A Julia package for the exploration of continuous and discrete dynamical systems.
Documentation | Travis | AppVeyor | Gitter |
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aims to be a useful companion for students and scientists treading
on the field of Chaos, nonlinear dynamics and dynamical systems in general.
See the documentation for more.
This package is registered. Simply use Pkg.add("DynamicalSystems")
to install it.
Bug-fixes and upgrades are constantly fed to the master branch, which accessed with Pkg.checkout("DynamicalSystems")
after installing. On the other hand the master
branch may also have breaking changes and therefore caution is advised!
This is the (non-final) list of what this package offers:
- Intuitive, consistent APIs for the definition of general dynamical systems.
- Automatic "completion" of the dynamics of the system with numerically computed Jacobians, in case they are not provided by the user.
- Lyapunov exponent estimation.
- Entropy and Attractor Dimension estimation.
- Attractor reconstruction, delay coordinates embedding and all that jazz.
- Entropy/Attractor dimension/Lyapunov exponents for numerical data.
- Finding unstable periodic orbits of any period of Discrete maps.
The following are examples of "wanted features", that we would like to have in our package and may (or may not) be implemented soon.
- Numeric Computation of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy.
- Definition of chaos, by Ott.
- GALI method for estimating chaotic behavior, TBA.
For more, see the The wanted features GitHub page GitHub page.
Checkout this amazing video by Cormullion, featuring the Systems.double_pendulum()
from our package: