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File metadata and controls

109 lines (78 loc) · 4.95 KB

Install Dependencies

We have dependencies that are pulled from private repositories in GitLab. You can get the token from our 1password account under whylabs container pypi read token. Then you can configure poetry to use this for the whylabs_container_gitlab package source.

poetry config http-basic.whylabs_container_gitlab __token__

We also pull down private assets from the platform during the build. You should request access to our production org-0 model and create an api key that you can use in commands that require it, like so

WHYLABS_API_KEY=.... PYPI_API_KEY=... make docker-llm

You should be using a password manager with a CLI (like pass) to prevent saving passwords in your shell's history as well.

WHYLABS_API_KEY=(pass show whylabs-org-0-api-key) PYPI_API_KEY=(pass show gitlab-pypi-token) make docker-llm

Generated Client

If you make any changes to the REST APIs then you may need to regenerate the python client.

make python-client

You should commit any changes that you see in git after running that command. It will update/add new routes if anything changed. If you forgot to do this step then the build process will fail to remind you. If you want to test the integration changes locally with the new client then you can run this:

make pip-install-python-client

This just installs the latest client using pip in your current virtualenv so it gets used when you run the integ tests with make integ.


You'll probably want to start with a regular PR to master that bumps the version. See make help for all of the various bump commands.

make bump-patch && make bump-release # Assuming this is a patch bump
git add -p # Make sure everything looks ok
git commit -m 'Bumping for release'

# do a PR as normal and after merging, also push to the release branch
git push origin HEAD:release

After this PR clears master, create a PR that merges master' -> 'release in GitHub. Everything happens automatically after the release pr merges. The master branch should always be ahead of or equal to the release branch. The release job will upload the new container images to Docker Hub with the version as the tag, as well as a release to PyPi for the client with the same version.

The example repo is generated from the example_repo dir. After the release, you should append a release notes section to the example repo's readme, like this.

Dev Builds

If you want to release a dev build then the process is similar, but you won't run bump-release, you'll leave the version as a dev build and push it to the dev-release branch instead.

make bump-patch
git add -p # Make sure everything looks ok
git commit -m 'Bumping for dev release'

# do a PR as normal and after merging, also push to the dev-release branch
git push origin HEAD:dev-release

This will omit some steps, like publishing the generated images with the latest tag and updating the public docs/example repo.

Updating Documentation

This repo uses a tool called docsub which allows you to create snippets in code that can be insert into .sub files and "rendered" into a normal file. For example, the following is what docsub snippet looks like.

# DOCSUB_START snippet_name
def some_function():

This snippet can be inserted into a file that ends in .sub. Take for example.

This is some markdown file that shows the snippet above

<!-- DOCSUB_INSERT snippet_name -->

There are several .sub files in this repo, especially in the example_repo and whylabs_docs folders. The .sub files are mostly used to render markdown that have snippets from unit tests to guarantee that the snippets are correct. If you want to update docs then you should actually update the .sub files and then run make fix to update the rendered files. If you forget to run make fix then the CI will fail.

The container is also the source of truth for the container docs that we host on the WhyLabs doc site. As part of release CI we push the files in whylabs_docs to the doc repo, so you can't update certain pages in the doc site directly, you'll have to update them here and then go through the release process. In general, if you ever want to reference any sample code then you should make sure that the sample is taken from a docsub snippet, which might mean that you need to create a unit test as an excuse for that code to exist. For example, commit 7a25adfc8cc452a99f9b509fad6bb4830bbe9cbe added yaml policy files to one of the examples in order to use them as snippets in docs. Those yaml files will fail the container startup in that particular example if they don't actually work.