Used in a component's render function to pull in the selected entity field's value from the document or use the constant value.
Name | Type |
document | Record<string, any> |
entityField | YextEntityField |
The ThemeConfig object defines the styles available for editing in Theme Manager. It is used by themeResolver, applyTheme, and Editor.
Each style must specify a label, type, default value, and plugin. The label will be displayed in the Theme Manager UI. The type can be "color", "number" or "select". If type "select", an array of options must be provided too. The plugin field must contain one of Tailwind's Theme Extension Keys, which will determine which Tailwind utilities use the style. Styles that share a plugin can be nested one level deep together under a shared label.
export const themeConfig: ThemeConfig = {
sectionA: {
label: "Section A",
styles: {
style1: {
label: "Style 1",
type: "number",
default: 0,
plugin: "fontSize",
style2: {
label: "Style 2",
plugin: "colors",
styles: {
substyleA: {
label: "Sub-Style A"
type: "color"
default: "#000000"
substyleB: {
label: "Sub-Style B"
type: "color"
default: "#FFFFFF"
sectionB: {
label: "Section B"
styles: {
style3: {
label: "Style 3",
type: "select",
default: "normal",
options: [
{value: "normal", label: "Normal"}
{value: "bold", label: "Bold"}
plugin: "fontWeight",
The Theme Manger UI will display the theme configuration fields in the order and structure specified in the themeConfig.
Theme Manger uses Tailwind to create classes of the following form: [tailwindUtility]-[sectionName]-[styleName]-[subStyleName?]
where tailwindUtility
is the Tailwind Utility class prefix used by the style's core plugin. These classes should be used in components to apply the Theme Manager styles.
For example, in the themeConfig above, the following classes would be available:
- ... other color utilities such as
Underlying these classes are a set of CSS variables that follow the form --[pluginName]-[sectionName]-[styleName]-[subStyleName?]
The themeConfig above creates the following CSS variables:
It is not necessary to directly use these CSS variables. However, they can be used to link styles together.
export const themeConfig: ThemeConfig = {
palette: {
label: "Color Palette",
styles: {
primary: {
label: "Primary",
type: "color",
default: "black",
plugin: "colors",
secondary: {
label: "Secondary",
type: "color",
default: "white",
plugin: "colors",
headings: {
label: "Headings"
styles: {
textColor: {
label: "Text Color",
type: "select",
default: "var(--colors-palette-primary)",
options: [
{value: "var(--colors-palette-primary)", label: "Primary"}
{value: "var(--colors-palette-secondary)", label: "Secondary"}
plugin: "colors",
This example creates the following classes:
- ... other color utilities like bg-palette-primary
- can switch between the primary or secondary color
Used in tailwind.config.ts to combine hard-coded styles with editable Theme Manager styles.
Name | Type | Description |
developerTheming | Record<string, any> | Tailwind theme extensions not editable in Theme Manager |
marketerTheming | ThemeConfig | The styles to be available in Theme Manager |
// tailwind.config.ts
import type { Config } from "tailwindcss";
import { themeConfig } from "./theme.config";
import { themeResolver } from "@yext/visual-editor";
export default {
content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,jsx,ts,tsx}"],
theme: {
extend: themeResolver(
{}, // developer styles
themeConfig // Theme Manager styles
plugins: [],
} satisfies Config;
Used as part of the Head Config Interface to apply the styles set in Theme Manager to a template.
Name | Type | Description |
document | Record<string, any> | The Yext entity document |
themeConfig | ThemeConfig | The styles available in Theme Manager |
base? | string | Additional data to be injected into the head |
// exampleTemplate.tsx
export const getHeadConfig: GetHeadConfig<TemplateRenderProps> = ({
}): HeadConfig => {
return {
// -- additional HeadConfig options --
other: applyTheme(document, themeConfig),
An object that map font names to FontSpecifications.
Name | Type | Description |
italics | boolean | Whether the font supports italics |
minWeight | number | The minimum weight supported by the font |
maxWeight | number | The maximum weight support by the font |
fallback | string | The fallback font |
A FontRegistry of default fonts for use in Visual Editor.
Transforms a FontRegistry into a list of StyleSelectOptions.
const fonts: FontRegistry = {
Georgia: {
allowItalics: true,
minWeight: 400,
maxWeight: 900,
fallback: "serif",
}, // other developer-defined fonts
const fontOptions = constructFontSelectOptions(fonts);
export const themeConfig: ThemeConfig = {
heading1: {
label: "Heading",
styles: {
fontFamily: {
label: "Font",
type: "select",
plugin: "fontFamily",
options: fontOptions,
default: "'Georgia', serif",
Returns the options for font weight for use in theme.config. Can filter based on the currently selected font.
Name | Type | Description |
fontCssVariable | string? | The CSS variable of a font. Determines which weights are available. If not provided, all weights will be returned. |
weightOptions | StyleSelectOption | The available font options. Defaults to weights 100-900 in increments of 100. |
fontList | FontRegistry | Provides the available weights for each font. If not provided, uses defaultFonts. |
export const themeConfig: ThemeConfig = {
heading1: {
label: "Heading",
styles: {
fontWeight: {
label: "Font Weight",
type: "select",
plugin: "fontWeight",
options: () =>
cssVariable: "--fontFamily-heading1-fontFamily",
default: "700",
Returns the options for font weight for use in components. Can filter based on the currently selected font.
Name | Type | Description |
fontCssVariable | string? | The CSS variable of a font. Determines which weights are available. If not provided, all weights will be returned. |
weightOptions | StyleSelectOption | The available font options. Defaults to weights 100-900 in increments of 100. |
fontList | FontRegistry | Provides the available weights for each font. If not provided, uses defaultFonts. |
export const MyComponent: ComponentConfig<MyComponentProps> = {
label: "Component",
fields: myComponentFields,
resolveFields: async () => {
const fontWeightOptions = await getFontWeightOverrideOptions({
fontCssVariable: "--fontFamily-body-fontFamily",
return {
fontWeight: {
label: "Font Weight",
type: "select",
options: fontWeightOptions,
render: (props) => <Component {...props} />,
Use this component in your edit.tsx
file. Required for components using the useEntityFields or usePlatformBridgeEntityFields hook, and to allow styling options to update based on your Tailwind config.
import {
} from "@yext/visual-editor";
const Edit: () => JSX.Element = () => {
const entityDocument = usePlatformBridgeDocument();
const entityFields = usePlatformBridgeEntityFields();
return (
A configured instance of tailwind-merge. Accepts a string and returns merged classes, with the right-most classes taking precedence. Use this in custom components to merge tailwind classes while respecting classes created by the default theme.config. If you customize your theme.config, you will probably need to use your own tailwind-merge extension.
import { themeManagerCn } from "@yext/visual-editor";
import { cva } from "class-variance-authority";
const componentVariants = cva("components font-body-fontWeight", {
variants: {
fontWeight: {
default: "",
bold: "bold",
const MyComponent = ({ fontWeight, className }) => {
return (
My test
In this example, class names will be merged in the following order of precedence:
base string < selected cva
variant(s) (in the order they appear in componentVariants
's definition) < the string literal ("font-sm"
) < MyComponent
's className