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The original project is NoDRM, which is WVClient new version for widevinecdm 2209, thanks to T3rry7f.
WVClient3 is modified from it, with more detail guide.
You can skip the next step if you are using python 3.7.4/3.7.10/3.8.5 with Windows System
NOTE, must install Visual Studio first, its need cl.exe and link.exe to build library
cd cdmapi-python-extension-src
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
After compiling successfully, move cdmapi.cp38-win_amd64.pyd
to pywidevine/cdm
and rename it to cdmapi.pyd
If you are not using Windows System, you should compile cryptopp library first
Then move output static library to cdmapi-python-extension-src
and modify setup.py
If you are using python 3.7.10 and above, should compile cryptopp
with /MD
flag, which means multi thread dll
3.7.4 should compile cryptopp
with /MT
flag, which means multi thread
I havent tested others version, guess that all versions below 3.7.4 should use /MT
flag, 3.7.4 - 3.7.10? Test is youself please.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python wvclient.py --license-url "https://wv-keyos.licensekeyserver.com" --pssh "AAAAU3Bzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADMIARIQMfrZEMw7Rnqy3TdKM7rd/BoLYnV5ZHJta2V5b3MiED5o9928RkXil+ELQ2BMelY=" --headers "customdata:PEtleU9TQXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25YTUw+PERhdGE+PEdlbmVyYXRpb25UaW1lPjIwMTYtMTEtMTkgMDk6MzQ6MDEuOTkyPC9HZW5lcmF0aW9uVGltZT48RXhwaXJhdGlvblRpbWU+MjAyNi0xMS0xOSAwOTozNDowMS45OTI8L0V4cGlyYXRpb25UaW1lPjxVbmlxdWVJZD4wZmZmMTk3YWQzMzQ0ZTMyOWU0MTA0OTIwMmQ5M2VlYzwvVW5pcXVlSWQ+PFJTQVB1YktleUlkPjdlMTE0MDBjN2RjY2QyOWQwMTc0YzY3NDM5N2Q5OWRkPC9SU0FQdWJLZXlJZD48V2lkZXZpbmVQb2xpY3kgZmxfQ2FuUGxheT0idHJ1ZSIgZmxfQ2FuUGVyc2lzdD0iZmFsc2UiIC8+PFdpZGV2aW5lQ29udGVudEtleVNwZWMgVHJhY2tUeXBlPSJIRCI+PFNlY3VyaXR5TGV2ZWw+MTwvU2VjdXJpdHlMZXZlbD48L1dpZGV2aW5lQ29udGVudEtleVNwZWM+PEZhaXJQbGF5UG9saWN5IC8+PExpY2Vuc2UgdHlwZT0ic2ltcGxlIiAvPjwvRGF0YT48U2lnbmF0dXJlPk1sNnhkcU5xc1VNalNuMDdicU8wME15bHhVZUZpeERXSHB5WjhLWElBYlAwOE9nN3dnRUFvMTlYK1c3MDJOdytRdmEzNFR0eDQydTlDUlJPU1NnREQzZTM4aXE1RHREcW9HelcwS2w2a0JLTWxHejhZZGRZOWhNWmpPTGJkNFVkRnJUbmxxU21raC9CWnNjSFljSmdaUm5DcUZIbGI1Y0p0cDU1QjN4QmtxMUREZUEydnJUNEVVcVJiM3YyV1NueUhGeVZqWDhCR3o0ZWFwZmVFeDlxSitKbWI3dUt3VjNqVXN2Y0Fab1ozSHh4QzU3WTlySzRqdk9Wc1I0QUd6UDlCc3pYSXhKd1ZSZEk3RXRoMjhZNXVEQUVZVi9hZXRxdWZiSXIrNVZOaE9yQ2JIVjhrR2praDhHRE43dC9nYWh6OWhVeUdOaXRqY2NCekJvZHRnaXdSUT09PC9TaWduYXR1cmU+PC9LZXlPU0F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uWE1MPg=="
usage: wvclient3 v1.3@xhlove [-h] [--pssh PSSH] [--init-path INIT_PATH] [--init-url INIT_URL] [--mpd-url MPD_URL] [--license-url LICENSE_URL] [--headers HEADERS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pssh PSSH pssh which is base64 format
--init-path INIT_PATH
init.mp4 file path
--init-url INIT_URL init.mp4 segment url
--mpd-url MPD_URL mpd url
--license-url LICENSE_URL
widevine license server url
--headers HEADERS set custom headers for request, separators is |, e.g. "header1:value1|header2:value2"