Releases: walkor/workerman
Releases · walkor/workerman
- Signal optimizations
Full Changelog: v4.1.6...v4.1.7
Full Changelog: v5.0.0-beta.1...v5.0.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- Support revolt/event-loop (Fiber for PHP)
- Support swoole
- Support swow
- Update Request.php by @EzzalddeenAli in #734
- formatting by @mowangjuanzi in #735
- Fixed PHP Deprecated: strlen() in Http:Response by @rslucena in #736
- Update composer.json and by @mowangjuanzi in #737
- fixed event interface return type by @mowangjuanzi in #739
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #741
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #742
- fixes for getting class name by @DarkVss in #749
- Update Worker.php by @captainstdin in #748
- 添加对 Connection 的序列化操作 by @mouyong in #759
- Allow to change lifetime without application reload by @latypoff in #770
- Worker code optimization by @twomiao in #775
- 修复PHP Warning: Undefined array key警告 by @bbuugg in #780
- Use constant in phrases for codes by @joanhey in #825
- Use constant for error types by @joanhey in #826
- Use constant for built in transports by @joanhey in #827
- Use constant in async tcp connection transports by @joanhey in #828
- Use Null Coalesce Operator by @joanhey in #830
- Change phrase to 413 status code by @joanhey in #831
- Add .gitattributes, exclude tests from archive by @iamvar in #792
- Mandatory host header in http 1.1 by @rexpl in #823
- Fixed annotation: Worker::getAllWorkers() >> @return Worker[] by @tianyiw2013 in #838
- Update annotation: TcpConnection->$context by @tianyiw2013 in #839
- Swow Event by @xuanyanwow in #864
- Fix connection closed before file send completed by @landso in #870
- Support the use of proxy by @1923998238 in #752
- correct incorrect spelling by @robin12315 in #873
- Set ext-swow conflict by @xuanyanwow in #872
New Contributors
- @EzzalddeenAli made their first contribution in #734
- @rslucena made their first contribution in #736
- @DarkVss made their first contribution in #749
- @captainstdin made their first contribution in #748
- @mouyong made their first contribution in #759
- @twomiao made their first contribution in #775
- @bbuugg made their first contribution in #780
- @iamvar made their first contribution in #792
- @rexpl made their first contribution in #823
- @tianyiw2013 made their first contribution in #838
- @xuanyanwow made their first contribution in #864
- @landso made their first contribution in #870
- @1923998238 made their first contribution in #752
- @robin12315 made their first contribution in #873
Full Changelog: v4.0.31...v5.0.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- Update Request.php by @EzzalddeenAli in #734
- formatting by @mowangjuanzi in #735
- Fixed PHP Deprecated: strlen() in Http:Response by @rslucena in #736
- Update composer.json and by @mowangjuanzi in #737
- fixed event interface return type by @mowangjuanzi in #739
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #741
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #742
- fixes for getting class name by @DarkVss in #749
- Update Worker.php by @captainstdin in #748
- 添加对 Connection 的序列化操作 by @mouyong in #759
- Allow to change lifetime without application reload by @latypoff in #770
- Worker code optimization by @twomiao in #775
- 修复PHP Warning: Undefined array key警告 by @bbuugg in #780
- Use constant in phrases for codes by @joanhey in #825
- Use constant for error types by @joanhey in #826
- Use constant for built in transports by @joanhey in #827
- Use constant in async tcp connection transports by @joanhey in #828
- Use Null Coalesce Operator by @joanhey in #830
- Change phrase to 413 status code by @joanhey in #831
- Add .gitattributes, exclude tests from archive by @iamvar in #792
- Mandatory host header in http 1.1 by @rexpl in #823
- Fixed annotation: Worker::getAllWorkers() >> @return Worker[] by @tianyiw2013 in #838
- Update annotation: TcpConnection->$context by @tianyiw2013 in #839
- Swow Event by @xuanyanwow in #864
- Fix connection closed before file send completed by @landso in #870
- Support the use of proxy by @1923998238 in #752
- correct incorrect spelling by @robin12315 in #873
- Set ext-swow conflict by @xuanyanwow in #872
New Contributors
- @EzzalddeenAli made their first contribution in #734
- @rslucena made their first contribution in #736
- @DarkVss made their first contribution in #749
- @captainstdin made their first contribution in #748
- @mouyong made their first contribution in #759
- @twomiao made their first contribution in #775
- @bbuugg made their first contribution in #780
- @iamvar made their first contribution in #792
- @rexpl made their first contribution in #823
- @tianyiw2013 made their first contribution in #838
- @xuanyanwow made their first contribution in #864
- @landso made their first contribution in #870
- @1923998238 made their first contribution in #752
- @robin12315 made their first contribution in #873
Full Changelog: v4.0.31...v5.0.0-beta.1
- Try to support Swow
- Other optimizations
Full Changelog: v4.1.5...v4.1.6
What's Changed
- fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 by @wandoubaba in #855
New Contributors
- @wandoubaba made their first contribution in #855
Full Changelog: v3.5.33...v3.5.34
- Websocket support deflate
- Fix upload type error in extreme cases
- Other optimizations
Full Changelog: v4.1.4...v4.1.5
- Fix upload type error in extreme cases
- Other optimizations
Full Changelog: v4.0.42...4.0.43
What's Changed
- AllowDynamicProperties #824 (comment)
- Show event loop in displayUI by @joanhey in #836
Full Changelog: v3.5.32...v3.5.33
- #[\AllowDynamicProperties]
Full Changelog: v4.1.3...v4.1.4