- /** @module Core */
-import { provideCore } from '@yext/answers-core/lib/commonjs';
-import SearchDataTransformer from './search/searchdatatransformer';
-import VerticalResults from './models/verticalresults';
-import UniversalResults from './models/universalresults';
-import QuestionSubmission from './models/questionsubmission';
-import Navigation from './models/navigation';
-import AlternativeVerticals from './models/alternativeverticals';
-import LocationBias from './models/locationbias';
-import QueryTriggers from './models/querytriggers';
-import StorageKeys from './storage/storagekeys';
-import AnalyticsEvent from './analytics/analyticsevent';
-import FilterRegistry from './filters/filterregistry';
-import DirectAnswer from './models/directanswer';
-import AutoCompleteResponseTransformer from './search/autocompleteresponsetransformer';
-import { PRODUCTION, ENDPOINTS } from './constants';
-import { getCachedLiveApiUrl, getLiveApiUrl, getKnowledgeApiUrl } from './utils/urlutils';
-import { SearchParams } from '../ui';
-import SearchStates from './storage/searchstates';
-/** @typedef {import('./storage/storage').default} Storage */
- * Core is the main application container for all of the network and storage
- * related behaviors of the application. It uses an instance of the external Core
- * library to perform the actual network calls.
- */
-export default class Core {
- constructor (config = {}) {
- /**
- * A reference to the client API Key used for all requests
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this._apiKey = config.apiKey;
- /**
- * A reference to the client Answers Key used for all requests
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this._experienceKey = config.experienceKey;
- /**
- * The answers config version to use for all requests
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this._experienceVersion = config.experienceVersion;
- /**
- * A reference to the client locale used for all requests. If not specified, defaults to "en" (for
- * backwards compatibility).
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this._locale = config.locale;
- /**
- * A map of field formatters used to format results, if present
- * @type {Object<string, function>}
- * @private
- */
- this._fieldFormatters = config.fieldFormatters || {};
- /**
- * A reference to the core data storage that powers the UI
- * @type {Storage}
- */
- this.storage = config.storage;
- /**
- * The filterRegistry is in charge of setting, removing, and retrieving filters
- * and facet filters from storage.
- * @type {FilterRegistry}
- */
- this.filterRegistry = new FilterRegistry(this.storage);
- /**
- * A local reference to the analytics reporter, used to report events for this component
- * @type {AnalyticsReporter}
- */
- this._analyticsReporter = config.analyticsReporter;
- /**
- * A user-given function that returns an analytics event to fire after a universal search.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- this.onUniversalSearch = config.onUniversalSearch || function () {};
- /**
- * A user-given function that returns an analytics event to fire after a vertical search.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- this.onVerticalSearch = config.onVerticalSearch || function () {};
- /**
- * The environment which determines which URLs the requests use.
- * @type {string}
- */
- this._environment = config.environment || PRODUCTION;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- */
- this._verticalKey = config.verticalKey;
- /**
- * @type {ComponentManager}
- */
- this._componentManager = config.componentManager;
- }
- /**
- * Sets a reference in core to the global QueryUpdateListener.
- *
- * @param {QueryUpdateListener} queryUpdateListener
- */
- setQueryUpdateListener (queryUpdateListener) {
- this.queryUpdateListener = queryUpdateListener;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the {@link Core} by providing it with an instance of the Core library.
- */
- init () {
- const params = {
- apiKey: this._apiKey,
- experienceKey: this._experienceKey,
- locale: this._locale,
- experienceVersion: this._experienceVersion,
- endpoints: this._getServiceUrls()
- };
- this._coreLibrary = provideCore(params);
- }
- /**
- * Get the urls for each service based on the environment.
- */
- _getServiceUrls () {
- return {
- universalSearch: getLiveApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.UNIVERSAL_SEARCH,
- verticalSearch: getLiveApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.VERTICAL_SEARCH,
- questionSubmission: getKnowledgeApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.QUESTION_SUBMISSION,
- universalAutocomplete: getCachedLiveApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.UNIVERSAL_AUTOCOMPLETE,
- verticalAutocomplete: getCachedLiveApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.VERTICAL_AUTOCOMPLETE,
- filterSearch: getCachedLiveApiUrl(this._environment) + ENDPOINTS.FILTER_SEARCH
- };
- }
- /**
- * @returns {boolean} A boolean indicating if the {@link Core} has been
- * initailized.
- */
- isInitialized () {
- return !!this._coreLibrary;
- }
- /**
- * Search in the context of a vertical
- * @param {string} verticalKey vertical ID for the search
- * @param {Object} options additional settings for the search.
- * @param {boolean} options.useFacets Whether to apply facets to this search, or to reset them instead
- * @param {boolean} options.resetPagination Whether to reset the search offset, going back to page 1.
- * @param {boolean} options.setQueryParams Whether to persist certain params in the url
- * @param {string} options.sendQueryId Whether to send the queryId currently in storage.
- * If paging within a query, the same ID should be used.
- * @param {Object} query The query details
- * @param {string} query.input The input to search for
- * @param {boolean} query.append If true, adds the results of this query to the end of the current results, defaults false
- */
- verticalSearch (verticalKey, options = {}, query = {}) {
- window.performance.mark('yext.answers.verticalQueryStart');
- if (!query.append) {
- const verticalResults = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS);
- if (!verticalResults || verticalResults.searchState !== SearchStates.SEARCH_LOADING) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS, VerticalResults.searchLoading());
- }
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK, {});
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS, LocationBias.searchLoading());
- }
- const { resetPagination, useFacets, sendQueryId, setQueryParams } = options;
- if (resetPagination) {
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.SEARCH_OFFSET);
- }
- if (!useFacets) {
- this.filterRegistry.setFacetFilterNodes([], []);
- }
- const context = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.API_CONTEXT);
- const referrerPageUrl = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.REFERRER_PAGE_URL);
- const defaultQueryInput = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY) || '';
- const parsedQuery = Object.assign({}, { input: defaultQueryInput }, query);
- if (setQueryParams) {
- if (context) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.API_CONTEXT, context);
- }
- if (referrerPageUrl !== undefined) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.REFERRER_PAGE_URL, referrerPageUrl);
- }
- }
- const searchConfig = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SEARCH_CONFIG) || {};
- if (!searchConfig.verticalKey) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SEARCH_CONFIG, {
- ...searchConfig,
- verticalKey: verticalKey
- });
- }
- const locationRadius = this._getLocationRadius();
- const queryTrigger = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER);
- const queryTriggerForApi = this.getQueryTriggerForSearchApi(queryTrigger);
- return this._coreLibrary
- .verticalSearch({
- verticalKey: verticalKey || searchConfig.verticalKey,
- limit: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SEARCH_CONFIG).limit,
- location: this._getLocationPayload(),
- query: parsedQuery.input,
- queryId: sendQueryId && this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY_ID),
- retrieveFacets: this._isDynamicFiltersEnabled,
- facets: this.filterRegistry.getFacetsPayload(),
- staticFilters: this.filterRegistry.getStaticFilterPayload(),
- offset: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SEARCH_OFFSET) || 0,
- skipSpellCheck: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SKIP_SPELL_CHECK),
- queryTrigger: queryTriggerForApi,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value,
- sortBys: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SORT_BYS),
- /** In the SDK a locationRadius of 0 means "unset my locationRadius" */
- locationRadius: locationRadius === 0 ? undefined : locationRadius,
- context: context,
- referrerPageUrl: referrerPageUrl,
- querySource: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY_SOURCE)
- })
- .then(response => SearchDataTransformer.transformVertical(response, this._fieldFormatters, verticalKey))
- .then(data => {
- this._persistFacets();
- this._persistFilters();
- this._persistLocationRadius();
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY_ID, data[StorageKeys.QUERY_ID]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.NAVIGATION, data[StorageKeys.NAVIGATION]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.ALTERNATIVE_VERTICALS, data[StorageKeys.ALTERNATIVE_VERTICALS]);
- if (query.append) {
- const mergedResults = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS)
- .append(data[StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS, mergedResults);
- } else {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS, data[StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS]);
- }
- if (data[StorageKeys.DYNAMIC_FILTERS]) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.DYNAMIC_FILTERS, data[StorageKeys.DYNAMIC_FILTERS]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.RESULTS_HEADER, data[StorageKeys.DYNAMIC_FILTERS]);
- }
- if (data[StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK]) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK, data[StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK]);
- }
- if (data[StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS]) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS, data[StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS]);
- }
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.SKIP_SPELL_CHECK);
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER);
- const exposedParams = {
- verticalKey: verticalKey,
- queryString: parsedQuery.input,
- resultsCount: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS).resultsCount,
- resultsContext: data[StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS].resultsContext
- };
- const analyticsEvent = this.onVerticalSearch(exposedParams);
- if (typeof analyticsEvent === 'object') {
- this._analyticsReporter.report(AnalyticsEvent.fromData(analyticsEvent));
- }
- this.updateHistoryAfterSearch(queryTrigger);
- window.performance.mark('yext.answers.verticalQueryResponseRendered');
- });
- }
- clearResults () {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY, null);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY_ID, '');
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.RESULTS_HEADER, {});
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK, {}); // TODO has a model but not cleared w new
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.DYNAMIC_FILTERS, {}); // TODO has a model but not cleared w new
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUESTION_SUBMISSION, new QuestionSubmission({}));
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.NAVIGATION, new Navigation());
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.ALTERNATIVE_VERTICALS, new AlternativeVerticals({}));
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.DIRECT_ANSWER, new DirectAnswer({}));
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS, new LocationBias({}));
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.VERTICAL_RESULTS, new VerticalResults({}));
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS, new UniversalResults({}));
- }
- /**
- * Page within the results of the last query
- */
- verticalPage () {
- this.triggerSearch(QueryTriggers.PAGINATION);
- }
- search (queryString, options = {}) {
- const urls = this._getUrls(queryString);
- window.performance.mark('yext.answers.universalQueryStart');
- const { setQueryParams } = options;
- const context = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.API_CONTEXT);
- const referrerPageUrl = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.REFERRER_PAGE_URL);
- if (setQueryParams) {
- if (context) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.API_CONTEXT, context);
- }
- if (referrerPageUrl !== undefined) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.REFERRER_PAGE_URL, referrerPageUrl);
- }
- }
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.DIRECT_ANSWER, {});
- const universalResults = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS);
- if (!universalResults || universalResults.searchState !== SearchStates.SEARCH_LOADING) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS, UniversalResults.searchLoading());
- }
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUESTION_SUBMISSION, {});
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK, {});
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS, LocationBias.searchLoading());
- const queryTrigger = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER);
- const queryTriggerForApi = this.getQueryTriggerForSearchApi(queryTrigger);
- return this._coreLibrary
- .universalSearch({
- query: queryString,
- location: this._getLocationPayload(),
- skipSpellCheck: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SKIP_SPELL_CHECK),
- queryTrigger: queryTriggerForApi,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value,
- context: context,
- referrerPageUrl: referrerPageUrl,
- querySource: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY_SOURCE)
- })
- .then(response => SearchDataTransformer.transformUniversal(response, urls, this._fieldFormatters))
- .then(data => {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY_ID, data[StorageKeys.QUERY_ID]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.NAVIGATION, data[StorageKeys.NAVIGATION]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.DIRECT_ANSWER, data[StorageKeys.DIRECT_ANSWER]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS, data[StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK, data[StorageKeys.SPELL_CHECK]);
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS, data[StorageKeys.LOCATION_BIAS]);
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.SKIP_SPELL_CHECK);
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER);
- const exposedParams = this._getOnUniversalSearchParams(
- data[StorageKeys.UNIVERSAL_RESULTS].sections,
- queryString);
- const analyticsEvent = this.onUniversalSearch(exposedParams);
- if (typeof analyticsEvent === 'object') {
- this._analyticsReporter.report(AnalyticsEvent.fromData(analyticsEvent));
- }
- this.updateHistoryAfterSearch(queryTrigger);
- window.performance.mark('yext.answers.universalQueryResponseRendered');
- });
- }
- /**
- * Builds the object passed as a parameter to onUniversalSearch. This object
- * contains information about the universal search's query and result counts.
- *
- * @param {Array<Section>} sections The sections of results.
- * @param {string} queryString The search query.
- * @return {Object<string, ?>}
- */
- _getOnUniversalSearchParams (sections, queryString) {
- const resultsCountByVertical = sections.reduce(
- (resultsCountMap, section) => {
- const { verticalConfigId, resultsCount, results } = section;
- resultsCountMap[verticalConfigId] = {
- totalResultsCount: resultsCount,
- displayedResultsCount: results.length
- };
- return resultsCountMap;
- },
- {});
- const exposedParams = {
- queryString,
- sectionsCount: sections.length,
- resultsCountByVertical
- };
- return exposedParams;
- }
- /**
- * Given an input, query for a list of similar results and set into storage
- *
- * @param {string} input the string to autocomplete
- * @param {string} namespace the namespace to use for the storage key
- */
- autoCompleteUniversal (input, namespace) {
- return this._coreLibrary
- .universalAutocomplete({
- input: input,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value
- })
- .then(response => AutoCompleteResponseTransformer.transformAutoCompleteResponse(response))
- .then(data => {
- this.storage.set(`${StorageKeys.AUTOCOMPLETE}.${namespace}`, data);
- return data;
- });
- }
- /**
- * Given an input, query for a list of similar results in the provided vertical
- * and set into storage
- *
- * @param {string} input the string to autocomplete
- * @param {string} namespace the namespace to use for the storage key
- * @param {string} verticalKey the vertical key for the experience
- */
- autoCompleteVertical (input, namespace, verticalKey) {
- return this._coreLibrary
- .verticalAutocomplete({
- input: input,
- verticalKey: verticalKey,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value
- })
- .then(response => AutoCompleteResponseTransformer.transformAutoCompleteResponse(response))
- .then(data => {
- this.storage.set(`${StorageKeys.AUTOCOMPLETE}.${namespace}`, data);
- return data;
- });
- }
- /**
- * Given an input, provide a list of suitable filters for autocompletion
- *
- * @param {string} input the string to search for filters with
- * @param {object} config the config to serach for filters with
- * @param {string} config.namespace the namespace to use for the storage key
- * @param {string} config.verticalKey the vertical key for the config
- * @param {object} config.searchParameters the search parameters for the config v2
- */
- autoCompleteFilter (input, config) {
- const searchParamFields = config.searchParameters.fields.map(field => ({
- fieldApiName: field.fieldId,
- entityType: field.entityTypeId,
- fetchEntities: field.shouldFetchEntities
- }));
- return this._coreLibrary
- .filterSearch({
- input: input,
- verticalKey: config.verticalKey,
- fields: searchParamFields,
- sectioned: config.searchParameters.sectioned,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value
- })
- .then(response => AutoCompleteResponseTransformer.transformFilterSearchResponse(response))
- .then(data => {
- this.storage.set(`${StorageKeys.AUTOCOMPLETE}.${config.namespace}`, data);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Submits a question to the server and updates the underlying question model
- * @param {object} question The question object to submit to the server
- * @param {number} question.entityId The entity to associate with the question (required)
- * @param {string} question.site The "publisher" of the (e.g. 'FIRST_PARTY')
- * @param {string} question.name The name of the author
- * @param {string} question.email The email address of the author
- * @param {string} question.questionText The question
- * @param {string} question.questionDescription Additional information about the question
- */
- submitQuestion (question) {
- return this._coreLibrary
- .submitQuestion({
- ...question,
- sessionTrackingEnabled: this.storage.get(StorageKeys.SESSIONS_OPT_IN).value
- })
- .then(() => {
- this.storage.set(
- QuestionSubmission.submitted());
- });
- }
- /**
- * Stores the given sortBy into storage, to be used for the next search
- * @param {Object} sortByOptions
- */
- setSortBys (...sortByOptions) {
- const sortBys = sortByOptions.map(option => {
- return {
- type: option.type,
- field: option.field,
- direction: option.direction
- };
- });
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.SORT_BYS, sortBys);
- }
- /**
- * Clears the sortBys key in storage.
- */
- clearSortBys () {
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.SORT_BYS);
- }
- /**
- * Stores the given query into storage, to be used for the next search
- * @param {string} query the query to store
- */
- setQuery (query) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.QUERY, query);
- }
- /**
- * Stores the provided query ID, to be used in analytics
- * @param {string} queryId The query id to store
- */
- setQueryId (queryId) {
- this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY_ID, queryId);
- }
- triggerSearch (queryTrigger, newQuery) {
- const query = newQuery !== undefined
- ? newQuery
- : this.storage.get(StorageKeys.QUERY) || '';
- queryTrigger
- ? this.storage.set(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER, queryTrigger)
- : this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.QUERY_TRIGGER);
- this.setQuery(query);
- }
- /**
- * Get all of the {@link FilterNode}s for static filters.
- * @returns {Array<FilterNode>}
- */
- getStaticFilterNodes () {
- return this.filterRegistry.getStaticFilterNodes();
- }
- /**
- * Get all of the active {@link FilterNode}s for facets.
- * @returns {Array<FilterNode>}
- */
- getFacetFilterNodes () {
- return this.filterRegistry.getFacetFilterNodes();
- }
- /**
- * Get the {@link FilterNode} affecting the locationRadius url parameter.
- * @returns {FilterNode}
- */
- getLocationRadiusFilterNode () {
- return this.filterRegistry.getFilterNodeByKey(StorageKeys.LOCATION_RADIUS_FILTER_NODE);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the filter nodes used for the current facet filters.
- *
- * Because the search response only sends back one
- * set of facet filters, there can only be one active facet filter node
- * at a time.
- * @param {Array<string>} availableFieldIds
- * @param {Array<FilterNode>} filterNodes
- */
- setFacetFilterNodes (availableFieldids = [], filterNodes = []) {
- this.filterRegistry.setFacetFilterNodes(availableFieldids, filterNodes);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the specified {@link FilterNode} under the given key.
- * Will replace a preexisting node if there is one.
- * @param {string} namespace
- * @param {FilterNode} filterNode
- */
- setStaticFilterNodes (namespace, filterNode) {
- this.filterRegistry.setStaticFilterNodes(namespace, filterNode);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the locationRadius filterNode.
- * @param {FilterNode} filterNode
- */
- setLocationRadiusFilterNode (filterNode) {
- this.filterRegistry.setLocationRadiusFilterNode(filterNode);
- }
- /**
- * Remove the static FilterNode with this namespace.
- * @param {string} namespace
- */
- clearStaticFilterNode (namespace) {
- this.filterRegistry.clearStaticFilterNode(namespace);
- }
- /**
- * Remove all facet FilterNodes.
- */
- clearFacetFilterNodes () {
- this.filterRegistry.clearFacetFilterNodes();
- }
- /**
- * Clears the locationRadius filterNode.
- */
- clearLocationRadiusFilterNode () {
- this.filterRegistry.clearLocationRadiusFilterNode();
- }
- /**
- * Gets the location object needed for answers-core
- *
- * @returns {LatLong|undefined} from answers-core
- */
- _getLocationPayload () {
- const geolocation = this.storage.get(StorageKeys.GEOLOCATION);
- return geolocation && {
- latitude: geolocation.lat,
- longitude: geolocation.lng
- };
- }
- /**
- * Returns the query trigger for the search API given the SDK query trigger
- * @param {QueryTriggers} queryTrigger SDK query trigger
- * @returns {QueryTriggers} query trigger if accepted by the search API, null o/w
- */
- getQueryTriggerForSearchApi (queryTrigger) {
- if (![QueryTriggers.INITIALIZE, QueryTriggers.SUGGEST].includes(queryTrigger)) {
- return null;
- }
- return queryTrigger;
- }
- /**
- * Depending on the QUERY_TRIGGER, either replaces the history state
- * for searches on load/back navigation (INITIALIZE, SUGGEST, QUERY_PARAMETER),
- * or pushes a new state.
- *
- * @param {QueryTriggers} queryTrigger SDK query trigger
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
- updateHistoryAfterSearch (queryTrigger) {
- const replaceStateTriggers = [
- QueryTriggers.INITIALIZE,
- QueryTriggers.SUGGEST,
- ];
- if (replaceStateTriggers.includes(queryTrigger)) {
- this.storage.replaceHistoryWithState();
- } else {
- this.storage.pushStateToHistory();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current `locationRadius` state
- * @returns {number|null}
- */
- _getLocationRadius () {
- const locationRadiusFilterNode = this.getLocationRadiusFilterNode();
- return locationRadiusFilterNode
- ? locationRadiusFilterNode.getFilter().value
- : null;
- }
- /**
- * Persists the current `facetFilters` state into the URL.
- */
- _persistFacets () {
- const persistedFacets = this.filterRegistry.createFacetsFromFilterNodes();
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.PERSISTED_FACETS, persistedFacets);
- }
- /**
- * Persists the current `filters` state into the URL.
- */
- _persistFilters () {
- const totalFilterNode = this.filterRegistry.getAllStaticFilterNodesCombined();
- const persistedFilter = totalFilterNode.getFilter();
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.PERSISTED_FILTER, persistedFilter);
- }
- /**
- * Persists the current `locationRadius` state into the URL.
- */
- _persistLocationRadius () {
- const locationRadius = this._getLocationRadius();
- if (locationRadius || locationRadius === 0) {
- this.storage.setWithPersist(StorageKeys.PERSISTED_LOCATION_RADIUS, locationRadius);
- } else {
- this.storage.delete(StorageKeys.PERSISTED_LOCATION_RADIUS);
- }
- }
- enableDynamicFilters () {
- this._isDynamicFiltersEnabled = true;
- }
- on (evt, storageKey, cb) {
- this.storage.registerListener({
- eventType: evt,
- storageKey: storageKey,
- callback: cb
- });
- return this.storage;
- }
- /**
- * This is needed to support very old usages of the SDK that have not been updated
- * to use StorageKeys.VERTICAL_PAGES_CONFIG
- */
- _getUrls (query) {
- let nav = this._componentManager.getActiveComponent('Navigation');
- if (!nav) {
- return undefined;
- }
- let tabs = nav.getState('tabs');
- let urls = {};
- if (tabs && Array.isArray(tabs)) {
- for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
- let params = new SearchParams(tabs[i].url.split('?')[1]);
- params.set('query', query);
- let url = tabs[i].baseUrl;
- if (params.toString().length > 0) {
- url += '?' + params.toString();
- }
- urls[tabs[i].configId] = url;
- }
- }
- return urls;
- }