June 13, 2018
- Nina, Josh, & Wes attended
- Any highlights or takeaways?
- Nina
- Meeting people where they are - building in attending community meetings, non-profit/gov hosted events as part of our activities.
- Nina
- HFLA Governance & Advisory Board docs
- Financial governance
- Merch designs
- Generate donations via selling?
- Site redesign
- Should we resurrect the project group to roll out the multiple things in the pipeline?
- https://github.com/hackforla/website-redesign/issues
- Volunteer Blogger
- Someone responded to our callout for a blogger
- What is the person blogging about?
- Volunteer Social Media Manager
- Welcoming Andrea!
- What is our brand messaging?
- What tasks should she be performing?
- Who will oversee her?
- DTLA (Josh)
- Existing Project Updates
- CurbMap
- Spare
- Workshop Series
- Working with Ev for a callout to find workshop speakers (civic topics)
- In talks with Amanda for another workshop focused on user research, personas, and user stories
- Needs?
- Existing Project Updates
- Westside (Wes & Kegan)
- Existing Project Updates
- Needs?
- SouthLA (Nina & Tamura)
- Status update on location.
- Do we have a launch date?
- Open Austin's Project Framework
- Tamura is spearheading an online version of the Project Planning Canvas
- We're trying to get this piloted on our recent projects groups.
- Beautify (DTLA)
- Spare (DTLA)
- Street Tree Map (WS)
- Existing Community Projects
- If an existing community project meets our project guidelines, can we support them without owning them?
- What would this look like?
- Department of Public Social Services who want to throw a hackathon
- Nina met with officials
- They put our name down as a nonprofit community partner for their grant application
- More information to come...
- Brings together multiple brigades to collaborate on a project
- Matchmaking/Project Framework
- Lots of discussions on discourse forums
- The idea has been floating around for creating a set of standardized project frameworks that brigades can use.
- This coincides conveniently with our recent discussions about our HFLA project groups.
- While there’s a lot of support for the idea, someone needs to step up to be the champion for this as a BAT project.
- Merge with existing “California Civic Lab”, which was already established between Code for Sacramento, Code for San Francisco, Code for San Jose, Open Oakland, and Open San Diego - http://caciviclab.org/
- Potential projects:
- Send Open Data Pledge to CA Senator & Governor candidates for this year's elections.
- See Chi Hack Night's work: https://chihacknight.org/events/2018/02/13/kim-foxx.html
- Existing CA Civic Lab projects:
- Open Disclosure (visualize campaign finance data in local elections)
- State Agency Inventory (status of state agencies’ open data)
- National Day of Civic Hacking - Workshop
- Monday, June 18, 7pm ET/4pm PT
- https://discourse.codeforamerica.org/t/want-to-present-on-the-preparing-for-ndoch-workshop-on-june-18/168
- Civic Tech Happy Hour
- Friday, June 29 (time TBD)
- Location TBD
- National Day of Civic Hacking
- Saturday, August 11
- What are we doing?!
- Big Data Day
- Saturday, August 11 (can we even go?)
- Call for proposals open now!
- Project Demo Day
- By mid-September / mid-October
- Location: where??? LACI? CCF? Other site?
- Invite List: gov partners, npos, and special invites to Catherine & Lily
- Presentations: What do we want them to present?
- We need to let all the project groups know ahead of time so they can prepare presentations.
- Nina would say a condensed version of the Civic Tech Canvas, no wireframes/mockups/MVPs necessary.
- Data + Donuts
- 2-day event in September/October
- Fall training seminar, needs volunteers
- 2019 Events
- SCALE 17x
- Open Data Day
- Brigade Event
- Code for America Fellowship Program
- Start scoping out ideas and talk to government folks for next year.