Visual Studio Code has become The Editor for many and it has many extensions which you can use to extend the functionality for your needs and customize it. Here’s a short list of the extensions I use for front-end (React, JavaScript, Node.js) and backend (Python, Node.js, Docker) development.
This repository contains a Visual Studio Code settings and theme.
- Auto Rename Tag
- DotENV
- Babel JavaScript
- Better Comments
- Black Formatter
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Error Lens
- ESLint
- GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Copilot Chat
- GitLens
- indent-rainbow
- A simple extension to make indentation more readable
- IntelliCode
- IntelliCode API Usage Examples
- Jest Runner
- Playwright Test for VSCode
- Prettier
- Prettify JSON
- Project Manager
- Pylance
- Python
- Python Debugger
- Rainbow CSV
- REST Client
- Sass (.sass only)
- shell-format
- Vetur
- vscode-icons
- WorkspaceSort
- Live Share
- Alpine.js
- Color Highlight
- Auto close tag
- CSS Variable Autocomplete
- Debugger for Firefox
- Live server
- stylelint
- ToDo tree
- Base64
- Hex Editor
- Time tracking:
- wakatime
- code time
- Document This
- "Automatically generates detailed JSDoc comments in TypeScript and JavaScript files."
- axe Accessibility Linter
- PHP Intelephense
- Docker
- PlantUML
- HashiCorp Terraform
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- GraphQL
- GraphQL for VSCode or
- Apollo GraphQL for VS Code
- Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform.
- Tokyo Night
- VScode Show Full Path in Title Bar
- With Code open, hit: Command+ , “window.title”: “${activeEditorLong}${separator}${rootName}”,