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Lindsay Kay edited this page Aug 26, 2013 · 141 revisions

ALPHA status!


SceneJS supports rigid-body physics through custom node types which may be inserted into scene graphs to define physical behaviours (ie. coordinate system transformation) for child nodes. Physical simulations may be run across multiple systems, with each system running within an engine on a separate worker thread. This means that when one physics system is overloaded, it will not affect the performance of the rendering thread and other physics systems. The physics engines are pluggable - they are JigLibJS by default, but may be easily replaced with alternatives such as AmmoJS, CannonJS, or even with a proxy to a high-performance server-based engine.


100 bodies in a single system - Run demo 400 bodies in four systems - Run demo 30 Falling boxes - Run demo

Creating a Physics Body

A physics/body node creates a body in a physics system and causes its child nodes to translate and rotate according to the body's movements and interactions with other bodies. The shape parameter on this node specifies the shape of the region occupied by the body. We'll describe the different shapes available, starting with the box shape, with which we'll introduce the general parameters of the node. Then we'll describe the other shape types, describing only the parameters specific to each of those shape types.

Box-shaped Body


   type: "physics/body",

   // This optional "systemId" param selects which system to create body in, 
   // allowing multiple systems per scene.  The system is created if not yet 
   // existing. The body is created in the nameless default system when this 
   // param is omitted.
   systemId: "mySystem",

   // Available shapes are "box", "sphere", "plane" etc.
   shape: "box",

   // Center of body
   pos: [-10, 2, 100],

   // Dimension parameters will be shape-specific
   size: [3,1, 2],

   // Mass
   mass: 0.4,

   // The coefficient of restitution (COR) of two colliding objects is a 
   // fractional value representing the ratio of speeds after and before 
   // an impact, taken along the line of the impact.
   restitution: 0.9,

   // Friction
   friction: 0.3,

   // Velocity vector
   velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
   // Specify whether or not this body is able to move
   // Unmoving bodies would be things like walls and floors
   movable: true,

   // Child nodes
   nodes: [

      // Child nodes can be anything, but must fit within the dimensions 
      // of the physics body. In this case, we have a child box primitive, 
      // implemented by the plugin at 
         type: "prims/box",
         size: [3, 1, 2]
  • There is one default physics system per scene
  • Each system has its own physics engine (eg. JigLibJS) that runs in its own Web worker
  • Using an optional systemId property on the physics/body node, multiple physics systems may be created per scene
  • Note that vectors (size, pos, velocity) on the physics/body and ``prims/box``` are arrays - we're deprecating object formats for those sort of params.
  • physics/body node implementation

Sphere-shaped Body


   type: "physics/body",

   // Optional physics system ID - fall back on scene's default system
   systemId: "mySystem",

   // Spherical body shape
   shape: "sphere",

   // Center of body
   pos: [-10, 2, 100],

   // Sphere radius
   radius: 1.0,

   // Mass
   mass: 0.4,

   // The coefficient of restitution
   restitution: 0.9,

   // Friction
   friction: 0.3,

   // Velocity vector
   velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
   // Body is moving
   movable: true,

   // Child nodes
   nodes: [

      // Child sphere primitive, implemented by the plugin at 
         type: "prims/sphere",
         radius: 1

Plane-shaped Body


   type: "physics/body",
   // Optional physics system ID - fall back on scene's default system
   systemId: "mySystem",

   // Planar body shape
   shape: "plane",
   // Position 
   pos:[0, 0, 0],

   // Points upwards
   dir:[0, 1, 0],
   // Let's make it stationary
   velocity:[0, 0, 0],

   // Mass not relevant for unmoving object

   // The coefficient of restitution


   // Let's make it stationary

   // Child nodes

        // Blue color for ground plane
            color:{ r:0.8, g:0.8, b:1.0 },

                // Grid ground plane geometry, implemented by plugin at
                    size:{ x:1000, z:1000 },

More body types coming up.

Body Extents

You must ensure that the extents of the physics/body enclose the space occupied by its child nodes. Ideally, we would do that automatically, expanding and contracting the extents as child nodes are added and removed.

However, the reasons we don't (re)calculated them automatically are:

  • It's complex, where there are too many cases to consider (at least at this stage), and we need to keep the JavaScript simple
  • The child nodes might be moving, and thus the boundary would be specified for the extents of their movement, (which again, could be hard to compute in advance, or synchronise the body extents with)
  • Whatever creates the physics/body node (eg. a loader, or another custom node type) is likely to be in a position of calculate the extents of child nodes anyway

Physics Materials

Although you can specify properties like restitution, friction and mass on individual physics/body nodes, sometimes you'll want to share those properties among a group of physics/body nodes.

Just as we can have a parent material node wrapping multiple child geometry nodes, we can have a physics/material node wrapping multiple child physics/body nodes, so that the children inherit properties from the parent:

   type: "physics/material",


   nodes: [
           type: "physics/body",
           shape: "plane",
           type: "physics/body",
           shape: "sphere",

Note that spatial properties like pos, dir, velocity etc. are not supported on a physics/material node, because those only make sense on an actual physical body.

Configuring a Physics System

The physics/system node configures a physics system and may appear anywhere within the scene graph.

var physicsSystem = someNode.addNode({
      type: "physics/system",
      systemId: "mySystem",  // Optional - selects scene's default system when absent
      gravity: [0, -9.8, 0, 0],
      solver:"ACCUMULATED" // (default) or "FAST", "NORMAL"

We can reconfigure the system any time:

     gravity: [0, -4.0, 0, 0],
  • When the systemId is given, the physics/system node will configure that system, creating it first if not existing yet. When systemId is absent, the node will configure the scene's default physics system.
  • physics/system nodes are optional - if you create physics/body nodes for a systemId (or the scene's default system) for which no physics/system node exists in the scene, then that system will just use its default configuration.
  • physics/system node implementation

Physics Primitives

There is a collection of convenience nodes, each of which wraps a child physics/body, which in turn wraps a child geometry primitive node, and configures the extents of the physics/body to enclose the primitive. These allow you to just create, for example, a teapot with physics behaviours, in one shot:

Teapot Primitive

    type: "physics/teapot", 
    pos: [-100.0, 30.4, 234.1],   
    velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
    mass: 5,

Box Primitive

    type: "physics/box", 
    pos: [-100.0, 30.4, 234.1],   
    velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
    size: [3.0, 4.0, 2.0],
    mass: 5,

Sphere Primitive

    type: "physics/sphere", 
    pos: [-100.0, 30.4, 234.1],   
    velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
    radius: 1,
    latitudeBands: 30,
    longitudeBands: 30,
    wire: false,
    mass: 5,

Plane Primitive

    type: "physics/plane", 
    pos: [-100.0, 30.4, 234.1],   
    velocity: [0.2,0.3,-0.2],
    direction: [0,1,0,
    width: 10,
    height: 10,
    widthSegments: 10,
    heightSegments: 10
    wire: false,
    mass: 5,

[More to come..]

Switching Physics Engines

In development

JigLibJS is the default physics engine, however other supported engines may be selected with a physicsEngine SceneJS global config. The config will be "jiglibjs" by default, but might also be "cannonjs" or "ammojs" if those are available:

    physicsEngine: "jiglibjs"

Each supported physics engine will be a RequireJS module within the plugin support library directory, and will export this interface:


     /** Configure the engine. This can be done at any time.
      * @param configs Key-value map of configs
     setConfigs: function(params) {

     /** Creates a body in the engine and returns an ID for it      
      * @params params Body properties - possibly generic across all engines
      * @params callback Callback which return an updated position and a rotation 
      *                            matrix each the body is updated
      * @return ID of the new body
     createBody : function (params, callback) {

     /** Updates physics properties an existing body in the engine. Note this 
      * does not change the shape of the phycics body, just things  like mass, 
      * restitution, velocity, position etc.
      * @params bodyId Body ID      
      * @params params Body properties
     updateBody : function (bodyid, params) {

     /** Removes a body from the engine
     removeBody : function (bodyId) {

       * Integrates this physics system
      integrate : function () {


  • Ability to enable or disable physics systems so they don't keep running when their bodies are culled from the view (ie. by frustum culling etc)
  • An engine (pluggable as shown above) that proxies a high-performance server-side physics system (ie. written in C/C++, not JavaScript)
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