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đź’» System Requirements

Components Minimum Requirements
CPU 2 Cores
Storage 50++ GB SSD
Ubuntu 22.04

Setup Steps

1. Update and Upgrade System Packages

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Install Essential Packages

sudo apt install -y curl gnupg

3. Install Node.js and npm

Add the NodeSource repository and install Node.js:

curl -o- | bash
echo 'export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
nvm install --lts
node -v
npm -v

5. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:

git clone
cd vana-dlp-chatgpt

6. Configure Python Version for Poetry

Set Python 3.11 as the interpreter for Poetry:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.11 python3.11-venv python3.11-dev
curl -sSL | python3 -
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
poetry --version
poetry env use python3.11
poetry run python --version
poetry check
poetry --version

Version check

8. Create Your .env File

Copy the example environment configuration file:

cp .env.example .env

We will change that .env file informations after deploying contract

nano .env
# The network to use, currently Vana Satori testnet

# Optional: OpenAI API key for additional data quality check

# Optional: Your own DLP smart contract address once deployed to the network, useful for local testing

# Optional: Your own DLP token contract address once deployed to the network, useful for local testing

# The private key for the DLP, follow "Generate validator encryption keys" section in the README

CTRL + X + Y

9. Install Vana CLI

To install vanacli system-wide:

pip install vana

** If you will get error here follow these steps otherwise jump to step 10** It seems you're encountering issues with broken package dependencies. To fix this, try the following steps:

a. Fix Broken Packages:

Run the following command to correct any broken package dependencies:

sudo apt --fix-broken install

b. Update and Upgrade Packages:

After fixing broken packages, update and upgrade your packages to ensure everything is up to date:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

c. Once the broken packages are fixed, install the python3.10-venv package:

sudo apt install python3.10-venv

d. Create and Activate Virtual Environment:

After successfully installing python3.10-venv, create and activate your virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

e. Install Vana:

With the virtual environment activated, install Vana:

pip install vana


Let me know if you encounter any more issues!

10. Create a Wallet

Create a wallet using the Vana CLI:

vanacli wallet create default --wallet.hotkey default

This will create two key pairs:

  • Coldkey: For human-managed transactions (e.g., staking).
  • Hotkey: For validator-managed transactions (e.g., submitting scores).

Follow the prompts to set a secure password. Save the mnemonic phrases securely; you'll need these to recover your wallet if needed.

11. Add Satori Testnet to MetaMask

Configure MetaMask with the following details:

12. Export Your Private Keys

Export private keys using the Vana CLI: Follow the prompts to export both the coldkey and hotkey private keys.

a. Coldkey

vanacli wallet export_private_key

OUTPUT:Save in safe place.

Enter wallet name (default):
Enter key type [coldkey/hotkey] (coldkey): coldkey
Enter your coldkey password:
Your coldkey private key:

b. Hotkey

Don't forget to write hotkey when it asks you. If you will not write anything you will get key of coldkey

vanacli wallet export_private_key

OUTPUT:Save in safe place.

Enter wallet name (default):
Enter key type [coldkey/hotkey] (coldkey): coldkey
Enter your coldkey password:
Your coldkey private key:

13. Import Keys to MetaMask

  • Click your account icon in MetaMask and select "Import Account."
  • Select "Private Key" as the import method.
  • Paste the private key for your coldkey and repeat the process for your hotkey.

14. Fund Both Addresses with Testnet VANA

Visit, connect your MetaMask wallet, and request VANA for both your coldkey and hotkey addresses.

Note: The faucet can be used once per day. If needed, ask a VANA holder to send you some test VANA tokens.

15. Creating a DLP

If you're joining an existing DLP as a validator, skip to the Validator Setup section.

Generate Encryption Keys

Run the key generation script:


This script generates RSA key pairs for file encryption/decryption in the DLP. Follow the prompts to enter your name, email, and key expiration.

The script generates four files:

  • public_key.asc and public_key_base64.asc (for UI)
  • private_key.asc and private_key_base64.asc (for validators)

Deploy DLP Smart Contracts

Clone the DLP Smart Contract repository:

git clone
cd vana-dlp-smart-contracts

Install dependencies:

nvm install 18.8.0 && nvm use 18.8.0
yarn install


yarn upgrade
npm install --save-dev hardhat
cat ~/.vana/wallets/default/hotkeys/default


Edit the .env file in the vana-dlp-smart-contracts directory:

nano .env
DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY=0x... (your coldkey private key)
OWNER_ADDRESS=0x... (your coldkey address)
DLP_NAME=... (your DLP name)
DLP_TOKEN_NAME=... (your DLP token name)
DLP_TOKEN_SYMBOL=... (your DLP token symbol)

Deploy contracts:

npx hardhat deploy --network satori --tags DLPDeploy

EXAMPLE OUTPUT: Successfully generated 162 typings! Compiled 52 Solidity files successfully (evm target: paris). DataLiquidityPoolToken deployed at: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXa45 (DataLiquidityPoolToken) DataLiquidityPool "sunkriptodlp" deployed at: 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXas4 (DataLiquidityPool address)

Note the deployed addresses for DataLiquidityPool and DataLiquidityPoolToken.

Optional: Verify the contracts if you made changes to the code:

npx hardhat verify --network satori <DataLiquidityPool address>
npx hardhat verify --network satori <DataLiquidityPoolToken address> "<DLP_TOKEN_NAME>" <DLP_TOKEN_SYMBOL> <OWNER_ADDRESS>

If no changes were made, contracts should be verified automatically.

Configure the DLP Contract


  • Go to the "Contract" tab and after "Write proxy" tab
  • Connect your wallet
  • Make sure you added to '' Satori Network '' to Metamask
  • Refresh the page
  • Find updateFileRewardDelay and set it to 0
  • Find addRewardsForContributors with 1000000000000000000000 (1 million tokens)

16. Validator Setup

Follow these steps whether you're a DLP creator or joining an existing DLP. Ensure you have completed the Setup section.

Required Information:

For non-DLP creators, request the following from the DLP creator:

  • DLP contract address (DataLiquidityPool)
  • DLP token contract address (DataLiquidityPoolToken)
  • Public key for the DLP validator network (public_key.asc)
  • Base64-encoded private key for the DLP validator network (private_key_base64.asc)


Ensure you're in the vana-dlp-chatgpt directory:

cd vana-dlp-chatgpt
cat public_key_base64.asc

Save output

If you're a non-DLP creator, edit the .env file with the information provided by the DLP creator:

nano .env

If you've deployed your own DLP contract, make sure to update the following 5 fields:

# The network to use, currently Vana Satori testnet

# Optional: OpenAI API key for additional data quality check

# Optional: Your own DLP smart contract address once deployed to the network, useful for local testing

# Optional: Your own DLP token contract address once deployed to the network, useful for local testing

# The private key for the DLP, follow "Generate validator encryption keys" section in the README

Fund Validator with DLP Tokens:

  • For DLP creators: Import the DLP token to MetaMask using <DataLiquidityPoolToken address> and send 10 tokens to your coldkey address.

  • For non-DLP creators: Request DLP tokens from the DLP creator and ensure they are in your coldkey address.

Register as a Validator:

Register your validator:

./vanacli dlp register_validator --stake_amount 10

For non-DLP creators, ask the DLP owner to accept your registration.

For DLP creators: Approve validators with:

./vanacli dlp approve_validator --validator_address=<your hotkey address from MetaMask>

Run Validator Node:

Start the validator node:

screen -S vana
poetry run python -m chatgpt.nodes.validator

Monitor the logs for any errors. If set up correctly, you'll see the validator waiting for new files to verify. Logs: Vana Image

Monitor the logs for any errors. If set up correctly, you'll see the validator waiting for new files to verify.

Test Your Validator

For the Public ChatGPT DLP

If you're validating in the Public ChatGPT DLP, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official ChatGPT DLP UI.
  2. Connect your wallet (must hold some VANA).
  3. Follow the instructions on the UI to upload a file (to submit the addFile transaction).
  4. Wait for your validator to process the file and write scores on-chain (verifyFile transaction).
  5. Check the UI for a reward claiming dialog and test claiming rewards.

For Custom DLPs

If you're validating with your own or a custom DLP, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the demo DLP UI.
  2. Connect your wallet (must hold some VANA).
  3. Use the gear icon to set the DLP contract address and public encryption key.
  4. Upload a file (to submit the addFile transaction).
  5. In the console logs, note the uploaded file URL and encryption key (you can also add files manually via
  6. Wait for your validator to process the file and write scores on-chain (verifyFile transaction).
  7. Check the UI for a reward claiming dialog and test claiming rewards.

Note: For heavily modified DLPs, you may need to register through the Satori explorer using your wallet's browser extension:

  1. Import your hotkey into a browser-compatible wallet like MetaMask.
  2. Navigate to the Write proxy tab for the verified contract for the DLP in the Satori explorer. You can get this URL from the DLP owner.
  3. Connect to your hotkey with the button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Submit a validator registration transaction with the addresses of your hotkey and coldkey as the validator and validator owner addresses, along with an amount of the required tokens to stake. Ensure you stake at least the minimum of the specific token required by the DLP.


If you encounter issues:

  • Ensure all prerequisites are correctly installed
  • Double-check your .env file contents in both repositories
  • Verify your wallet has sufficient VANA and DLP tokens in both coldkey and hotkey addresses
  • Check the validator logs for specific error messages

For further assistance, please join our Discord community.


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