How to use svg for icons, why svg is better than fonticon, tools, and more.
- A Working SVG Workflow for Accessible Icons
- An overview of svg sprite creation techiniques
- Cascading SVG Fill Color
- Create an icon font illustrator icomoon
- Customizable svg icons css variables
- Evil Icons
- Feather
- Fontastic
- Glyph Smarticons
- Google Fundamentals - Use SVG as icons
- Hybrid SVG icons
- - search engine with over 50,000 SVG icons indexed
- Icon System with SVG Sprites
- IconicFonts - provides more than 55 icon sets with over 60,000 icons
- Icon Fonts vs SVG
- Iconmonstr
- ICONS Repo - Editable (colors, thickness, rotation, background) SVG icons library/tool
- Loaders with just SVG
- - search engine with over 200,000 SVG logos indexed
- Manipulating svg icons with simple css
- Making SVG buttons
- Material Design Icons By Google
- Por que parei de utilizar ícones como fontes - Pt-Br
- Sistemas de Icones em SVG - Pt-Br
- svg-icon - An ultimate svg icons collection DONE RIGHT
- SVG ICONS NewBancomail
- SVG icons ftw
- SVG Morpheus
- Ten reasons we switched from an icon font to SVG
- SVG Sprites and Icon Systems are super
- SVG Sprite Workflow That Works
- SVG symbol a Good Choice for Icons
- SVG use with External Source
- Useiconic
- VectorLogoZone - consistently formatted SVG logos