- service:
function (e37d89c) -
prefer detecting language by
#722 (2204f4f) -
enrich events with the currently handled language key (73b289d)
interpolate translationId in case of rejected translation (3efaac5)
- introduce loader cache (b685601)
- apply support for loaderOptions.$http (8613bef)
correctly iterate in fallback languages (fixes #690) (ac2f35c)
should be not unset parallel loadings (d1745e4) -
avoid possible doubled requested on refresh() (98d429d)
avoid possible npe in internal getTranslationTable() (9aaa9a0)
mark filter being stateful required since Angular 1.3 rc2 (bffbf04)
interpolated params w/ scope aren't possible starting AJS1.3 (9465318)
- $translate: return $missingTranslationHandler result when no translation was found (7625951d)
- bower.json: Avoid 'invalid-meta angular-bootstrap-affix is missing "ignore" entry in bower.j (595501a9)
- demo: fixes wrong method call in demo (47fc9436)
- directive:
- docs:
- package.json: remove unnecessary relative paths from package.json (8e5b87e7)
- service:
- storage:
- translateService:
- directive: add possibility to mix translation interpolation with other text in element body (be621314, closes #461)
- fix npe on empty strings (trim()) (c69de7b8)
- $translate:
- $translateProvider:
- demo:
- directive: Make translate-value-* work inside ng-if and ng-repeat (e07eea75)
- docs: removes explicit protocol declaration for assets (eaa9bf7b)
- gruntfile: fix image link (65fc8be3)
- package.json: fix repository url (40af7ce7)
- partialLoader: fixes deprecated usage of arguments.callee (1ac3a0a7)
- service:
- storageLocal: fixes QUOTAEXCEEDEDERROR (safari private browsing) (59aa2a01)
- translateInterpolator: make it work with 1.3-beta (97e2241c)
- directive:
- messageformat-support: enhancing for sanitization like default (ad016861)
- missingFallbackDefaultText: enables a feature to return a default text for displaying in case of missing tra (f24b15e8)
- service:
Support for camel casing interpolation variables. (4791e25)
add option to define a default translation text (fc57d26)
- add possibility to translate a set of translation ids (57bd07c)
use case-insensitive check for language key aliases (09a8bf1)
if translation exists, use the translated string even if it's empty (4ba736f)
docs annotation (8ef0415)
- Make translate-value-* work inside ng-if and ng-repeat (f22624b)
- fix repository url (a410c9a)
- fix comparison in one case of negotiateLocale() (c2b94ca)
- invoke missing handler within
fix possible npe in case of filters with undefineds (61a9490)
$translate.instant(id) does not return correct fallback (eec1d77)
- fix bug in refresh if using partial loader (95c43b4)
- Ensuring that languages will be set based on the order they are requested, not the order the responses come in. (32e1851)
add option to html escape all values (fe94c1f)
add option to html escape all values (e042c44)
add an option for post processing compiling (d5cd943)
adds determinePreferredLanguage() (7cbfabe)
adds registerAvailableLanguagesKeys for negotiation (6bef6bd)
- teaches directive custom translate-value-* attr (5c27467)
- add $translate.instant() for instant translations (3a855eb)
- filter now use $translate.instant() since promises could not use (a1b8a17)
- adds translate-cloak directive (c125c56)
- Fix fallback languages loading and applying (4c5c47c)
- Now allows empty string as prefix and postfix. (051f431)
- fixes bad coding convention (d5db4ad)
links to demo resources updated to new locactions (fddaa49)
fix server routes + add index page (eb0a2dc)
Trim whitespace off translationId (4939424)
check for fallbacklanguage (321803d)
fix npe introduced in 4939424a30 (#281) (173a9bc)
avoid calls with empty translationId (sub issue of #298) (08f087b)
- jshint fixes (1e3f8a6)
- fixes docs annotation (d6ea84b)
- Fix uses->use in multi language (af59c6a)
- fallback languages could not load when using
- add missing resolution (a98a2f6)
- includes translate-cloak directive (84a59d2)
- makes jshint happy (2058fd3)
- fixes links for languages (265490f)
Update required Node up
(b7cf5f4) -
shortcuts and links\n\nShortcuts creates a shorter translationId if the last key equals the one before(foo.bar.bar -> foo.bar). Also added support for linking one translationID to another by prepending '@:'. So if foo.bar = '@:chuck.norris', then the value for chuck.norris will be retrieved instead. (f9f2cf2)
- Ukrainian docs
- fixes encoding (084f08c)
- fixes missing storage-key (635d290)
fixes typo (7e1c4e9)
fixes typo in landing page (0b999ab)
- fixes occuring 'translation id undefined' erros (bb5a2c4)
- introduces setPart() to add static parts on translatePartialLoader
- added refresh() method (d41f91e)
- makes methods chainable (cdc9e9e)
- Basic implementation (81222bf)
fixes bug that directive writes into scope (4e06468)
fixes scope handling (c566586)
- reset proposed language if there's no pending loader (6b477fc)
- remove unnecessary semicolon (54cb232)
- Brings default interpolation back to core (you don't have to install it as extra package)
- deep link (d368bf3)
- add 'angular-cookies' as bower devDependency (b6f1426)
- change src to angular-translate script (4be93b6)
missingTranslationHandler receives language (6fe6bb1)
adds method to configure indicators for not found translations (52a039f)
extracts default interpolation in standalone service (5d8cb56)
implements usage of different interpolation services (5e20e24)
informs interpolator when locale has changed (e59b141)
implements proposedLanguage() (6d34792)
- implements usage of messageformat (5596e8b)
- teaches filter to use custom interpolation (46f03cc)
- teaches directives to use custom interpolation (bf3dbbb)
travis CI (629bb8d)
travis CI (c8624bf)
- fixes methodOf declaration of addInterpolation method (f1eeba7)
- plato report (b85e19b)
- removes empty options object requirement for loaders (c09d1dbe)
- fixes missingTranslationHandler-invokation bug (525b3533)
- let translate service handle multiple promises (0e5d6d9d)
- add fallbackLanguage() method (018991e8)
- Allow blank translation values (97591a8f)
- fix bower.json (c3898829)
Remove $translateMissingTranslationHandlerLog service
- add use*() methods for async loaders (f2329cc2)
Old demo files are not available from now.
There are now extensions for loaders and storages
- add methods to use different missingTranslationHandlers (f6ed3e3)
- corrected typo (82569f0)
- rename module ngTranslate to pascalprecht.translate
- rename ngTranslate folder to src (65012d9)
- rename ngTranslate folder to src (65012d9)
missingTranslationHandler (3a5819e)
add a preferredLanguage property (563e9bf)
make translationTable extendable (8e3a455)
add useLoaderFactory() as shortcut method (2915e8b)
add storagePrefix() method (64cd99b)
- add documentation comments (b1efbca)
- add a storageKey method (dabf822)
- add storage() method (98c2b12)
fix tests for preferredLanguage() (f1b5084)
Fix preferredLanguage tests (73efcfc)
Old values won't be ignored, so they have to be discarded (625b1d6)
- trim off white space around element.text() (e10173a)
- add grunt-ngmin (f630958)
- add support for asynchronous loading
- check for truthy value in watch callback (98087c7)
- add .jshintrc (0c8d3da)
- add .bowerrc (42363ee)
- rename component.json to bower.json (17acd10)
- Add grunt-conventional-changelog task (c8093a7)
- Added .editorconfig to make contribution as easy as possible
- Fixed bug that directive doesn't change contents when language is switched at runtime
- Fixed dependencies (Karma 0.9.x isn't stable!)
- Introducing $translateProvider.rememberLanguage()
- You're now able to tell ngTranslate save lang state cross requests
$translate Service now has method uses(key) to ask for currently used language
Language can now be changed at runtime
- Revamped test suite structure
- Added more tests
- Added translate directive to handle translations
- Fixed unit tests
- Fixed karma.conf
- Introduced $translateProvider.uses(key);
- Implemented multi-lang support
- Added CONTRIBUTING.md as guide for contributers
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Added automated tests using karma and jasmine
- Added Travis CI support