All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- include recently added deploy hooks in autoload file
- run drush deploy hooks during drupal deployments
- path in writable_dirs for symfony deployments
- surround feature branch db password with quotes
- private folder to
in drupal deployments
- potential duplicate lines in composer_update
- fbd index page styles
- jira api connection for feature brand deployment index page
- database caching for 1 day after syncing it using
- jira urls in default feature config
- add post_db_sync to release task
- prevent error if feature is not initialized
- option no-db-sync for tabula rasa
- BREAKING: renamed newVersion option to new-version
- adjustments of dev and debug commands for drupal
- fix task naming
- fix autoload merge issue
- add dev tasks for release preparation
to prepare a releasedevtr
for tabula rasadev:sync
for syncing the database
- add debug tasks
for easy start a ssh sessiondebug:db
for debugging the databasedebug:log:app
for debugging the app log
- add "/public/upload" to writable_dirs for symfony
- deletion of multiple feature branches in
- use rsync option within db_sync_tool as default
- real time log output for drupal and typo3
- set picocss to 1.5.12 for feature index pages
- set default keep releases to 2 for typo3/drupal deployment
- remove typo3 specific rsync settings
- fix drupal sync source
- adjust typo3 rsync default excludes
- add symfony mailer config to settings.local.php.dist for drupal
- change default jira path
- security check for composer dependencies
- Breaking: drupal drush default path to a relative one (
- database backup to use the correct one
- move default rsync excludes to deployer setting
- typo3: remove htaccess from shared files in default config
- define own rsync typo3 settings
- drupal deploy.php.dist file
- config variable
to override the drush path (defaults towhich('drush')
- symfony default writable configuration
- jira issue assignee of not assigned
- php direction location mismatch of symlinks
- add more security mechanism for feature deletion / feature cleanup
- Symfony autoload generation
- configuration
to support downstream pipelining
- Drupal cache clearing
- Drupal autoload generation
- build asset task for symfony deployments
- re-enable build tasks within symfony deployment
- extended run function for global configuration
- adjust the following deployments: feature, symfony, typo3, drupal
- real time output for drupal tasks
- drupal autoloading so that web_path config parameter is configured in
and doesn't need to be set on project level
- initial version