All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
- Added Unity.Utils to handle easyly Elements like Button, Slider, Action and UnityAction based on the MonoFlux's OnFlux workflow
Modified in asset store the information displayed
- Added Search Filter Keeping the Hierarchy in UniFluxDebuggerWindow
- Added UniFluxGeneratorKeyWindow now you can Generate new Extensor types, like bool ( true.Dispatch ) Vector3 ( )
now you can:
- debug all the current MethodFluxAttribute and StateFluxAttribute and his method suscriptions
- Define "UNIFLUX_DEBUG" to debug in Playmode all the current actived methods suscribed
now you can use the inspectior to invoke the methods suscribed with MethodFluxAttribute or StateFluxAttribute. Currently Is not supported all kinds of fields, just commons excluding T[] elements, yet.
We modify the namespacing from "namespace Kingdox.UniFlux" to "namespace UniFlux". WARNING THIS MEANS A BREAKING CHANGES
- Fixed Internal.State to invoke in store if it was dispatched before
- Fixed Internal.State to Invoke in Dispatch when state changes
- Added FluxState, State and StateFlux to handle Store with State
- Added in Core.Flux StoreState and DispatchState to handle State Management methods
- implemented StoreState and DispatchState in extensions
- Allowing use of Scriptable objects as Key to Store and Dispatch. this allow modules become more modular, but also brings more boilerplate
- removed dictionary_read for ActionFluxParam
- The FuncFlux and FuncFluxParam as design is planned to only add one per key, but you can add multiple keys instead, thats why we reduce the complexity of optimization to just use Func< TResult > as TStorage
- Removed dictionary_read in ActionFlux, ActionFluxParam, FuncFlux and FuncFluxParam
- The Store methods have been fixed so that when unsubscribing they remove it from the storage, before it allowed to add the first one but not to subscribe or unsubscribe the following ones.
Now UniFlux is more optimized than before
- Added in ActionFlux dictionary_read for optimization purposes
- Added in ActionParamFlux dictionary_read for optimization purposes
- Added in FuncFLux dictionary_read for optimization purposes
- Added in FuncParamFLux dictionary_read for optimization purposes
- Removed Dictionary contract in IStore
- Removed Test PlayMode for no test included yet
- Optimized Dispatching from ~100.000 iteration string key => 25ms to ~15ms
- Optimized Storing Add from ~10.000 iteration string key => [300ms GC.Alloc 380MB] to [~15ms GC.Alloc 2.9MB]
- Optimized Storing Remove from ~10.000 iteration string key => [300ms GC.Alloc 380MB] to [~15ms GC.Alloc 2.9MB]
- Added "" to get a tiny view of perspective
- Added Service Template
- Added Samples of how to use the Package
- Added Unit testing for Unity EditMode (WIP PlayMode)
- Added a tiny documentation
- Changed FluxAttribute.cs in Subscribe Method (And also removing the old structure)
- Changed Scripts with more of one class into a single script to use different scripts
UniFlux for Unity is now available ! You can use MonoFlux and [MethodFlux("Hello World")] to create your own Action, then use "Hello World".Dispatch() and see the magic! Summary:
- using UniFlux
- YourMonoBehaviour : MonoFlux
- [MethodFlux("Key")] void MethodExamples() => Debug.Log("Hello World");
- "Key".Dispatch();
- Fixed Bug with UniFlux.Core.Internal.Flux<T, T2> where it create ActionFluxParam and FuncFlux innecessarily, now only instantiate the specified
- Removed ISubscribe
- Removed IDictionary
- Changed Internal classes to 'internal' access
- Added dictionaries as 'readonly' property
- Removed ITriggers and implemented in each IFlux interface
- Renamed Methods to keep standard design conventions (in extension classes we keep @IEnumerator, @ITask, etc.. for compatibility)
- Added IStore to do what ISubscribe and IDictionary does, simplified
- Added UniFlux.Core.Flux as public static class to access internal Flux class, like a pipeline
- Added UniFlux Extension for string and int types
- Added ScriptTemplate to create your own UniFlux Extension key type
This is the first release of UniFlux.
- Added Flux capabilities
- Added Extensions to Invoke and subscribe with string and int as keys
- Added support for UniTask from 'Cysharp'
- Editor to Invoke Flux Methods by Inspector (no available with parameters or return value)