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Feature Support & Comparison

Taylor Dawson edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 10 revisions

Details about web3.js & ethers.js


Feature Web3.js Ethers.js Planned for Web3data.js Supported Notes
getAccount blocked
getHashrate × × -
getGasPrice pending Web3.js returns "20000000000", ethers returns: "20000000000", use endpoint: using fastest or average
Namespace: transactions
getAccounts × -
getBlockNumber pending Web3.js — type number, 7280000
Ethers — type number, 7280000
Endpoint— /block/:id using the blocks.current
getBalance pending - partial imp waiting on api Web3.js — type string
Ethers — type BigNumber
Endpoint — /addresses/:hash/account-balances/latest .value
getStorageAt × -
getCode pending Web3.js — type string
Ethers — type string
Endpoint— /contracts/:hash .bytecode
getBlock pending Web3.js — type object response
Ethers — type object response
Endpoint— /blocks/:id?validationMethod=full
getBlockTransactionCount × pending Web3.js — type number
Endpoint— /blocks/:id .numTransactions
getUncle × pending Web3.js — type object response
Endpoint— /blocks/:id?validationMethod=full .validations.unlces
This should be evaluated since we just want uncles but it returns a lot of extra data; it also seems like this is subject to change. See AL-1874.
getTransaction PR #9 Web3.js — type object response
Ethers — type object response
Endpoint— /transactions/:hash
getPendingTransactions × PR #9 Web3.js — type object response
Endpoint— /transactions?status=pending
getTransactionFromBlock × PR #9 Web3.js — type object response
Endpoint— /blocks/:id/transactions payload.records[index] to retrieve by block and index
getTransactionReceipt ? ?
getTransactionCount blocked Web3.js — type number
Ethers — type BigNumber
Endpoint— currently I don't think this is possible
sendTransaction × -
sendSignedTransaction × × -
sign × -
signTransaction × -
call × -
estimateGas × -
getPastLogs blocked Web3.js — type arrayof objects response
Ethers getLogs() — type array of Log objects response
Endpoint— /addresses/:hash/logs
This one is really wonky, web3js gets ALL past logs. ethersjs can only get past logs of a specific contract, same with our endpoint as seen above. Only this /search/logs endpoint can do that.
getWork × × -
submitWork × × -
getChainId blocked Web3.js — type string
Ethers — type object network.chainId
Endpoint— ???????????
Contract.getPastEvents × blocked Web3.js — type array of objects response
Ethers getLogs() — type array of Log objects response
Endpoint— /addresses/:hash/logs
utils ?
getEtherPrice × × pending Web3.js — type
Ethers — type didn’t see this for ethersjs

† All endpoints return lots of data points that may require direct comparisons.


Feature Web3.js Ethers.js Planned for Web3data.js Supported Notes
Contract.on done
Contract.once done ✓^ ? ? Ethers.js - Only available via filters ✓^ ? ? Ethers.js - Only available via filters
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