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File metadata and controls

247 lines (177 loc) · 8.11 KB

Konverter - YAML templating for responsible users

Konverter is a YAML templating tool that uses Jinja expression and templates and supports inline-encrypted variables.


  • generic YAML templating (not specific to e.g. Kubernetes)
  • works on the YAML structure; text templating only available for values
  • support for simple inline-encrypted variables
  • ... more to come (see "planned features")

The project is still at an early stage, so I'm happy about any contribution!


I created this tool mainly to scratch my own itch. I needed a simple way to store encrypted values along my Kubernetes manifests, but found that e.g. Kustomize makes this extra hard.

In that regard Konverter follows the Python philosophy: "We are all consenting adults". So yes, you can do potentially dangerous things with it.

Also, the way Kustomize works by patching and transforming YAML, as well as the concept of Secret and ConfigMap generators, didn't feel natural to me.

To each his own :)


The easiest way to install Konverter is via pipx:

$ pipx install konverter

Or just with plain pip:

$ pip install konverter


Konverter is configured via a YAML file (of course). In this config file, you define your templates and the context (variables) used to render those templates. If you want to render your templates with a different context (e.g. templating Kubernetes manifests for staging, production, ...) you need a separate config file.

Here's a simple example of a config file:

  - manifest.yaml

  - vars/common.yaml
  - vars/prod.yaml

The templates are rendered using the konverter command by passing it the config file:

$ konverter production.yaml

The rendered templates will be written to stdout as a multi-document YAML. This allows for easy composition with other tools like kubectl:

$ konverter production.yaml | kubectl apply -f -


Under the templates key, you can configure a list of files or directories. In the case of a directory, Konverter will recursively include all *.y[a]ml files.

Konverter uses YAML tags to declare expressions (!k/expr) and templates (!k/template):

foo: !k/expr
FOO: !k/expr|upper

not_defined: !k/expr missing_variable|default('default value')

config: !k/template |-
  Hello {{ name }}

  {% for item in list_of_values %}
    Hello {{ item }}
  {% endfor %}


Expressions are mainly useful for injecting data from the context and performing simple transformations:

# Example context
    context: barfoo
    other: foobar
# Use !k/expr to inject the values in a template
  bar: !k/expr value.from.context
  foo: !k/expr value.from.other|upper

When using the !k/expr tag, the value can be any valid Jinja2 expression. In addition to the standard Jinja filters, tests and global functions the following filters are currently available:

  • to_json: dump an object as a JSON string
  • b64encode: encode value using Base64

Missing a filter? Let me know or feel free to contribute!


The !k/template tag supports the full Jinja2 template syntax (currently with some exceptions, like template inheritance), but the output will always be a string value. Inline templates are most useful for customizing config files.


The context key in the config contains a list of files or directories that Konverter uses for loading variable definitions. Those variables serve as the context (hence the name) when rendering templates. In the case of multiple context files containing the same top-level key, the entry from the last listed file wins (in the future we might support merging those contexts).

This is how a simple context file might look like

  name: foobar
  version: 1.0
  environment: production

Encrypted values

In addition there can be inline-encrypted values:

  user: root
  password: !k/vault gAAAAABeKd7EEt-jCYJSLS_ze6oO401yRDCthJFkuR4ptIFNnSElTccUnOVSQ1rSCDbIdljB59SRWjy2rDq7174stq3FFzyE_w==

Konverter uses Fernet symmetric encryption with secret keys. To use encrypted values we have to create key first:

$ konverter-vault keygen

This will create a key file .konverter-vault in the current directory containing the key. Make sure to never commit this file to version control!

By default, Konverter will look for the vault key in the same directory as the config file when rendering templates. See the section "advanced configuration" on how to use a different path.

The following command will decrypt any encrypted values in the given file and launch your $EDITOR:

$ konverter-vault edit vars/secret.yaml

Values that should be encrypted are marked with the !k/encrypt YAML tag:

  user: root
  password: !k/encrypt secret-password

After closing the editor Konverter will encrypt the values:

  user: root
  password: !k/vault gAAAAABeKd7EEt-jCYJSLS_ze6oO401yRDCthJFkuR4ptIFNnSElTccUnOVSQ1rSCDbIdljB59SRWjy2rDq7174stq3FFzyE_w==

Instead of editing the file via the konverter-vault edit command you can also encrypt/decrypt the files separately:

$ konverter-vault encrypt vars/secret.yaml
$ konverter-vault decrypt vars/secret.yaml

In case the decrypted content should be passed to another tool that expects YAML or JSON, the konverter-vault show command can come in handy:

$ konverter-vault show --format=json vars/secret.yaml
  "credentials": {
    "user": "root",
    "password": "secret-password"

It will decrypt the given file and remove all !k/(encrypt|vault) YAML tags. Supported output formats are yaml (default), json or terraform.

The terraform output format is usefull for using konverter-vault as an external data source in Terraform

data "external" "konverter" {
  program = [
    "konverter-vault", "show", "--format=terraform", "vars/secrets.yaml"

Unfortunately the "external program protocol" only allows string values (no lists or objects). All float, int and bool values will be converted to strings. Other types will cause an error when using this output format.

Advanced configuration

The above config file could be rewritten in a more verbose format:

  - manifest.yaml

    key_path: .konverter-vault

  - provider: default
    path: vars/common.yaml
  - provider: default
    path: vars/prod.yaml

In case we want to change the location of the vault key, we can simply override the default provider:

    key_path: ~/.my-vault-key

Planned features

  • better error handling
  • improve test coverage
  • importing templates from a file
  • support for other context providers

Feel free to create an issue or a pull-request if you are missing something!