An opinionated cloud infrastructure ecosystem based on CNCF projects, focusing on API connectivity
Core Cloud infrastructure:
- Terraform provisioning (K8S nodes, DB servers)
- K8S container orchestration
- fluentd output into EFK logstack
- prometheus monitoring with grafana panel
- jaeger tracing with panel
- envoy infrastructure proxies
- Openstack Swift Object/blob storage
- Hashicorp vault secret storage
DevOps infrastructure
- grpc + jaeger + prometheus + IAM framework for NodeJS, Golang
- for modern CI/CD build chain
- sonarqube integration
- github integration
- private docker registry / Docker Hub / Amazon ECS
Functionality infrastructure
- WSO2 IAM SSO and SNS integration
- Kong API gateway protection
- Rook/Ceph for hybrid cloud storage
Target application residents
- Python based data processors
- NodeJS based web servers (Express/Loopback/Koa)
- C/C++ real-time applications
- Golang based applications
Target architectural residents
- AMQP compatible
- Redis
- Kafka
- Mulesoft
- Hadoop
- Spark
Target Databases
- MySQL/PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- CouchDB
- ArangoDB
Collaboration features
- trello integration
- JIRA integration
- slack integration