Releases: wp-media/wp-rocket
Releases · wp-media/wp-rocket
- Fix: Resolve a fatal error for CloudFlare users with a PHP version lower than 5.4
- Fix: Resolve a PHP notice if CloudFlare domain field is empty
- Enhancement: Update CloudFlare API to version 4
- Enhancement: Set Cloudflare's browser cache TTL to 1 month when using the auto settings option in WP Rocket
The CloudFlare feature now require PHP 5.4 or higher to be enabled.
- Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Aelia Tax by Country and Aelia Prices by Country
- Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Visual Composer grid
- Enhancement: Automatic disable of lazyload on BuddyPress profile & group creation/edition pages
- New filter: rocket_varnish_purge_request_host. Filters the host value passed in the request headers of a Varnish purge request
- Fix: Remove trailing slash for the CDN domain value(s)
- Fix: Delete gzipped cache file for date URLs when a purge is done
- Fix: Return the correct URL when qTranslate-X is active
- Fix: Prevent deletion attempt of index.html/.mobile-active when a purge is done on an NGINX server
- Fix: Follow the correct white label format for export/import settings
- Fix: Remove mention to WP Mobile Detector (plugin no longer exists) and add mention to Easy Social Share Buttons
- Fix: Prevent PHP warning if opcache functions exist but access is restricted by opcache.restrict_api directive
Fix: Prevent a PHP warning for Enfold theme users with WP Rocket version 2.8.12/2.8.13
- Regression fix: correctly clear the cache again when updating a post
- Fix: Prevent an issue with lazy loading on the in-app browser of Facebook app on Android
- Fix: Prevent an issue with some dates URL to be purged when the permalink structure doesn't have a trailing slash
- Fix: Don't display WP Rocket in the CloudFlare header when white label is active
- Fix: correctly apply the script_loader_src filter for JS files in the footer
- Fix: JS filenames with a + in the filename are now correctly excluded from the minification when added to the option
- Fix: Don't preload posts that are not supposed to be public or publicly queryable
- Fix: Prevent the "never cache the following page" checkbox to be automatically checked on new post when the homepage is excluded from the cache
- Enhancement: Specific cache for mobile option detection on NGINX
- Enhancement: Purge OPCache when updating WP Rocket to prevent issue where the files were updated but the update was not taken into account in the WP admin
- Enhancement: Compatibility with Thrive Visual Editor
- Enhancement: Automatically exclude BuddyPress plupload from JS minification
- Bug fix: Bypass home_url() because of WPML filter for pages always purged when a post is updated
- Bug fix: Prevent undefined variables in Sweet Alert 2
Fix: DNS prefetch is once again removed when on an AMP version of a page with AMP for WordPress plugin and WordPress < 4.6
- Enhancement: Use wp resource hints on WordPress 4.6 and above for the DNS prefetch feature
- Enhancement: Updated Sweet Alert to Sweet Alert 2
- Enhancement: Exclude mp4, webp, webm file formats from gzip compression in the htaccess rules
- Fix: Weekly and monthly schedules are now working for database optimization
- Fix: Beaver Builder compatibility is now working correctly
- Fix: Using purge this URL on the homepage no longer purge the whole domain
- Fix: Hook "rocket_capability" is now deprecated, "rocket_capacity" should be used instead
- Fix: remove a PHP notice when WPML & WP Rocket are both active