Constitution of the Council of the Woodcrest University Student Union
The full name of this organization shall be the Council of the Woodcrest University Student Union. This may be shortened as the Woodcrest University Student Council, or by the initials WUSC on official communications.
The Student Council exists to serve the student body at Woodcrest University. Our priorities are to promote the following:
- Communication: We provide a forum for student expression and represent the student body to the school. And we work with the faculty and administration to guide the students according to the school's principles.
- School Spirit: We work to build the school identity and community among the students
- Activity: We endeavor to support the activities of the students, whether academic, the sports teams, or the Greek system.
Players must recognize that student council is not a position within sim moderator hierarchy. We are merely players who are here to have fun and roleplay, and to facilitate university RP among students, staff and faculty through events and clubs. As OOC players, we do take the IC purpose seriously as the closest the University group has to having group leads. We can only lead, however, through example and empowerment, not through demands. Roleplay is not power-play. We are merely actors and writers within an improv-theater.
- Section 1: Qualification: All students legally enrolled in Woodcrest University shall be considered to have membership in the Woodcrest University Student Union. Membership shall not discriminate based on nationality, race, religion, political preference, age (apart from the requisite minimum age of 18 to enroll), gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, favorite color, or whether you squeeze your toothpaste from the top or the bottom of the tube.
- Section 2: Rights: Members shall have election voting rights, and the right to participate in all Council sponsored activities.
- Section 1: Eligibility: All members of the Woodcrest University Student Union in good standing are eligible for a seat on the Student Council as part of the Executive Board.
- Section 2: Officer Positions: The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Secretary, and a number of student Senators as determined by the Administration. Other positions (e.g. Vice-President) may be assigned within the Council as the need arises.
- Section 3: Elections: Council officers are selected through a general election. Candidates may nominate themselves to any position, subject to review and veto by the Administration. Every member of the Student Union has the right to cast one vote for a single candidate. ((OOC: Elections are IC role-play only. Anyone willing, active, and willing to learn and engage in RP is welcome to be on it.))
- Section 4: Replacement: Should an officer be unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties for the remainder of their term, the council may determine the means to select a suitable replacement, in consultation of the administration.
- Section 1: Stated Meetings: Stated Meetings shall be held at least once a month, with the added stipulation that one Stated Meeting be held in preparation for a major event sponsored by the Council. A Stated Meeting may be called by the President, or other executive officer. A meeting agenda is to be issued to all Council members by the calling officer, or by the Secretary of the Council (if one is designated).
- Section 2: Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President, or other executive officer. The meeting agenda may be issued as the Council meets.
- Section 3: Student Summons: Council members may summon members of the Student Union to meet with the Council, whether for consultation, or to address a concern.
- Section 4: Quorum: Two thirds of the council (rounded up) must be present to conduct the business of the council at Stated Meetings. Special meetings require only 1/2 (rounded up). In the case of a Student Summons, at least one other member of the Council other than the one calling the Summons shall be present. If Quorum cannot be met under any circumstances, then decisions and minutes of meetings below Quorum may be approved by the Administration.
- Section 5: Quorum during leave/suspension/removal: A suspended or removed member of Council (See Article VII) no longer counts when calculating the attendance required for Quorum; a long-term explained absence may also be discounted from calculating Quorum. Thus a Council of 7 with one suspended member counts as a Council of 6 when calculating for Quorum.
- Section 6: Meeting Minutes: The Secretary shall record the minutes for Stated Meetings and Special Meetings and distribute them to all council members in a timely manner, as well as to prepare a copy for the permanent Student Council file. Minutes shall be taken in the case of Student Summons, although the distribution for such minutes remains at the discretion of the one calling the Summons, in case of confidential material. In the absence of the Secretary, a substitute designated by the Secretary, or if (s)he is unable, designated by the President, shall assume the Secretary's duties for the purposes of that meeting.
- Section 1: Agenda Business: After the Call to Order and Roll Call, the Council shall discuss the business on the Agenda, both unfinished and new. One issue is to be discussed at a time. Decisions may be approved by Common Consent, unless there are objections or varied opinions, in which case they may be put to a vote after discussion.
- Section 2: Non-Agenda Business: Time is to be allotted in the meeting for any Council member to raise an issue not on the Agenda. At the Council's discretion, it may table Agenda items to a later meeting in order to discuss non-Agenda items.
- Section 3: Legislative Authority: All legislation may be effected with Common Consent, or a simple majority vote with quorum present. Constitutional matters, and the replacement of elected officers may be addressed only in a Stated Meeting. All other matters may be discussed in either Stated or Special Meetings.
- Section 4: Committees: The Council may appoint a committee consisting of a subset of council members, invested with plenary authority to plan and execute a Council-sponsored program or event.
- Section 1: Remote Approval: If the Council is unable to call a meeting that meets Quorum, it may take Special Action, which is enacted upon obtaining the approval of a simple majority of Council Members remotely.
- Section 2: Range of Special Action: Special Action may enact any legislation within the authority of the student council.
- Section 3: Record of Action: Special Action must be recorded by the Secretary, with a copy kept in the permanent Student Council file.
- Section 1: Misconduct: In the case of conduct unbecoming of a Council member, or if a neglect of duties is evident, a warning shall be given. On a repeat offense, the Council may try the offending member at a Stated or Special Meeting and suspend him or her with a majority vote. Impeachment may happen only at a Stated Meeting with a majority vote.
- Section 2: Unexplained Absence: A Council member who has been absent without explanation for a period of over 30 days may be removed with a simple majority vote at a Stated Meeting.