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Importing Models

xeolabs edited this page Jan 23, 2019 · 32 revisions

xeokit-sdk can load multiple models from a variety of source formats into the same 3D scene. xeokit represents a 3D scene as a scene graph, which is hierarchy of Nodes in which Meshes are the drawable elements at the leaves. When we use one of xeokit's Viewer plugins to load a model, we create a sub-graph of Nodes and Meshes within the scene graph that represents the model.

See also:



In the example below, we'll use a GLTFLoaderPlugin to load the Schependomlaan house model and a OBJLoaderPlugin to load a model of a car.

We'll also use a Node to contain them in a simple scene graph, scaled down a bit, and we'll add a Mesh to represent the green ground plane.

The ground plane Mesh gets a plane-shaped Geometry created by a buildPlaneGeometry builder function.

Click the image below for a live demo.

import {Viewer} from "../src/viewer/Viewer.js";
import {Node} from "../src/scene/nodes/Node.js";
import {OBJLoaderPlugin} from "../src/viewer/plugins/OBJLoaderPlugin/OBJLoaderPlugin.js";
import {GLTFLoaderPlugin} from "../src/viewer/plugins/GLTFLoaderPlugin/GLTFLoaderPlugin.js";
import {Mesh} from "../src/scene/mesh/Mesh.js";
import {buildPlaneGeometry} from "../src/scene/geometry/builders/buildPlaneGeometry.js";
import {ReadableGeometry} from "../src/scene/geometry/ReadableGeometry.js";
import {PhongMaterial} from "../src/scene/materials/PhongMaterial.js";

 const viewer = new Viewer({
     canvasId: "myCanvas"

 const objLoader = new OBJLoaderPlugin(viewer);
 const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoaderPlugin(viewer);

 new Node(viewer.scene, {

     scale: [.5, .5, .5], // Scale the whole scene down a bit

     children: [

         // Car

             id: "myCarModel",
             src: "./models/obj/sportsCar/sportsCar.obj",
             position: [-5, -1, 0],

         // House

             id: "myHouseModel",
             src: "./models/gltf/schependomlaan/scene.gltf",
             rotation: [0, 50, 0],
             edges: true

         // Ground plane

         new Mesh(viewer.scene, {
             geometry: buildPlaneGeometry(ReadableGeometry, viewer.scene, {
                 xSize: 500,
                 zSize: 500
             material: new PhongMaterial(viewer.scene, {
                 diffuse: [0.4, 1.0, 0.4],
                 backfaces: true
             position: [0, -1.0, 0],
             pickable: false,
             collidable: false

Finding Models and Objects by ID

GLTFLoaderPlugin and OBJLoaderPlugin each created a tree of Nodes within the Viewer's Scene to represent the models they loaded.

In each tree, the root Node has isModel:true to indicate that it represents a model, while each of their sub-Nodes has isObject:true to indicate that it represents an object.

Consequently, the root Nodes get registered in viewer.scene.models, while the object Nodes get registered in viewer.scene.objects.

We can get them by ID like this:

const carModel = viewer.scene.model["myCarModel"];
const houseModel = viewer.scene.model["myHouseModel"];

const carWheelObject = viewer.scene.objects["3yjlObltnCpO3ehdiY7mcZ"];
const houseWindowObject = viewer.scene.objects["3yjlObltnCpO3ehdiY7mcZ"];

Destroying a model

To destroy a model, just destroy its Node:


Replacing Model Materials with LambertMaterials

When models have many objects, and we only care about what they represent in terms of structure, we can optionally replace their materials with LambertMaterials as we load them, in order to save memory and render them more efficiently.

Below is portion of the example again, this time with materials replaced by LambertMaterials.

See Material Workflows for more info on materials.

import {Viewer} from "../src/viewer/Viewer.js";
import {Node} from "../src/scene/nodes/Node.js";
import {OBJLoaderPlugin} from "../src/viewer/plugins/OBJLoaderPlugin/OBJLoaderPlugin.js";
import {GLTFLoaderPlugin} from "../src/viewer/plugins/GLTFLoaderPlugin/GLTFLoaderPlugin.js";

 const viewer = new Viewer({
     canvasId: "myCanvas"

 const objLoader = new OBJLoaderPlugin(viewer);
 const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoaderPlugin(viewer);

 new Node(viewer.scene, {

     scale: [.5, .5, .5], // Scale the whole scene down a bit

     children: [

         // Car

             id: "myCarModel",
             src: "./models/obj/sportsCar/sportsCar.obj",
             position: [-5, -1, 0],

             lambertMaterial: true // <<--- Replace materials with LambertMaterial

         // House

             id: "myHouseModel",
             src: "./models/gltf/schependomlaan/scene.gltf",
             rotation: [0, 50, 0],
             edges: true,

             lambertMaterial: true // <<--- Replace materials with LambertMaterial
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