i is SET" && EXIST=1
    [[ -z $EXIST ]] && echo "At least one of these must be SET: $*" && exit 1

libvirt() {
    test_vars LIBVIRT_URI

    [[ "${DISABLECVM}" = "true" ]] && optionals+="-disable-cvm "
    set -x
    exec cloud-api-adaptor libvirt \
        -uri "${LIBVIRT_URI}" \
        -data-dir /opt/data-dir \
        -pods-dir /run/peerpod/pods \
        -network-name "${LIBVIRT_NET:-default}" \
        -pool-name "${LIBVIRT_POOL:-default}" \
        ${optionals} \
        -socket /run/peerpod/hypervisor.sock

help_msg() {
    cat <<'HELP_EOF'
	CLOUD_PROVIDER=libvirt $0
	$0 libvirt
in addition all cloud provider specific env variables must be set and valid
(CLOUD_PROVIDER is currently set to "$CLOUD_PROVIDER")

if [[ "$CLOUD_PROVIDER" == "libvirt" ]]; then
chmod +x src/libvirt/build/
  • Copy the external plugin file to worker node /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins folder
scp src/libvirt/build/ root@worker-ip:/opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins

Step 8: Update cloud-api-adaptor damonset to use the external libvirt plugin

  • Run the kubectl edit command to update cloud-api-adaptor damonset
kubectl edit ds cloud-api-adaptor-daemonset -n confidential-containers-system
  • Overwrite the command
      - command:
        - /cloud-providers/
  • Mount /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins/ from worker node to the cloud-api-adaptor-con container
        - mountPath: /cloud-providers
          name: provider-dir
      - hostPath:
          path: /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins
          type: Directory
        name: provider-dir

Step 9: Update peerpod-ctrl deployment to use the external libvirt plugin

  • Run the edit command to update peerpod-ctrl deployment
kubectl edit deployment peerpod-ctrl-controller-manager -n confidential-containers-system
  • Mount /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins from worker node to the manager container
        - mountPath: /cloud-providers
          name: provider-dir
      - hostPath:
          path: /opt/cloud-api-adaptor/plugins
          type: Directory
        name: provider-dir

Step 10: Verify cloud-api-adaptor/peerpod-ctrl pod is running without error

kubectl logs -n confidential-containers-system ds/cloud-api-adaptor-daemonset

+ exec cloud-api-adaptor libvirt -uri 'qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system?no_verify=1' -data-dir /opt/data-dir -pods-dir /run/peerpod/pods -network-name default -pool-name default -disable-cvm -socket /run/peerpod/hypervisor.sock
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor/cloud] Loading external plugin libvirt from /cloud-providers/
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor/cloud] Successfully opened the external plugin /cloud-providers/
cloud-api-adaptor version v0.8.2-dev
  commit: a8b81333ccb6b0e0adf71c8eda675da97d24d649
  go: go1.21.9
cloud-api-adaptor: starting Cloud API Adaptor daemon for "libvirt"
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor/cloud/libvirt] libvirt config: &libvirt.Config{URI:"qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system?no_verify=1", PoolName:"default", NetworkName:"default", DataDir:"/opt/data-dir", DisableCVM:true, VolName:"podvm-base.qcow2", LaunchSecurity:"", Firmware:"/usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd"}
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor/cloud/libvirt] Created libvirt connection
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor] server config: &adaptor.ServerConfig{TLSConfig:(*tlsutil.TLSConfig)(0xc0000d4080), SocketPath:"/run/peerpod/hypervisor.sock", CriSocketPath:"", PauseImage:"", PodsDir:"/run/peerpod/pods", ForwarderPort:"15150", ProxyTimeout:300000000000, EnableCloudConfigVerify:false}
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [util/k8sops] initialized PeerPodService
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [probe/probe] Using port: 8000
2024/04/17 04:34:56 [adaptor] server started
2024/04/17 04:35:35 [probe/probe] nodeName: peer-pods-worker-0
2024/04/17 04:35:35 [probe/probe] Selected pods count: 10
2024/04/17 04:35:35 [probe/probe] Ignored standard pod: kube-proxy-464dj
2024/04/17 04:35:35 [probe/probe] All PeerPods standup. we do not check the PeerPods status any more.

kubectl logs -n confidential-containers-system $(kubectl get po -A | grep peerpod-ctrl-controller-manager | awk '{print $2}')

2024-04-17T04:35:20Z	INFO	controller-runtime.metrics	Metrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ""}
2024/04/17 04:35:20 [adaptor/cloud] Loading external plugin libvirt from /cloud-providers/
2024/04/17 04:35:20 [adaptor/cloud] Successfully opened the external plugin /cloud-providers/
2024/04/17 04:35:20 [adaptor/cloud/libvirt] libvirt config: &libvirt.Config{URI:"qemu+ssh://[email protected]/system?no_verify=1", PoolName:"default", NetworkName:"default", DataDir:"", DisableCVM:false, VolName:"podvm-base.qcow2", LaunchSecurity:"", Firmware:"/usr/share/edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd"}
2024/04/17 04:35:20 [adaptor/cloud/libvirt] Created libvirt connection
2024-04-17T04:35:20Z	INFO	setup	starting manager
2024-04-17T04:35:20Z	INFO	Starting server	{"path": "/metrics", "kind": "metrics", "addr": ""}
I0417 04:35:20.876671       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease confidential-containers-system/
2024-04-17T04:35:20Z	INFO	Starting server	{"kind": "health probe", "addr": "[::]:8081"}
I0417 04:35:37.265021       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease confidential-containers-system/
2024-04-17T04:35:37Z	DEBUG	events	peerpod-ctrl-controller-manager-865cb874d-mknth_da8a80e2-4984-4720-828e-3d3b3ff53b2a became leader	{"type": "Normal", "object": {"kind":"Lease","namespace":"confidential-containers-system","name":"","uid":"3e18f493-803b-490d-b9e0-b23104bac54e","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"17873"}, "reason": "LeaderElection"}
2024-04-17T04:35:37Z	INFO	Starting EventSource	{"controller": "peerpod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "PeerPod", "source": "kind source: *v1alpha1.PeerPod"}
2024-04-17T04:35:37Z	INFO	Starting Controller	{"controller": "peerpod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "PeerPod"}
2024-04-17T04:35:37Z	INFO	Starting workers	{"controller": "peerpod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "PeerPod", "worker count": 1}


  • "failed to map segment from shared object" from CAA/Peerpod-ctrl log
  • Please make sure CLOUD_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_PATH on worker node have execute permissions, chmod +x $CLOUD_PROVIDER_EXTERNAL_PLUGIN_PATH
  • "plugin was built with a different version of package XXX" from CAA/Peerpod-ctrl log
  • Please check the go.mod of CAA and plugins project, the CAA and plugins should be built with same version of issue package XXX
  • Please make sure use same golang env to build CAA, Peerpod-ctrl and cloud-provider plugins