Production Ready GraphQL "Learn how to design and build predictable, performant, and secure GraphQL APIs at scale."
Refresh token and retry failed call:
- eslint-plugin-graphql: checks tagged query strings inside JavaScript, or queries inside .graphql files, against a GraphQL schema.
- graphql-schema-linter: command line tool to validate GraphQL schema definitions against a set of rules.
- graphql-eslint: Lints both GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations.
GraphQL APIs are required to be self-documenting and every GraphQL API needs to respond to queries about its own structure. This system is called introspection. The key for GraphQL validation is doing the introspection query and getting the schema in GraphQL Schema Definition Language format. The query gets you the JSON representation of the shape of the API which you can convert to SDL. See more about GraphQL Schemas.
You can use the Apollo tooling for the introspection.
npx apollo client:download-schema --endpoint=http://localhost:4444/graphql schema.graphql
Create config graphql-schema-linter.config.js
in your project
module.exports = {
rules: ["enum-values-sorted-alphabetically"],
schemaPaths: ["path/to/my/schema/files/**.graphql"],
customRulePaths: ["path/to/my/custom/rules/*.js"],
rulesOptions: {
"enum-values-sorted-alphabetically": { sortOrder: "lexicographical" },
And run $ graphql-schema-linter
Results e.g.
1320:1 The type `Upload` is defined in the schema but not used anywhere. defined-types-are-used
74:3 The field `Company.phone_number` is not camel cased. fields-are-camel-cased
Example with GitLab CI
image: docker:19.03.1
stage: test
- docker:19.03.1-dind
- apk add --no-cache docker-compose npm
- "# Start GQL"
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-introspection.yml up -d
- "# Get introspection schema"
- cd /tmp
- npx apollo client:download-schema --endpoint=http://localhost:4000/graphql schema.graphql
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-introspection.yml stop
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-introspection.yml rm -f
- "# Run tests"
- npx graphql-schema-linter /tmp/schema.graphql