A simple DSL to configure and define a Web Server
There are two variations of the server:
- Mock Server: A Programmable REST server, allows to define custom behavior on each REST API, responds with 404 Not Found on undefinded APIs.
- Stub Server: Responds 200 OK on all REST APIs and records all incoming requests.
Import Factory
import com.wix.e2e.http.server.WebServerFactory._
The mock server is useful for cases in which the server is a part of an end-to-end transaction in which it is expected to get some inputs and reply with a specific output that can later on be validated from the outside.
// start a server on a dynamic open port
val handler: RequestHandler = { case r: HttpRequest => HttpResponse() }
val server = aMockWebServerWith(handler).build
// start on a custom port
val somePort = 11111
val serverOnCustomPort = aMockWebServerWith(handler).onPort(somePort)
To program our mock server we will need to define handlers. A Handler is a function that receives a request and returns some response.
For example, a server that listens to requests on /somePath
and responds with OK!!!
A server can handle one or more handlers and it will use the first handler that is defined for the incoming request.
val okHandler = { case r: HttpRequest if r.uri.path.toString.endsWith("somePath") => HttpResponse(entity = "OK!!!") }
The stub server will record all incoming requests and respond with a 200OK to all requests. You will probably need this simple implementation in case you have an external server being called from your service while the output from this service is not being used in the transaction or simply not accessible from the outside. For example: you are triggering a REST API that sends a mail.
Create the server
// start a server on a dynamic open port
val server = aStubWebServer.build
// use custom port
val somePort = 11111
val serverOnCustomPort = aStubWebServer.onPort(somePort)
A Stub server can, but is not required to, have custom handlers (the same as the mock server)
val someHandler = // create your own
val anotherHandler = // create your own
val server = aStubWebServer.addHandler(someHandler) // add one
.addHandlers(someHandler, anotherHandler) // add more than one handler
You can update the handlers by calling :
val newHandler = // create your own
This will reset the handlers and set it to the new one Or you can add handlers to the existing ones :
val newHandler = // create your own
To view the recorded requests just access the recordedRequests
val server = // start server
val requests = server.recordedRequests
// you can also reset the recorded requests between tests
To validate incoming requests use the included Specs2 Matcher Suite.