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Yaybu Release Automation

This buildbot primarily exists to ensure reliable builds of the nightly channel for OSX.

Build environment

  • Fairly vanilla Mac Mini
  • Mountain Lion
  • Sleep turned off
  • Set to auto-start after power failure
  • Full XCode installation (from App Store)
  • Install XCode command line tools (via preferences pane)

Users accounts

The following accounts are needed:

* ``buildbot_master``
* ``buildbot_slave``

They are hidden from the login window (for cosmetic reasons):

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add buildbot_master buildbot_slave

Build master environment

Become the buildbot_master user:

sudo su - buildbot_master

Clone this repository:

git clone git:// ~/ReleaseBot

Create a virtualenv:

curl -O
tar xvfz virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1
python /Users/buildbot_master/Virtualenv
cd ..
rm -rf virtualenv-*

Install buildbot and its dependencies:

~/Virtualenv/bin/pip install -r ~/ReleaseBot/master/requirements.txt

Create the sqlite database:

~/Virtualenv/bin/buildbot upgrade-master ~/ReleaseBot/master/

Create a Launchd plist for it (owned by root:wheel) at /Library/LaunchDaemons/buildbot_master.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Start the service:

sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/buildbot_master.plist

There should be a buildbot visible at:


Build slave environment

Become the buildbot_slave user:

sudo su - buildbot_slave

We will be using Xcode tools as the buildbot_slave user so need to agree to its T&C:

xcodebuild -license

Clone this repository:

git clone git:// ~/ReleaseBot

Create a virtualenv:

curl -O
tar xvfz virtualenv-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd virtualenv-1.10.1
python /Users/buildbot_slave/Virtualenv
cd ..
rm -rf virtualenv-*

Install buildbot and its dependencies:

~/Virtualenv/bin/pip install -r ~/ReleaseBot/slave/requirements.txt

Create a Launchd plist for it (owned by root:wheel) at /Library/LaunchDaemons/buildbot_slave_osx.plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Start it:

sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/buildbot_slave_osx.plist

Slave should show as connected at this URL:


Setting up a Windows 7 slave (WIP)

First part of setup was done as the Administrator user (the user that is created when setting up Windows 7 from scratch).

Follow the instructions in the Yaybu.exe README ( up to (and including) installing the requirements.

Install pywin32 using the binary installer.

Install buildbot_slave:

C:\Python27\python -m pip install buildbot_slave
C:\Python27\Scripts\buildslave --version

Create a new slave:

mkdir C:\ReleaseBot\
mkdir C:\ReleaseBot\win7_slave
C:\Python27\Scripts\buildslave -r C:\ReleaseBot\win7_slave cherrytree:9989 win7_slave pass

Test slave works:

C:\Python27\Scripts\buildslave start .

Should see it connect in buildbot web UI.

Now to install the buildbot slave Windows service.

Create an account for the buildbot slave - buildbot_slave is ideal. It shouldn't be an adminstrator. But it does need to have the SeServiceLoginRight permission, which you can grant with ntrights from the Win2k3 resource kit. NOTE: Even when an adminstrator, you need to run this with an Administrator terminal or the command will fail:

ntrights +r SeServiceLogonRight -u buildbot_slave

This next bit is a bit fiddly as it needs to create some registry keys that it doesnt have permission to o/.

Create the service:

C:\Python27\Scripts\ --user .\buildbot_spave --password password --startup auto install

Start the service. It will fail to start:

net start buildbot

Using regedit find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemCurrentControlSet\services\Buildbot and give the buildbot_slave user Full Control in the permissions context menu.

Again, try to start the service. It will fail to start once more:

net start buildbot

Refresh regedit (with F5) and you should now see a Parameters folder within the Buildbot key. It will be empty. Add a string key named directories and set it to C:\ReleaseBot\win7_slave.

Now try and start it again. This time it should start, and you should see it connect in the buildbot web ui:

net start buildbot

Final checks

First of all, reboot and make sure everything comes up:

sudo reboot